Feb 08, 2025  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Computer Applications

  • CMAP 1851 - Document Publishing II (1CR)

    (.5L, 1LB)  


    This class builds upon the skills learned in Document Publishing I. Students will learn how to build business information sets, create letterhead templates, business cards, work with tables for the creation of calendars, merge publications with data files, and create data driven catalogs. New skills will include the creation of new styles, working with master pages, Word Art, editing and embedding tables, and managing merged publications. Extra laboratory work may be required.

    Prerequisites: CMAP 1850  

  • CMAP 1852 - Document Publishing III (1CR)

    (.5L, 1LB)  

    This class builds upon the skills learned in Document Publishing I and II. Students will learn the more advanced concepts such as editing large scale publications, sharing and distributing publications, and creating an interactive web site including the creation of web forms. Individual student skills will include the ability to create a table of content, bookmarks, hyperlinks, and generation of html and Visual Basic code. Extra laboratory work may be required.

    Prerequisites: CMAP 1850  and CMAP 1851  

  • CMAP 1855 - Desktop Publishing (3CR)

    (2L, 2LB)  


    This is a comprehensive course using current desktop publishing software to creating a wide variety of documents. Students will learn how to create flyers, brochures, newsletters, custom publications, business information sets, data-driven catalogs, and large-scale publications. Additionally, they will learn how to merge a publication to a data source to create multiple documents and create an interactive web site including the creation of web forms. Students will develop skills in object linking, embedding, editing text, color editing, graphic design of objects, and template design. They will be introduced to html code and Visual Basic. Keyboarding and word processing skills are strongly recommended for successful completion of this course. Completion of CMAP 1850 , CMAP 1851  and CMAP 1852  (for a total of 3 credits) is equivalent to CMAP 1855.

  • CMAP 2220 - Spreadsheets for Management (3CR)

    (2L, 2LB) Development of skills in business decision-making with emphasis on problem analysis, data gathering, and recommended solutions to case-type problems. All features of spreadsheets will be explored including spreadsheet analysis, data base management, macro programming, and charts. Extra laboratory work may be required.

    Prerequisites: Completion of COSC 1200 ,ACCT 2010    and minimum COMPASS score of 33 or ACT score of 21, keyboarding ability, or permission of the instructor is required. (Spring semester.)
  • CMAP 2630 - Presentation Graphics (2CR)

    (1L, 2LB) This course is designed to provide a working knowledge of presentation software. Procedures include authoring multimedia projects to include animation, sound files, object linking and embedding technology. Topics include using/creating/customizing design templates and themes, adding effects to shapes and objects, modifying visual elements, animation with motion paths, and the design/delivery of presentations. Extra laboratory work may be required. Completion of CMAP 2635  and CMAP 2636  (for a total of 2 credits) is equivalent to CMAP 2630.

  • CMAP 2635 - Presentation Graphics I (1CR)

    (.5L, 1LB) This course is designed to develop techniques necessary to design appropriate presentations focusing on purpose and intended audience. Students will create presentations using a template, customize themes, insert objects, create SmartArt objects, and add special effects to a presentation. Extra laboratory work may be required. Completion of CMAP 2635 and CMAP 2636  (for a total of 2 credits) is equivalent to CMAP 2630 .

    Prerequisites: Completion of or concurrent enrollment in CMAP 1615  and CMAP 1715  are recommended.
  • CMAP 2636 - Presentation Graphics II (1CR)

    (.5L, 1LB) This course is designed to incorporate the advanced features of PowerPoint. Students will integrate presentations with other programs, customize handouts, publish a presentation as a Web page, add action buttons, add hyperlinks, incorporate advanced special effects and create special types of presentations. Extra laboratory work may be required. Completion of CMAP 2635  and CMAP 2636 (for a total of 2 credits) is equivalent to CMAP 2630 .

    Prerequisites: CMAP 2635  or permission of the instructor.

Computer Science

  • COSC 1010 - Introduction to Computer Science (4CR)

    (3L, 2LB) [E] Introduction to problem solving and programming using structured program development techniques applied to a high-level programming language. Students will participate in software experimentation in a closed laboratory setting. Additional programming exercises will be assigned for student to complete in open laboratories or on their own equipment.

    Prerequisites: Typing skills.
  • COSC 1030 - Computer Science I (4CR)

    (3L, 2LB) [E] Study of algorithmic problem solving using principles of structured programming and object-oriented design. Algorithms are implemented in a high-level, object-oriented language. Programming assignments and experimentation with software in a closed laboratory supplement the discussion.

    Prerequisites: Previous programming experience required and COSC 1010  or instructor permission.
  • COSC 1200 - Computer Information Systems (3CR)

    (2L, 2LB) [E] An introduction to computers and information processing. Computer concepts covered include: the merger of computer and communication technologies, hardware, software, ethics, and security. Students develop basic software skills in: word processing, spreadsheets, databases, presentations, Web designing, and integrating software. Keyboarding skills equivalent to 20 wpm is needed to succeed.

  • COSC 2030 - Computer Science II (4CR)

    (3L, 2LB) [E] Studies the use and implementation of abstract data structures in an object oriented programming environment. Topics include lists, stacks, queues, tables, binary trees, graphs, space and time complexity, recursion, and recursive data types. Programming exercises and experimentation with software in a closed laboratory supplement the discussion.

    Prerequisites: COSC 1030 .
  • COSC 2150 - Computer Organization (3CR)

    (3L) [E] Foundations class for advanced coursework in computer science. Use of assembly and high-level languages to study the structure and operations of computers. Topics include the logical organization of computers, structured data and instruction representation in various types of languages, and extensive study of the assembly language of a modern microprocessor. Most programming is done at the assembly language level.

    Prerequisites: COSC 2030  (or concurrent enrollment) or permission of instructor.
  • COSC 2240 - Systems Analysis and Design (3CR)

    (3L) How to analyze existing information processing systems and prepare user specifications for improved systems. The systems development life cycle, from investigation through installation and review, and an actual systems analysis.

  • COSC 2300 - Discrete Structures (3CR)

    (3L) [E] Applications in computer science of set theory, counting techniques, Boolean algebra, mapping, relations and functions, propositional logic and graphing. Additional topics include induction, proof methods, and propositional calculus.

    Prerequisites: COSC 1030  or MATH 2200 . (Dual listing MATH 2300 .)
  • COSC 2405 - User Interface Design (2CR)

    (2L) An intermediate-level course in developing graphical applications for a modern operating system. Through a series of hands-on activities, students will gain experience in designing, implementing, and debugging user interfaces for practical applications. The use of a wide variety of user interface components will be covered together will best practices for the platform of interest. The emphasis of this course is on creating clean, usable interface designs rather than producing the most technically capable implementation.

    Prerequisites: COSC 1030 .
  • COSC 2406 - Object-oriented Programming (4CR)

    (3L, 2LB) [E] Students will study algorithmic problem solving techniques using an object-oriented programming language. Topics include encapsulation, inheritance, and composition. Applications are drawn from graphical user interfaces, user interfaces, input/output, and network communication.

    Prerequisites: COSC 1030 
  • COSC 2409 - Programming: Topic

    (2-4CR) [E] Describes various computer languages focusing on their differences from prerequisite languages and the uses of these new features. This course will give the student the chance to study new and unusual languages and their uses.

    Prerequisites: COSC 1030  or instructor permission.
  • COSC 2418 - Web App Development (3CR)

    (3L) Development of interactive, database-driven web applications. Some light web design is included, but the focus is on the back end server software. Students use a web app framework such as Django or Rails to quickly develop rich web-based applications. Topics covered include object-relational models, authentication and authorization, and Ajax. Knowledge of web design is beneficial but not required. Biannually

    Prerequisites: COSC 1030, Computer Science I
  • COSC 2480 - Cooperative Experience (Computer Systems and Applications)

    (1-3CR) (Max. 6) The student is afforded the opportunity to gain practical, on-the job experience within the student’s area of business specialization. Supervision of program coordinator and employer, if required. A minimum of 80 hours of on-the job training represents one semester hour. The student must maintain 12 credit hours with a 2.0 GPA during the semester this course is taken.

    Prerequisites: Computer systems and applications or computer science major and permission of the program coordinator.
  • COSC 2495 - Computer Workshop (1CR)

    (3LB) (Max. 3) Offers practical experience in programming and in using the computer to process various types of jobs. Intended for those students who wish to obtain additional programming experience.

    Prerequisites: COSC 2030 .

Computer Security

  • CSEC 1500 - Network Security Fundamentals (3CR)

    (2L, 2LB) This course examines current standards for information security through examination of security technologies, methodologies and best practices. Topics include evaluations of security models, risk assessment, threat analysis, attack types, encryption technologies, organizational technology, security implementation, disaster recovery planning, and security policy formulation and implementation.

    Prerequisites: CSCO 2000  
  • CSEC 1510 - Network Defense Principles (3CR)

    (2L, 2LB) This course introduces students to the various methodologies used for attacking a network. Students are introduced to the concepts, principles and techniques, supplemented by hands-on exercises for attacking and disabling a network. These methodologies are presented within the context of properly securing the network. Students are provided with updated security resources that describe new vulnerabilities and innovative ways to protect networks by using the skills and tools of an ethical hacker.

    Prerequisites: CSEC 1500 .
  • CSEC 1520 - Network Attack Principles (3CR)

    (2L, 2LB) This course will provide students with information about ongoing threats in cyber space. Students will be able to identify cyberspace threats to compare/contrast their resources, capabilities, motivations and aversion to risk. Students will learn valuable skills related to preventing attacks, detecting when attacks have occurred, and recovery from an attack. This course provides comprehensive review of hacking concepts and industry best practices.

    Prerequisites: CSCO 2000  
  • CSEC 1530 - Computer Forensics (3CR)

    (2L, 2LB) The universal use of technology in every aspect of our lives has provided the need for the recovery of evidence in a digital format. In today’s technology driven world most crimes and civil disputes involve the use of some form of a digital device. This course is designed to teach students how to perform computer crime investigations by identifying, collecting and maintaining digital artifacts to preserve their reliability for admission as evidence.

  • CSEC 1980 - Cooperative Work Experience - Internship

    (1-3CR) (3CR Max) Students will have the opportunity to gain on-the-job experience to improve and develop new skills in the area of cyber security. Students will be supervised by the program coordinator and the hosting employer. A minimum of 80 hours of on-the-job training represents one semester hour of work. Students must maintain a 2.0 GPA during the semester for which they are enrolled in this course.

    Prerequisites: Student must be a Computer Security major and have permission of the program coordinator.

Construction Technology

  • CNTK 1560 - Construction Safety (3CR)

    (3L) Understanding safety and planning preventative measures is crucial to the modern construction firm. You will receive in-depth information concerning specific areas of safety management. This program emphasizes the importance of managing safety and productivity with equal emphasis.

  • CNTK 1630 - Basic Cabinet Making (2CR)

    (1L, 2LB) For anyone wishing to learn basic cabinet making skills. Cabinet design, construction techniques, finishing procedures, and machine operation are included in classroom and laboratory instruction. Students construct an appropriate cabinetry unit of their choice.

  • CNTK 1640 - Furniture Refinishing Methods (2CR)

    (1L, 2LB) This course covers different types of wood finishes, application methods and appropriate uses. Topics include stains, dyes, fillers, paints and special wood treatment techniques. Students will gain an understanding of these various processes as they produce sample blocks of these finishes. Also covers the procedures for refinishing and restoring furniture.

  • CNTK 1670 - Woodworking (1.5CR)

    (3LB) This course is designed to provide the student with the basic knowledge of woodworking tools, materials, processes in construction, and finishes with the main emphasis on the correct usage, set-up, and safe operation of both stationary and hand-held woodworking tools. The student chooses their own project(s) and provides their own materials to construct project(s) using the shop facilities during the extent of the 10 week class. S/U grade.

  • CNTK 1700 - Introduction to Construction (4CR)

    (2L, 4LB) Basic concepts of residential and light commercial construction. This will include hands-on training in the safe operation and use of both hand and power tools, concrete testing and grading, and careers in the construction industry.

  • CNTK 1750 - Blueprint Reading (2CR)

    (2L) Interpreting building plans and specifications. Types of drawings, scales, symbols, types of construction, electrical, mechanical, and various other details.

  • CNTK 1850 - Construction Techniques (2CR)

    (2L) A survey course to introduce the student to the world of construction, including residential, commercial, and industrial projects with a chronological study of the development of architectural form.

  • CNTK 1860 - Woodworking Fundamentals I (4CR)

    (2L, 4LB) A course for those wanting to learn or further their woodworking skills. An emphasis will be placed on safety, problem solving, material selection, and practical approaches to woodworking. In the lab, students will receive an introduction to the safe and correct use of both hand and stationary power tools and equipment to build a project of the student’s choice.

  • CNTK 1865 - Woodworking Fundamentals II (4CR)

    (2L, 4LB) This course provides an enhanced knowledge of techniques and materials used in the design and construction of wood furnishings. Emphasis on problem solving, multi-joining technology and custom finishing.

    Prerequisites: CNTK 1860 .
  • CNTK 1870 - Building Materials and Systems (3CR)

    (3L) Building materials and structural systems as they relate to the construction industry. Methods of construction, environmental impact and code requirements.

  • CNTK 1875 - Wood Carving and Turning (2CR)

    (1L, 2LB) This course covers the fundamentals of turning and of wood carving as related to furniture making. Topics include wood-forming, chip carving, high-relief carving and bas-carving. Emphasis is placed on selection and safe use of tools, tool sharpening and carving techniques of both hand and power tool carving. Students will learn skills in the use of the wood lathe both faceplate and spindle turning. Green-wood turning and segmented turning will be introduced.

    Prerequisites: None
  • CNTK 1905 - Carpentry (4CR)

    (2L, 4LB) This course is designed to build upon previously learned skills in carpentry, roofing, concrete, and work site safety, through hands-on construction techniques in a lab setting. Typically, the material covered will relate to residential construction, but commercial and industrial applications will be covered.

    Prerequisites: CNTK 1700 .
  • CNTK 1975 - Materials Handling and Construction Equipment (3CR)

    (3L) The new art and science of moving and storing all types of materials and products of the construction industry including machines, equipment, and systems.

  • CNTK 2500 - Advanced Furniture Projects (4CR)

    (2L, 4LB) This class will focus on material selection, esthetic design, advanced joinery techniques, selection of hardware and consideration of grain and color to compliment the design. Coopering, bent lamination, veneering will be covered. Emphasis is placed on a high degree of craftsmanship, design and professionalism as demonstrated by the student through an independent furniture project of their choice and approved by the instructor.

    Prerequisites: CNTK 1860  
  • CNTK 2510 - Construction Estimating (3CR)

    (3L) A study of the core functions of estimating and job preplanning. Plans and specifications are used for quantity survey. Economic factors of time, cost, production control, overhead, and profit are considered.

  • CNTK 2520 - Architectural and Construction Planning (3CR)

    (3L) A survey of architectural construction administration including planning and scheduling as practiced in the building industry. Codes, specifications, and contractual documents as they apply to building projects.

  • CNTK 2525 - Construction Project Management (3CR)

    (3L) An introduction to construction project management, focused on the utilization of commercial computer software packages.

    Prerequisites: CNTK 2510 .
  • CNTK 2980 - Cooperative Work Experience (Construction)

    (1-4CR) (Max. 6) Practical construction experience on the job, with required written reports on the field experience. See “Unit of Credit.”


  • CNSL 2200 - Introduction to Student Leadership I (2CR)

    (2L) This course will acquaint students with the leadership skills and competencies necessary for successful service in the college community and beyond. While required of students elected to the ASCC Student Senate, enrollment is open to all students.

    Prerequisites: Election to ASCC Student Senate, or permission of the instructor.

Criminal Justice

  • CRMJ 1705 - Firearms (3CR)

    (1L, 4LB) This course will address range safety procedures and legal issues concerning the use of deadly force by law enforcement officers. In addition, the course will introduce students to basic defensive handgun techniques. Students will also be introduced to the proper handling, firing and maintenance of police pump action shotguns, semi-automatic patrol rifles and precision rifles. Students must furnish ammunition, ear and eye protection and pay an access fee for use of the shooting range. This is considered to be a vocational skills course and as such it may not transfer to the University of Wyoming or other four-year institutions that offer a bachelor degree in criminal justice. Enrollment is open to all interested students provided they can lawfully possess firearms.

    Prerequisites: None
  • CRMJ 2005 - Introduction to Automated Fingerprint Identification Systems (1CR)

    (.5L, 1LB) Exploration of areas of contention, which occur within the criminal justice system in America today. To include such topics as bail, plea-bargaining, Supreme Court decisions of a controversial nature, police discretion, and others.

    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor.
  • CRMJ 2120 - Introduction to Criminal Justice (3CR)

    (3L) [E] The agencies and processes involved in the criminal justice system legislature, the police, the prosecutor, the public defender, the courts, and corrections. An analysis of the roles and problems of law enforcement in a democratic society with an emphasis upon inter-component relations and checks and balances.

  • CRMJ 2130 - Criminal Investigation I (3CR)

    (3L) Theory of criminal investigation: relations of the detective with other law enforcement divisions, modus operandi, sources of information, surveillance, personal identification, interrogation, preliminary and follow-up investigations, collection and preservation of evidence. Enrollment limited to majors in law enforcement except by permission of the instructor.

  • CRMJ 2210 - Criminal Law I (3CR)

    (3L) [E] Comparative study of criminal laws; origins of laws; review of Wyoming criminal laws and procedures; elements of a crime; parties to a crime; elements of specific crimes; arrest, jurisdiction of criminal courts and criminal procedures. (Spring semester.)

    Prerequisites: Completion of, or concurrent enrollment in CRMJ 2120 .
  • CRMJ 2230 - Law of Evidence (3CR)

    (3L) Leading rules and principles of exclusion and selection, burden of proof, nature and effect of presumptions, proof of authenticity, and contents of writings; examination, competency, and privilege of witnesses. (Fall semester.)

    Prerequisites: CRMJ 2120 .
  • CRMJ 2250 - Police Administration (3CR)

    (3L) Principles of organization and management as applied to law enforcement agencies. Theoretical and practical aspects of management factors such as organizations, decision-making, values, human relations, and power.

    Prerequisites: CRMJ 2120 , or permission of the instructor.
  • CRMJ 2280 - Criminal Procedure (3CR)

    (3L) This course will familiarize the student with the state of Wyoming and federal criminal process. The fourth, fifth, sixth, and fourteenth amendments to the United States Constitution will be emphasized, along with applicable Supreme Court cases. The laws of arrest, search, seizure, pretrial identification procedures and confessions will be studied. An overview of the criminal court system as it relates to individual rights protected under the Constitution and key Supreme Court holdings will be taught.

  • CRMJ 2350 - Introduction to Corrections (3CR)

    (3L) A general overview of the correctional process describing the history and evolution of the American corrections system. This course covers all aspects of institutional and community-based corrections. Meets only in spring semester of even-numbered years.

  • CRMJ 2430 - The Community and the Police (3CR)

    (3L) The course delves into the areas of police professionalism and the concept of community relations. Areas discussed will include use of power, prejudice, race relations, civil rights, police political relations and police media relations.

    Prerequisites: CRMJ 2120 , or permission of the instructor.
  • CRMJ 2570 - Criminalistics (3CR)

    (2L, 2LB) This course will delve into the aspects of crime scene management. From the first initial contact with the crime scene, the student will learn to gather physical evidence, document, photograph, and diagram the scene to scale. They will identify fibers, hairs, paints, tool markings, fingerprints and other impressions. We will also look into what the future holds in the area of crime scene management.

  • CRMJ 2895 - Capstone Directed Studies in Criminal Justice (1CR)



    This capstone course is the conclusion of the student’s criminal justice academic experience and is the final course completed by students in the Criminal Justice Associate of Arts (A.A.) degree or the Criminal Justice Associate of Applied Science (A.A.S.) degree. The course is designed to assess the student’s understanding of the Criminal Justice System and his/her readiness to become employed by a criminal justice agency.

    Prerequisites: All major requirements or concurrent enrollment in any remaining major requirement courses and permission of the instructor.

  • CRMJ 2965 - Directed Studies in Criminal Justice

    (1-3CR) (Max. 6) Faculty-guided research in an area of mutual interest to the student and instructor within the law enforcement or corrections major.

  • CRMJ 2970 - Criminal Justice Internship (1-3CR) (MAX 3)

    (*1-3CR) (Max. 3) *Thirty hours of participation per credit hour. This course will place a student in a criminal justice agency for a few hours per week for one semester as an observer. It will afford the pre-service student the opportunity to observe the workings of the criminal justice system, and the in-service student an opportunity to work in a collateral criminal justice agency.

    Prerequisites: Sophomore standing and permission of the instructor.
  • CRMJ 2980 - Cooperative Work Experience (Law Enforcement)

    (*2- 3CR) *(see “unit of study ”) Supervised work and project experience for the purpose of increasing student understanding of law enforcement problems and procedures. Supervision is provided by both the instructional staff of the college and the cooperating agencies. Analysis and reports of student’s performance; regular group meetings. Enrollment limited to majors in law enforcement with sophomore standing except by permission of the instructor.

Crop Science

  • CROP 2200 - Forage Crop Science (4CR)

    (3L, 2LB) This course provides a comprehensive introduction to the biology, propagation and management of forage and farm crop plants. Many topics (e.g., plant ecophysiology, cropping practices in agro ecosystems, plant genetic improvement) will be covered.

Culinary Arts

  • CULA 2050 - Culinary Food Production I (4CR)

    (1L, 6LB) This course will teach students basic culinary skills which will include: basic kitchen safety and sanitation, knife skills, stocks and soups, mother sauces, small sauces and modern sauces, basic meat fabrication, basic dressings: vinaigrettes and marinades, grains and pastas, and breakfast cookery.

Curriculum and Instruction

  • EDCI 1430 - Life Science in the Elementary School (1CR)

    (2LB) [E] Covers selection of basic life science concepts, materials and curricula appropriate for elementary school.

    Concurrently: LIFE 1020 , or permission of the instructor.
  • EDCI 1440 - Physical Science in the Elementary School (1CR)

    (2LB) [E] Covers selection of basic physical science concepts, materials and curricula appropriate for elementary school. This course parallels the content of PHYS 1090  and should be taken the same semester.

  • EDCI 1450 - Earth Science in the Elementary School (1CR)

    (2LB) [E] Covers selection of basic earth science concepts, materials, and curricula appropriate for elementary school. This course parallels the contents of GEOL 1070 .

  • EDCI 1500 - Introduction to Teaching (1CR)

    (1L) This course will provide an overview of the professional expectations of education students. Topics to be addressed will include efolio development, academic program planning, the skills and strategies necessary to proceed successfully through pre-service teacher education and a career in early childhood, elementary and/or secondary education.

  • EDCI 2050 - Introduction to Outdoor Education (3CR)

    (1L, 4LB) This practicum course addresses pedagogies specific to teaching in outdoor settings. Students will teach field science in this outdoor course. Prerequisite: This is a practicum course that includes some classroom and field (outdoor) experiences. Culmination of this course will include an outdoor teaching experience in an on-site camp environment that will be 3-5 days in length. Students should be comfortable walking and teaching in an outdoor environment. This is a companion course to EDUC 2100 , which should be taken concurrently with or prior to taking this course. This course is intended for secondary science education majors or other students with advisor or instructor approval.

  • EDCI 2250 - Diversity in Education (3CR)

    (3L) This course is designed to introduce students to the conceptualization, design and implementation of a multicultural education that respects and honors diversity as well as promotes national unity.

  • EDCI 2495 - Workshop (Subtitle)

    (1-2CR) Special topics in education offered in response to specific needs or public interest.


  • DANC 1015 - Introduction to Dance (2CR)

    (2L) (Max 2CR) This course will take a look at the formation of genres within dance history. It will be an overview of the beginnings of modern dance, ballet, jazz dance, and tap dance.

  • DANC 1210 - Dance Ensemble I (1CR)

    (3LB) This class covers technique and performance focusing specifically on technique skills and performing at an intermediate level (various styles and genres). This class can be repeated up to two times with a total of two credits.

    Prerequisites: Permission of the instructor and previous dance experience.
  • DANC 1300 - Dance Improvisation I (1CR)

    (2LB) This course will investigate improvisation in dance at the beginning level. It will incorporate improvisational exercises that will lead to short phrase work.

  • DANC 1320 - Dance Improvisation II (1CR)

    (2LB) This course will investigate improvisation in dance at the intermediate level and really allow the student to explore movement connected to emotional output and with musical enhancement. This course will also help the student/dancer to understand musical meter and tempo varieties within an improvisational exercise. In addition there will be game playing that will open the world of improvisation wider. It will incorporate improvisational exercises that will lead to phrase work.

  • DANC 1410 - Ballet I (1CR)

    (3LB) [E] This course will emphasize the fundamentals of ballet. Will focus on technique, terminology, and the execution of the basic steps.

  • DANC 1420 - Ballet II (2CR)

    (4.5LB) (Max 4CR) [E] A continuing course in the principles and techniques of classical ballet. Emphasis is placed on the continuation of broadening the dancer’s movement vocabulary while refining acquired technical skills.

    This course can be repeated once.

    Prerequisites: DANC 1410  in good standing, or permission of the instructor.

  • DANC 1425 - Ballet Studies (1CR)

    (3LB) This course will emphasize various areas of ballet techniques. There will be in-depth focus on specific skills found in the genre of ballet. Previous ballet experience required.

  • DANC 1450 - Beginning Tap Dance (1CR)

    (3LB) [E] This course will emphasize the fundamentals of tap dance. Will focus on technique, terminology, and the execution of the basic steps.

  • DANC 1460 - Modern Dance I (1CR)

    (3LB) This course is an introduction to the principles and techniques of modern dance. Dancers will focus on technique, terminology and the execution of the basic steps, as well as the discovery of movement in space and time. This class will serve the student as a study in exploration of the basic ideas of modern dance.

    Cross-listed: PEAC 1460  
  • DANC 1470 - Modern Dance II (1CR)

    (3LB) [E] This course will be a continuation of study in the principles and techniques of modern dance. Dancers will focus on linking technique with terminology and execute combinations made up of the basic-intermediate steps, as well as the continued discovery of movement in space and time.

    Prerequisites: DANC 1460 /PEAC 1460  
    Cross-listed: PEAC 1470  
  • DANC 1480 - Jazz I (1CR)

    (3LB) [E] This course will emphasize the fundamentals of jazz dance. It will focus on technique, terminology, and the execution of the basic jazz steps.

  • DANC 1500 - Dance Performance

    (2-4LB) (1-2CR) (Max. 5) [E] Individually supervised practical training in performance and production during the rehearsal and performance of the fall and spring productions of the dance concert. Open entry.

    Prerequisites: permission of the instructor.
  • DANC 2200 - Backgrounds of Dance (3CR)

    (3L) [E] A survey of ethnic and theatrical dance forms from primal society to the 20th century. The course examines the place of the arts as a reflection of the culture. The course emphasizes dance from a global point-of-view and includes a look at social dances as well as the performance dances.

    Prerequisites: ENGL 1010 , DANC 1015 , or permission of the instructor.
  • DANC 2210 - Dance Ensemble II (1CR)

    (3LB) (Max. 2) [E] This class covers technique and performance focusing specifically on technique skills and performing at an advanced level (various styles and genres).

    This class can be repeated up to once for a total of 2 credits

    Prerequisites: permission of the instructor and previous dance experience.

  • DANC 2212 - Beginning Composition (2CR)

    (1L, 2LB) This course is a beginning level composition course that will give the student various exercises in which to better understand choreography and its principles. The student will explore ways in which to make a dance with a completed beginning, middle, and end.

  • DANC 2215 - Intermediate Dance Composition (3CR)

    (2L, 2LB) This course further develops the student’s abilities to compose and choreograph their own ideas into dance works. The student will develop a better understanding of choreographic skill through short assignments and full works.

    Prerequisites: DANC 2460 , DANC 2212 , or permission of the instructor.
  • DANC 2410 - Ballet III (2CR)

    (5LB) [E] A continuing course in the principles of classical ballet. Emphasis is placed on continuing to broaden the dancer’s movement vocabulary while refining acquired technical skills. Pointe work will be started with those students who are ready along with partnering skills, more advanced Barre and Centre skills, including Tours and Beats.

    Prerequisites: Successful completion of DANC 1420 .
  • DANC 2420 - Ballet IV (2CR)

    (5LB) A continuing course in the principles and techniques of classical ballet. Emphasis is placed on refining the dancer’s movement vocabulary while increasing the level of difficulty of acquired technical skills. Dancers will continue in both partnering and Pointe work. Ballet conditioning will be a part of every class.

    Prerequisites: Successful completion of DANC 2410 .
  • DANC 2450 - Tap II (1CR)

    (3LB) This course will review the basic tap steps and then move on to more intermediate rhythms, clarification of sounds and more complicated footwork.

    Prerequisites: DANC 1450 , or permission of the instructor.
  • DANC 2460 - Modern Dance III (2CR)

    (4LB) [E] A second level course covering the principles and techniques of modern dance. This course will expose the students to deeper investigation to various techniques of modern dance including but not limited to Horton, Ailey, Cunningham, Graham, and Humphrey/Limon.

    Prerequisites: DANC 1470 , or permission of the instructor.
  • DANC 2470 - Modern Dance IV (2CR)

    (4LB) A third level course covering the principles and techniques of modern dance. This course will continue to look at post-modern techniques/styles and be a link from the historical modern dance to the contemporary explorations and modern dance trends.

    Prerequisites: DANC 2460 , or permission of the instructor.
  • DANC 2480 - Jazz II (1CR)

    (3LB) [E] A second level course furthering the student’s knowledge of jazz dance and its origins. Dancers will focus on techniques, terminology, and the execution of jazz steps from the intermediate to the advanced level.

    Prerequisites: DANC 1480 , or permission of the instructor.

Diesel Technology

  • DESL 1540 - Heavy Duty Electrical Systems (3CR)

    (2L, 2LB) Introductory course to electrical systems used in heavy diesel engines. Course will cover fundamental electrical quantities, components and basic circuits. Additional content will cover heavy diesel engine electrical systems.

  • DESL 1580 - Power Train, Braking, and Steering (3CR)

    (3L) (5 weeks) Manual clutches, drive lines, manual transmissions, and final drive units.

  • DESL 1600 - Diesel Engines (3CR)

    (2L, 2LB) Introductory course covers medium to heavy diesel engines. The course is intended to provide an overview of engine construction, fuel systems and general maintenance.

  • DESL 1610 - Engine Rebuilding I (9CR)

    (4L, 10LB) (10 weeks) Disassembly procedures, evaluating serviceability of components, preparing the engine block for overhaul; the assembly procedure for crankshafts, bearings, pistons, seals, and valve train; the servicing of cylinder heads including valve grinding and seating; bolt torqueing, timing, and run-in checks.

  • DESL 1620 - Engine Rebuilding II (9CR)

    (3L, 12LB) (5 weeks Lec, 15 weeks Lab) Live engines and drive-in work are used for instruction. The students make up the estimates and deal with the customer directly. Students are evaluated on their ability to handle the entire operation from meeting the customer to unit performance on completion.

    Prerequisites: DESL 1610 .
  • DESL 1650 - Diesel Fuel Systems and Tuning I (5CR) (5 weeks)

    (3L, 4LB) (5 weeks) Basic fuel systems, fuel pumps, injectors, and evaluating system failure.

    Prerequisites: DESL 1610 .
  • DESL 1660 - Diesel Fuel Systems and Tuning II (3CR) (5 weeks)

    (3L) (5 weeks) Air induction systems, injector and fuel pump operations. Troubleshooting and electronic fuel controls.

  • DESL 1680 - Natural Gas Engine Technology (10.5CR)

    (6L, 9LB) Course is designed to cover the principles and service procedures for the natural gas engine and equipment pertinent to the natural gas industry. Course will cover fuels, ignition systems, combustion, lean combustion theory, exhaust gas analysis, lubrication systems, cooling systems, mounting and alignment, and gas compression concepts.

    Prerequisites: DESL 1605  or DESL 1610 .
  • DESL 1850 - Basic Hydraulics (3CR)

    (2L, 2LB) Principles of hydraulic systems and components used in mobile equipment. Factors of consideration in the selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of hydraulic systems.

  • DESL 1980 - Co-op Work Experience (Diesel)

    (1-8CR) (Max. 8): 8 hours/week for 16 weeks - Total 128 hours. Designed to give students hands-on training in diesel equipment maintenance and repair in a production shop setting. A student working for an employer is responsible for employment verification and documentation of hours worked and jobs done. Students staying on campus will meet the training requirements of the department.


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