Marketing |
MKT 2200 - Consumer Behavior (3CR) (3L) This course is an analysis of the psychological and sociological aspects of consumer decision-making and behavior including learning, consumer perception, influence of individual predispositions or buying processes, and group influences.
Prerequisites: MKT 2100 , or permission of the instructor. |
MKT 2480 - Cooperative Work Experience (Marketing) (1-3CR) (Max. 9) Students are afforded the opportunity to gain practical on-the-job experience in their specialties. Students will be supervised by the program coordinator and the employer. A minimum of 80 hours of on-the job training represents one semester hour. The student must maintain 12 credit hours with a 2.0 GPA during the semester.
Prerequisites: full-time retail merchandising major and permission of the program coordinator. |
Mathematics |
MATH 0900 - Pre-Algebra Arithmetic (4CR) (4L) The study of rational numbers, the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of same without a calculator; also includes the study of basic order of operations, unit conversion and percent problems, and linear equations.
Prerequisites: ACT Math score of 0-18, or an appropriate placement score within the last year. A ‘C’ or better in this class allows the student to take MATH 0920 , MATH 0934 or MATH 1000 within the next academic year. |
MATH 0920 - Elementary Algebra (4CR) (4L) The study of integer exponents and their properties; linear equations and inequalities: to solve and to graph; also includes the study of function notation and system of equations; and the study of the four basic operations of polynomials and factoring of polynomials.
Prerequisites: ACT Math score of 19-20, or an appropriate placement score within the past year, or a “C” or better in MATH 0900 . A ’C’ or better in the class allows the student to take MATH 0930 or MATH 1000 within the next academic year. |
MATH 0925 - Math Study Skills (1CR) (1L) Research-based procedures and skills to improve student’s math learning and grades and reduce test anxiety. S/U grading only.
MATH 0930 - Intermediate Algebra (4CR) (4L) The study of rational expression; the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of same; also includes the study of solutions and properties of rational, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic equations; in addition, students will study applications of same.
Prerequisites: ACT Math score of 21-22, or an appropriate placement score within the past year, or a C or better in MATH 0920 . A ‘C’ or better in this class allows the student to take MATH 1100 , MATH 1400 or MATH 1450 within the next academic year. |
MATH 0934 - Elementary and Intermediate Algebra (5CR) (5L) The study of integer exponents and their properties; linear equations and inequalities: to solve and to graph; also includes the study of function notation and system of equations; and the study of the four basic operations of polynomials and factoring of polynomials; also includes the study of rational expressions; the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division of same; also includes the study of solutions and properties of rational , quadratic, exponential and logarithmic equations; in addition, students will study applications of same. This class is an accelerated course that combines MATH 0920 and MATH 0930 content in one semester and is designed for the student who needs a review of these topics.
Prerequisites: ACT Math score of 19-20, an appropriate placement score within the past year, or a “C” or better in MATH 0900 . A ‘C’ or better in this class allows the student to take MATH 1100 , MATH 1400 , or MATH 1450 within the next academic year. |
MATH 1000 - Problem Solving (3CR) (3L) [E] Focuses on the strategies of problem solving. Topics in the course are taken from financial mathematics, set theory, logic, probability, statistics and discrete mathematics and “just in time” algebra topics, such as exponents that are necessary to students in their success in this class and in their major.
Prerequisites: A “C” or better in MATH 0900 ; or an ACT Math score of 19 or better; or an appropriate placement score within the past year. |
MATH 1100 - Number and Operations for Elementary School Teachers (3CR) (3L) [E] This course is for prospective elementary school teachers. Its purpose is to prepare students to be competent in teaching the major concepts of the real number system with the four arithmetic operations. The course includes a study of problem solving, patterns, the origin of numeration systems, sets, number theory, the properties of whole, integer, rational and real numbers, and algorithms for addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
Prerequisites: A “C” or better in MATH 0930 or MATH 0934 or an ACT Math score of 23 or better; or an appropriate placement score within the past year. Concurrently: Must be taken concurrently with EDEL 1410 .
MATH 1105 - Data, Probability and Algebra for Elementary School Teachers (3CR) (3L) [E] This course is a continuation of MATH 1100 and is for prospective elementary school teachers. Its primary emphasis is asking and answering questions intelligently about our world through the use of algebra, probability, and data analysis in order to prepare students to be competent in teaching these major concepts. Explorations focus on representing, analyzing, generalizing, formalizing, and communicating patterns and the chances of future events.
Prerequisites: A “C” or better in MATH 1100 . |
MATH 1400 - College Algebra (4CR) (4L) [E] Elementary functions and graphing for mathematics, science, business, and engineering majors preparing for the regular calculus sequence. Includes exponential and logarithmic functions.
Prerequisites: A “C” or better in MATH 0930 or MATH 0934 ; or an ACT Math score of 23 or better; or an appropriate placement score within the past year. |
MATH 1405 - Trigonometry (3CR) (3L) [E] The study of the Unit Circle and right triangle approaches, including identities, trigonometric equations, applications of trigonometric functions, and conics. Designed for mathematics, science and engineering majors preparing for the regular calculus sequence.
Prerequisites: A “C” or better in MATH 1400 ; or an ACT score of 26 or better; or an appropriate placement score within the past year. Deletes two hours credit from MATH 1450 . |
MATH 1450 - Algebra and Trigonometry (5CR) (5L) [E] Elementary algebraic and trigonometric functions and graphing for mathematics, science, and engineering majors preparing for the regular calculus sequence. Includes the material in both MATH 1400 and MATH 1405, as described above.
Prerequisites: ACT Math score of 24-25; or an appropriate placement score within the past year; or a “C” or better in MATH 0930 or MATH 0934 . Deletes credit for MATH 1400 , and two hours of MATH 1405 . |
MATH 2120 - Geometry and Measurement for Elementary School Teachers (3CR) (3L) [E] This course is a continuation of MATH 1105 and is for prospective elementary school teachers. Its primary emphasis is on the development of spatial reasoning. Explorations focus on the investigations of two- and three-dimensional shapes, including their properties, measurements, constructions, and transformations with the intent of preparing students to be competent in teaching these major concepts.
Prerequisites: A “C” or better in MATH 1105 . Concurrent enrollment in EDEL 2410 . |
MATH 2200 - Calculus I (4CR) (5L) [E] Introduction to the calculus of single variables. Covers derivatives of polynomial, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions. Includes limits, applications of derivatives and related theorems.
Prerequisites: A “C” or better in MATH 1405 or MATH 1450 ; or an ACT Math score of 27 or better; or an appropriate placement score within the past year. |
MATH 2205 - Calculus II (4CR) (5L) [E] Completion of the calculus of single variables. Cover integrals of polynomial, trigonometric, exponential and logarithmic functions. Theory includes applications of integration, methods of integration, elementary differential equations, and infinite sequences and series.
Prerequisites: A “C” or better in MATH 2200 . |
MATH 2210 - Calculus III (4CR) (5L) [E] Multivariable calculus, including limits and continuity of functions of several variables, partial differentiation, multiple integration, and introduction to vector calculus.
Prerequisites: A “C” or better in MATH 2205 . |
MATH 2250 - Elementary Linear Algebra (3CR) (3L) [E] The study of matrices, systems of equations, vector spaces, linear transformations, eigenvectors and applications of linear algebra.
Prerequisites: A “C” or better in MATH 2355 or MATH 2200 . |
MATH 2300 - Discrete Structures (3CR) (3L) Dual listing. See COSC 2300 for course description.
MATH 2310 - Applied Differential Equations I (3CR) (3L) [E] Solution of first order differential equations, differential operators, LaPlace transforms, systems, power series solutions, and applications.
Prerequisites: A “C” or better in MATH 2210 . |
MATH 2350 - Business Calculus I (4CR) (4L) [E] The study of single variable calculus emphasizing applications in business, social and behavioral, or life sciences.
Prerequisites: A “C” or better in MATH 1400 ; or an ACT Math score of 26 or better; or an appropriate placement score within the past year. |
MATH 2355 - Business Calculus II (4CR) (4L) [E] This course is a continuation of MATH 2350. It is a study of integral calculus, emphasizing business, behavioral and social sciences. Topics include finance, matrix theory, probability, statistics and linear programming.
Prerequisites: A “C” or better in MATH 2350 . |
MATH 2800 - Math Majors Seminar (2CR) (2L) Introduces mathematics majors to mathematical investigation, proof, and problem-solving techniques. Students will reinforce skills from previous mathematics courses and will be introduced to concepts from more advanced courses. Emphasis is placed on oral and written communication skills in mathematics.
Prerequisites: Completion of MATH 2250 with a C or better. |
Medical Laboratory Technician |
MLTK 1500 - Clinical Hematology and Hemostasis (3CR) (2L, 4LB) An introductory course in the theoretical principles and procedures of hematology and hemostasis combined with relevant application to clinical laboratory medicine. This course provides background knowledge and opportunities to develop technical competencies for laboratory testing of blood, blood products, coagulation, and anticoagulant therapy. Emphasis is on the formed elements of the blood and components of the coagulation cascade and their correlation with pathophysiology.
Prerequisites: BIOL 1000 or BIOL 1010 , or MOLB 2210 or MOLB 2240 or instructor permission. |
MLTK 1600 - Clinical Immunohematology (3CR) (2L, 4LB) Introductory course on the theoretical principles and procedures in immunohematology and serology (immunology) and their application in the medical laboratory. Emphasis is on blood banking procedures and potential problems that may be encountered in blood bank testing relative to antibody identification, compatibility testing, transfusion reactions and maternal/neonatal screening for hemolytic disease of the newborn. Course provides students with lectures and laboratory experience on immunohematology techniques.
Prerequisites: BIOL 1000 or BIOL 1010 , or MOLB 2210 , or MOLB 2240 or instructor permission. |
MLTK 1700 - Microscopy: Urinalysis and Body Fluids (2CR) (1L, 4LB) A variety of microscopic techniques are demonstrated and the advantages of each discussed. Theory and laboratory practice of routine and specialized procedures in analysis of urine and selected body fluids is presented. Clinical correlation between test results and disease states is emphasized.
Prerequisites: BIOL 1000 or BIOL 1010 , or MOLB 2210 , or MOLB 2240 , or instructor permission. |
MLTK 1800 - Principles of Phlebotomy (3CR) (2L, 4LB) This didactic and laboratory course will introduce the student to the profession and practice of phlebotomy. Course activities and projects provide the student with knowledge and skills necessary to perform a variety of blood collection methods using proper techniques and precautions including: vacuum collection devices, syringes, capillary skin puncture, butterfly needles and blood culture specimen collection on adults, children and infants. Emphasis will be placed on infection prevention, universal precautions, proper patient identification, specimen acquisition, handling, processing, labeling, and quality assurance. Professional conduct, certification and federal regulatory issues will be covered as well.
MLTK 1970 - Clinical Practicum: Phlebotomy (2CR) (120 Clinical Hours) This clinical laboratory practicum will introduce the student to the profession and practice of phlebotomy. Students will observe and practice phlebotomy skills and job tasks. Emphasis is placed on the application of phlebotomy knowledge and skills necessary to perform a variety of blood collection methods using proper techniques and precautions including: vacuum collection devices, syringes, capillary skin puncture, butterfly needles and blood culture specimen collection on adults, children and infants. Infection prevention, universal precautions, proper patient identification, specimen acquisition, handling, processing, labeling, and quality assurance are essential tasks associated with the profession. Patient confidentiality must be maintained at all times and professional conduct is expected and assessed as part of the student grade.
Prerequisites: MLTK 1800 or concurrent enrollment or instructor permission. |
MLTK 2500 - Clinical Chemistry (3CR) (2L, 4LB) This course provides fundamental theory and principles of clinical chemistry, advanced instrumentation, and techniques used in clinical laboratories, pharmaceutical research and design, and biotechnology. Primary focus will be on student performance of diagnostic testing and its clinical correlation to disease states, preventive medicine and healthcare. Advanced topics in quality assurance, therapeutic drug monitoring and endocrinology will be discussed.
Prerequisites: CHEM 1000 and CHEM 1006 , or CHEM 1025 and CHEM 1028 , MATH 1000 or MATH 1400 , and MLTK 1800 or permission of instructor. |
MLTK 2600 - Clinical Microbiology I (2CR) (1L, 4LB) Concentrated laboratory instruction in clinical microbiology including methods for recovery, identification of pathogens, culture techniques, procedures, antibiotic testing and interpretation of clinical data. Emphasis is on clinical specimens, testing algorithms and data correlation including diagnostics, public health, and quality control. This course provides the essential overview of information and technical competencies needed for the clinical experience for medical laboratory technician majors.
Prerequisites: MOLB 2210 or MOLB 2240 or instructor permission. |
MLTK 2650 - Clinical Microbiology II (2CR) (1L, 4LB) Concentrated laboratory instruction in clinical microbiology focusing on fastidious microorganisms, mycobacterium, parasites, viruses and pathogenic fungi. Laboratory skill will include the identification of pathogens, culture techniques, procedures, and interpretation of clinical data. This course provides an essential overview of information and technical competencies needed for the clinical experience for medical laboratory technician majors.
Prerequisites: MLTK 2600 or Instructor Permission. |
MLTK 2700 - Immunology (4CR) (3L, 3LB) Advanced biology course of immune systems: cellular and molecular mechanisms; host resistance to infectious agents; as well as hypersensitivities, autoimmunity, tumor and tissue rejection. Includes laboratory for molecular and immunological techniques.
Prerequisites: MLTK 2650 or concurrent enrollment or permission of the instructor. |
MLTK 2971 - Clinical Practicum: Hematology (2CR) (160 clinical hours) This is an advanced course and clinical laboratory experience in the principles and procedures of hematology. It is an online supported, off-campus clinical laboratory experience taught by clinical faculty. Emphasis is on the application of knowledge and technical skills to clinical testing, methodology, instrumentation, quality control, correlation of laboratory data with pathophysiology, OSHA practices and medical laboratory technician professionalism are included.
Prerequisites: MLTK 1500 , MLTK 1600 , MLTK 1700 , MLTK 2500 , MLTK 2600 , MLTK 2650 and MLTK 2700 . Access to computer technology and internet services. |
MLTK 2972 - Clinical Practicum: Chemistry (2CR) (160 clinical hours) This is an advanced course and clinical laboratory experience in the principles and procedures of chemistry. It is an online supported, off-campus clinical laboratory experience taught by clinical faculty. Emphasis is on the application of knowledge and technical skills to clinical testing, methodology, instrumentation, quality control, correlation of laboratory data with pathophysiology, OSHA practices and medical laboratory technician professionalism are included.
Prerequisites: MLTK 1500 , MLTK 1600 , MLTK 1700 , MLTK 2500 , MLTK 2600 , MLTK 2650 and MLTK 2700 . Access to computer technology and internet services. |
MLTK 2973 - Clinical Practicum: Immunohematology (2CR) (160 clinical hours) This is an advanced course and clinical laboratory experience in the principles and procedures of Immunohematology. It is an online supported, off-campus clinical laboratory experience taught by clinical faculty. Emphasis is on the application of knowledge and technical skills to clinical testing, methodology, instrumentation, quality control, correlation of laboratory data with pathophysiology, OSHA practices and medical laboratory technician professionalism are included.
Prerequisites: MLTK 1500 , MLTK 1600 , MLTK 1700 , MLTK 2500 , MLTK 2600 , MLTK 2650 and MLTK 2700 . Access to computer technology and internet services. |
MLTK 2974 - Clinical Practicum: Microbiology (2CR) (160 clinical hours) This is an advanced course and clinical laboratory experience in the principles and procedures of microbiology. It is an online supported, off-campus clinical laboratory experience taught by clinical faculty. Emphasis is on the application of knowledge and technical skills to clinical testing, methodology, instrumentation, quality control, correlation of laboratory data with pathophysiology, OSHA practices and medical laboratory technician professionalism are included.
Prerequisites: MLTK 1500 , MLTK 1600 , MLTK 1700 , MLTK 2500 , MLTK 2600 , MLTK 2650 and MLTK 2700 . Access to computer technology and internet services. |
MLTK 2976 - Clinical Practicum: Serology (1CR) (80 clinical hours) This is an advanced course and clinical laboratory experience in the principles and procedures of serology. It is an online supported, off-campus clinical laboratory experience taught by clinical faculty. Emphasis is on the application of knowledge and technical skills to clinical testing, methodology, instrumentation, quality control, correlation of laboratory data with pathophysiology, OSHA practices and medical laboratory technician professionalism are included.
Prerequisites: MLTK 1500 , MLTK 1600 , MLTK 1700 , MLTK 2500 , MLTK 2600 , MLTK 2650 and MLTK 2700 . Access to computer technology and internet services. |
MLTK 2977 - Clinical Practicum: Urinalysis and Body Fluids (1CR) (80 clinical hours) This is an advanced course and clinical laboratory experience in the principles and procedures of urinalysis and body fluid analysis. It is an online supported, off-campus clinical laboratory experience taught by clinical faculty. Emphasis is on the application of knowledge and technical skills to clinical testing, methodology, instrumentation, quality control, correlation of laboratory data with pathophysiology, OSHA practices and medical laboratory technician professionalism are included.
Prerequisites: MLTK 1500 , MLTK 1600 , MLTK 1700 , MLTK 2500 , MLTK 2600 , MLTK 2650 and MLTK 2700 . Access to computer technology and internet services. |
MLTK 2978 - Clinical Practicum: Medical Laboratory Technician Professionalism (1CR) (1L) This is an advanced course and clinical laboratory experience in the principles, procedures, and practice of the medical laboratory technician professional. It is an on-line supported, off-campus clinical laboratory experience taught by clinical faculty. Emphasis is on the career
planning, continued professionalism, patient and interdisciplinary interaction, cultural diversity, phlebotomy technical skills, and clinical laboratory testing workflow. This course will be offered in the spring and fall terms to coincide with the MLTK clinical rotation.
Prerequisites: Prerequisites: MLTK 1500, MLTK 1600, MLTK 1700, MLTK 2500, MLTK 2600, MLTK 2650 and MLTK 2700. Access to computer technology and internet services.
Molecular Biology |
MOLB 2210 - General Microbiology (4CR) (3L, 3LB) [E] The characteristics of microorganisms will be studied in lecture and laboratory. Lecture will focus on microbiology physiology and classification. Laboratory exercises will emphasize techniques used to culture, isolate and diagnose various types of microorganisms.
MOLB 2220 - Pathogenic Microbiology (4CR) (3L, 4LB) [E] A study of disease-producing microorganisms and the laboratory techniques used in the study of these organisms. (Spring semester.)
Prerequisites: MOLB 2210 . |
MOLB 2240 - Medical Microbiology (4CR) (3L, 3LB) A study of microorganisms, focusing microbial diversity, microbial physiology, identification, medical significance, basics of immune systems, epidemiology and the laboratory techniques used to study these microorganisms.
Prerequisites: A passing grade in BIOL 1000 or BIOL 1010 or the permission of the instructor. An understanding of general biological and chemical concepts is needed. |
Music |
MUSC 0200 - Convocation (0CR) Convocation is a music forum for student performances and guest presentations. To broaden the students’ understanding of a wide range of repertoire, and to gain essential experience as a performer, ten additional approved music events are required. Successful completion of four semesters of Convocation is required for all students pursuing a music degree.
Prerequisites: music majors only. |
MUSC 1000 - Introduction to Music (3CR) (3L) [E] A one-semester course in music appreciation designed for students with little or no music background. Covers many genres of music to aid students in developing listening skills.
MUSC 1003 - Introduction to Life as a Music Major (3CR) (3L) A course designed to prepare students for study in the entire music core curriculum through study of informational literacy, research methods, study skills, music technology, and the early history of the Western Music tradition. Fall semesters
MUSC 1010 - Music Fundamentals (2CR) (2L) A general background course in the vocabulary and terminology of music, the structure of the melodic line through scales and solfeggio, the relationship of keys through the key circle, fundamental chord structure, rhythm, and the survey of smaller forms in music.
MUSC 1024 - The Art of Mixing (2CR) (1L, 2LB) Become familiar with the steps and techniques necessary to create an audio mix that is pleasing to listeners. Learn the different steps required in the mixing process including techniques for balancing and blending music by utilizing faders, equalizers, compressors, and digital audio workstation (DAW) controls.
Prerequisites: Freshman standing preferred. Community and BOCES students welcome. |
MUSC 1025 - Introduction to Music Education (2CR) (2L) This course is designed to help music majors explore music education. It is a required course for admission into the teacher education program. Course materials will explore: motivation for teaching; the structure of the American public school and public school music programs; the changing nature of education; and an introduction to the historical and philosophical foundations of music education. A field experience is required.
Prerequisites: music majors only, or permission of the instructor. |
MUSC 1030 - Written Theory I (3CR) (3L) [E] This course will cover: the fundamentals of music including pitch and clefs, meter and rhythm, scales and modes, intervals, triads, and seventh chords; melodic structure, including motives, cadences, and embellishments; two- and three-part counterpoint; and an introduction to harmony and figured bass. This course is designed to be taken with MUSC 1035; MUSC 1010 may also be required as a co-requisite course depending on the results of the placement exam. Required for all music majors.
MUSC 1031 - Music Theory I for Musical Theatre (3CR) (3L) This course focuses on practical music theory concepts specifically designed for Musical Theatre majors. The principal goal is to build fundamental music structure understanding, music reading, and rhythmic reading. Every fall.
MUSC 1035 - Aural Theory I (1CR) (2LB) [E] Instruction in how to hear (dictate) and read (sight-sing) music fluently. Includes simple and compound meters; basic rhythms (beats and first division of the beat); and diatonic melodies in major and minor featuring stepwise motion and skips within the tonic and dominant triads. This course is designed to be taken with MUSC 1030; MUSC 1010 may also be required as a co-requisite course depending on the results of the placement exam. Required for all music majors.
MUSC 1040 - Written Theory II (3CR) (3L) [E] A continuation of MUSC 1030. Covers diatonic harmony; structural schemas from the common practice era; two-, three-, and four-part writing; periods and binary forms; and variation techniques. This course is designed to be taken with MUSC 1045. Required for all music majors.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1030 . |
MUSC 1041 - Music Theory II for Musical Theatre (3CR) (3L) This course continues to focus on practical music theory concepts specifically designed for Musical Theatre majors. The principal goal is to continue to build fundamental music structure understanding, music reading, and rhythmic reading. Every spring
Prerequisites: MUSC 1031 Cross-listed: . |
MUSC 1045 - Aural Theory II (1CR) (2LB) [E] A continuation of MUSC 1035. Instruction in how to hear (dictate) and read (sight-sing) music fluently. Includes continued instruction in rhythms (second division of the beat and syncopation); diatonic and pentatonic melodies in major, minor, and modes featuring stepwise motion and skips within diatonic triads and seventh chords; and diatonic harmonies. This course is designed to be taken with MUSC 1040. Required for all music majors.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1035 . |
MUSC 1046 - Musical Theatre Voice (1CR) (Max. 4) This course requires a one-half hour private lesson per week. This studio music course will provide instruction in both classical and musical theatre voice for musical theatre majors. A fee will be assessed.
MUSC 1070 - Music Composition (1-2CR) (1-2CR) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in music composition for majors and non-majors. Majors have a juried piece performed on a convocation, recital, or concert. Course content changes each semester. Fall and spring semesters
Prerequisites: MUSC 1030 or instructor’s permission |
MUSC 1080 - Baritone Horn I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1090 - Bassoon I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1100 - Cello I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1110 - Clarinet I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1120 - Double Bass I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1130 - Flute I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1140 - French Horn I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1150 - Guitar I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1160 - Harp I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1170 - Oboe I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1180 - Organ I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1190 - Percussion I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1200 - Piano I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1210 - Saxophone I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1220 - Trombone I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1230 - Trumpet I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1240 - Tuba I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1250 - Violin I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1260 - Viola I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1270 - Voice I (1-2CR) (Max. 8) 30- or 60-minute weekly private instruction in the specific instrument for majors and non-majors. Majors attend scheduled studio classes and perform a final jury. A course fee is assessed. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1272 - Class Voice (1CR) (2LB) Class instruction in the fundamentals of correct breathing, tone production and diction. Laboratory course designed for students with little or no previous voice training to aid in developing a pleasing tone quality produced with ease and proper enunciation.
MUSC 1300 - Class Piano I (1CR) (2LB) Group instruction for music majors concurrently enrolled in MUSC 1030. Designed to equip students with the practical aspects of keyboard fundamentals including technique, rhythm, note reading, scales, intervals, and primary chords. Non-music majors must have permission of the instructor.
MUSC 1301 - Class Piano II (1CR) (2LB) A continuation of MUSC 1300 for the music majors concurrently enrolled in MUSC 1040 . Designed to equip students with late-elementary keyboard activities including improvisation, harmonization, sight reading, primary and secondary chords, major and minor scales, solo and ensemble literature. Non-music majors must have permission of the instructor.
Prerequisites: MUSC 1300 , or permission of the instructor. |
MUSC 1330 - Public School Methods: String I (1CR) (2LB) This course is designed to provide music education majors the opportunities for growth both as a teacher and as a player of bowed string instruments. Ample experiences will be provided for students to learn to play both cello and violin. Fall Semester
Prerequisites: Co-Requisites: MUSC 1030 and MUSC 1035 |
MUSC 1335 - Public School Methods: String II (1CR) (2LB) This course is designed to provide music education majors the opportunities for growth both as a teacher and as a player of bowed string instruments. Ample experiences will be provided for students to learn to play both bass and viola. Students will also review concepts presented in MUSC 1330. Spring Semester only
Prerequisites: Prerequistes: MUSC 1030, 1035, and 1330
MUSC 1350 - Public School Methods: Woodwind I (1CR) 2LB Introduction to teaching and playing woodwind instruments, geared toward music education majors. Semester 1 will focus on Flute, Clarient, and Saxophone. Two 50 minute sessions per week.
Prerequisites: Sophomore Status. Must have received a C or higher in MUSC 1030 and MUSC 1040. |
MUSC 1355 - Public School Methods: Woodwind II (1CR) (2LB) Introduction to teaching and playing woodwind instruments, geared toward music education majors. This semester will focus on double reeds (oboe and bassoon). Two 50 minute sessions per week.
Prerequisites: Sophomore Status. Must have received a C or higher in MUSC 1030 and MUSC 1040. |
MUSC 1378 - College Band (1CR) (3LB) (Max. 4) Open to all students with experience on brass, woodwind, and percussion instruments. Ensemble prepares standard wind band repertoire for one concert performance per semester. Course content changes each semester.
Prerequisites: permission of the instructor. |
MUSC 1380 - Wind Ensemble (1CR) (3LB) The goal of this music performance course is to provide the opportunity for you as a woodwind, brass, or percussion performer to come together with other like-minded (and like-spirited) musicians in an ensemble setting to rehearse and perform standard and emerging literature from the wind ensemble repertoire.
In this course we will focus on overall concepts of self and ensemble expression, engagement, participation, and performance. We will also address musical concepts of ensemble and individual balance, blend, intonation, phrasing, dynamics, articulation, tone, rhythmic precision, color, and ensemble clarity. We are going to LISTEN – to ourselves, to each other, and to the music. Course content changes each semester. Fall and Spring Semesters
Prerequisites: Audition. Instructor Permission. |
MUSC 1388 - Jazz Combo (1CR) (2LB) (Max. 4) Small-group performance in various jazz styles. Emphasis on ensemble play and individual improvisation. Student arrangements encouraged. Course content changes each semester.
Prerequisites: MUSC 2060 , concurrent enrollment in MUSC 2060 , or permission of the instructor. |
MUSC 1390 - Jazz Ensemble I (1CR) (3LB) (Max. 4) [E] This laboratory group is open to all students with previous instrumental music experience. The jazz ensemble performs at assemblies, concerts, shows, and on tour. Course content changes each semester.
Prerequisites: permission of the instructor. |
MUSC 1400 - Collegiate Chorale (1CR) (3LB) (Max. 4) [E] A large non-auditioned mixed choir open to all students regardless of their field of study. Emphasis is on a wide variety of choral literature, including music of diverse cultures. The choir rehearses once each week and performs 1-2 times per semester. Course content changes each semester. Fall and Spring
MUSC 1410 - Contemporary Singers (1CR) (3LB) (Max. 4) [E] A small vocal ensemble open to all students. The course provides an opportunity to study and perform a variety of diverse popular styles, and culminates in a number of performances in various venues. An audition determines the final roster of ensemble members. Course content changes each semester.
Prerequisites: audition with the instructor. |
MUSC 1412 - Chamber Singers (1CR) A selected mixed chamber ensemble of 20-35 voices open to all students on campus regardless of their field of study. An audition with the instructor determines the final list of singers. Credit is given for attendance at four weekly rehearsals and concert performances. Emphasis is on a wide variety of choral literature appropriate for chamber choirs, including music from diverse cultures, musical time periods, and language. Course content changes each semester. Fall and Spring
Prerequisites: Audition with Instructor |
MUSC 1420 - Opera Workshop (1CR) (3LB) (Max. 4) [E] Opera Workshop is a performance-based class designed to provide experience and opportunities for singers interested in exploring the genre. Students will learn basic performance techniques and will improve their dramatic abilities through the performance of an operatic scene. Course content changes each semester.
Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor. |
MUSC 1440 - Chamber Orchestra (1CR) (2LB) (Max. 4) [E] A performance class open to all string players on campus. This course is designed to cover a variety of literature from primarily the Baroque era. Open to all students on campus, BOCES students and community members regardless of their field of study. Credit is given for attendance at the two weekly rehearsals and concert performances. Emphasis is placed on the study of stylistic concerns of string performance including bowings, articulations, dynamics and ensembles. Course content changes each semester.
Prerequisites: permission of the instructor. |
MUSC 1450 - Percussion Ensemble (1CR) (3LB) (Max. 4) [E] Performs selected diverse chamber music for various combinations of percussion instruments and is open to all students with previous percussion experience who can qualify by audition for participation. Course content changes each semester.
MUSC 1480 - Chamber Music I: (Subtitle) (1CR) (2LB) (Max. 4) [E] Designed to provide students with training in the ideal medium of chamber music (small ensembles, such as trio, string quartet, etc…), where they can apply and integrate all elements of their musical knowledge. These include, but are not limited to, rhythm, intonation, tone production, blend, musical interpretation, concept of style, etc… Subtitle will vary in accordance with student needs.
Prerequisites: permission of the instructor. |
MUSC 1500 - Introduction to Digital Audio Workstation Software (1CR) (1L) Introduction to Pro Tools Digital Audio Workstation Software. Familiarization with the user interface and understanding of the various features and capabilities.
Prerequisites: Freshman standing preferred, community and BOCES students welcome. |
MUSC 2024 - History of Rock (3CR) (3L) This course examines the social, cultural, and stylistic history of rock n’ roll music, beginning with important musical precedents such as blues and jazz, and progresses through punk and metal into current global varieties of rock n’ roll. Throughout the history, cultural and social contexts are presented and analyzed for their impact on the art form.
MUSC 2025 - World Music (3CR) (3L) Students learn strategies for how to listen to and compare the sound of various musical cultures. Students will also gain a deeper understanding of the local contexts of these musical expressions and how music carries meaning through complex networks of signification (e.g., ethnic identity, race, class, political, religious, economic, historical, technological, etc.).
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