Oct 02, 2024  
2020-2021 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook 
2020-2021 Academic Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Alcohol and Drug Free Campus


Alcohol and illegal drugs (or legal drugs used illegally) are not permitted on campus. Campus Security or campus housing staff may impound or destroy any alcohol or drugs found on campus. Anyone who violates this policy or refuses to cooperate in an investigation is subject to disciplinary action, and local law enforcement may be notified. Students who violate this policy may be referred to the Casper College Counseling Services for a substance abuse assessment. Refer to the Alcohol and Drug Free Campus Policy for the complete policy. Under the Higher Education Act Amendments (HEA) of 1998, the college may contact parents or legal guardians of students under 21 years of age found to have violated the Alcohol and Drug Free Campus Policy with the results of campus disciplinary hearings.

Counseling Services offer programming on responsible decision-making regarding alcohol use, the addictive behavior recovery process, and aftercare counseling to maintain recovery. Students who would like to discuss their use of alcohol and other drugs may make an appointment with a professional counselor in the Wellness Center. All services are confidential. Referrals to other resources may be provided.

Animals on Campus


Pets are allowed on campus on a leash and under control of the owner. Pets are not allowed in college buildings. Violators are financially responsible for extra cleaning, pest control, or repairs that are a result of the animal’s presence. See the Casper College Policy Manual for information about pets, service animals, and emotional support animals on campus. Students who need the assistance of a service or emotional support animal should contact the disability services counselor in the Nolte Gateway Center, room 344 or at 307-268-2557.


Bicycles may not be parked or stored in hallways, entranceways, stairwells, or common areas or be locked to handrails, banisters, railings, poles, or fences. Bicycles found attached to or blocking an entrance or exit will be immediately removed and confiscated. Contact Campus Security to retrieve a confiscated bicycle. Exterior bicycle racks are located throughout the campus. Bicycles may be stored in a student’s room.

Cellphone and Other Mobile Devices

Users of electronic devices are expected to turn cell phones or other personal devices off or on silent mode while in the classroom, library, or other group settings. When using a cell phone, move away from others to avoid disturbing them or a class. Instructors may establish classroom cell phone policies.

Children on Campus

College facilities cannot accommodate the care of children while parents are working or attending class. Students must arrange for their child’s care. Children are not allowed in classrooms or laboratories while a class is in session.

Contagious Diseases

Contagious diseases spread from person to person through casual contact or respiratory droplets, which may lead to an epidemic or pandemic situation and threaten the health of the campus community. These diseases include but are not limited to:

  • tuberculosis (TB)
  • measles or German measles (rubella)
  • certain strains of hepatitis and meningitis
  • SARS and certain strains of influenza
  • chicken pox
  • pneumonia
  • COVID-19

Seek advice from a medical professional if you know or have reason to believe you are infected with a contagious disease. You follow the directions of local health authorities to prevent the spread of a contagious disease. Students who know or suspect they are infected with a contagious disease must notify the vice president for student services. All medical information is confidential.


Students are expected to comply with federal copyright law, which protects the rights of the owner of creative materials, including print materials, music, recordings, films, art, software, and digital and internet materials. Materials do not need to have the copyright mark to be protected. Copyrighted materials may not be published, reproduced, performed, or displayed without permission of the owner of the material. Limited use is allowed without permission under the fair use clause of the Copyright Act of 1976, 17 U.S.C. §107. See the Using Protected Copyright Works Policy.

Data Security

Casper College works to ensure the security of sensitive information to include limiting access of information to authorized employees, monitoring technology systems for security, and educating students and employees on being active stewards of sensitive information. Casper College encourages employees and students to be cautious about sharing their personal information.


Any use of a drone on campus must be preapproved. Submit requests to the campus security director in person or at 307-268-2672. Approval is contingent upon review

Facility Use

307-268-2265 or caspercollege.edu/offices-services/facilities

Requests to use rooms on campus must be made through the facilities scheduler. Public access to campus facilities is limited to hours when buildings are open for classes and college business, except when special arrangements are made with the facilities scheduler.

Campus Security officers patrol the facilities during nonpublic hours. A Campus Security officer is assigned to the Residence Hall during specified days and times but not on a 24-hour basis and not seven days a week. The Residence Hall exterior doors are locked 24 hours a day and are accessible by key card only. Wheeler Terrace, Thorson, and Civic Apartments have exterior doors to each apartment.

Authorized college employees may grant students access during nonpublic hours. Campus Security officers may grant access during nonpublic hours to employees and people identified as needing access upon proper identification. Housing staff or Campus Security may grant access to residential areas upon proper identification. The Residence Hall lobby desk is staffed from 9 a.m. to midnight, Monday through Friday and on designated weekends.

Lost and Found

Strausner Hall, Room 204
307-268-2688 or caspercollege.edu/security

Lost personal items are stored in the Campus Security Office. Items may be claimed with an appropriate demonstration of ownership.

Parental Notification

Casper College will not release information about a student or their student record unless the student has signed a release of information that names the parties to whom the information may be shared (see the FERPA policies under “Student Records”). However, when the college believes that there is a risk to a student’s health or safety, the college may initiate a parental notification even if the student has not signed a release of information.

Health and safety exceptions prompting parental notification may include student hospitalizations, severe mental health crises, severe physical injury, egregious student misconduct, a pattern of significant misconduct, and student death. The associate vice president of student services decides if and when to initiate a parental notification taking into account the circumstances, knowledge of the relationship between student and parents, and reasonable judgment of the necessity of such an action


Parking and Traffic Regulations

Driving and parking a motor vehicle on campus is a privilege. Drivers are required to obey all state, city and college regulations. Campus Security and local law enforcement enforce traffic regulations on campus. Failure to comply with parking and traffic regulations or pay fines may result in the revocation of this privilege. Campus Security will impound or immobilize (boot) vehicles registered or operated by students who have lost on-campus driving or parking privileges. The person to whom a vehicle is registered or who has legal ownership is responsible for all violations and related fines.

Abandoned vehicles. Vehicles not moved for 14 days, have flat tire(s), or have expired license plates, may be towed and impounded at the owner’s expense. Overnight camping or parking on campus and the storage of motor homes, boats, personal watercraft, trailers, or other vehicles not normally driven or used daily on campus is prohibited.

Casper College is not responsible for vehicle theft or damage to the contents thereof or the death or injury of any person resulting from an on-campus accident.

Parking Regulations. Campus Security enforces parking regulations 24 hours a day, seven days a week, and on holidays. Parking is prohibited in the following areas:

  • Curbs or fire lanes painted red
  • Marked pedestrian crosswalks
  • Yellow striped pavement
  • Parking lot driving lanes
  • Driving lanes
  • Designated parking spaces except by those for which the space is designated
  • Handicapped spaces except those with a state-issued handicapped placard or license plate
  • Spaces reserved or blocked with cones, signs, or other indicators that the space is unavailable
  • 30-minute visitor spaces except by visitors who park in the space for 30 minutes or less
  • Civic Apratments parking lot without a permit
  • Areas that block sidewalks, driveways, ramps, loading zones, islands, medians, or walkways
  • On grass, dirt, or area other than a designated parking space

The Wyoming Department of Transportation provides permanent or temporary handicapped parking placards. For more information, go to http://www.dmv.org/wy-wyoming/disabled-drivers.php.

Moving Vehicles Regulations

  • The speed limit is 15 miles per hour on lower campus and 20 miles per hour on upper campus unless otherwise posted
  • Pedestrians have the right of way in crosswalks
  • Obey signs, lights, and other traffic control devices
  • Obey orders, instructions, or hand signals of campus security officers, law enforcement officers, or other persons authorized to regulate traffic
  • Do not enter an area that has been barricaded or has signage indicating restricted access

Reporting Vehicle Accidents

  • When an accident occurs where all parties are present and there are no injuries, the parties should exchange contact and insurance information. Either party may file a formal report by going to the Casper Police Department’s website and completing an Online Police Report. Since Campus Security is not a law enforcement agency, they cannot investigate traffic accidents or make the formal report.
  • Campus Security will take a report and contact the Casper Police Department when 
    • a vehicle strikes a fixed object such as a pole, railing or wall
    • a vehicle strikes another vehicle, then flees the scene
    • the accident involves injuries to a person
    • one or more vehicles are inoperable

Issuing Citations

  • Campus Security officers issue parking and traffic citations at the time of the violation or shortly thereafter. The timing is at the discretion of the officer.
  • Campus Security officers may issue a parked vehicle one citation per shift for the same offense. If the vehicle is not moved, it may continue to accrue citations.
  • The director of security sets fines in agreement with the vice president for student services.
  • Fines are subject to change.

Contest and Appeal. Students may contest a citation by completing and submitting the online appeal form. Reasons for appealing a citation include a mistake by the issuing officer, misidentification of the vehicle that committed the violation, or an error or oversight regarding signage, pavement markings, or other matters beyond the control of the vehicle operator or the issuing officer. The reviewing authority may let the citation stand, reduce the fine, or void the citation. The associate vice president for student services will hear appeals submitted through the online appeals form.  Appeals based on a philosophical disagreement with the parking regulation(s), claiming that they were violating the regulations for only a short period, or other justification will not be entertained.

Fines. Fines may be paid during normal business hours at the Accounting and Financial Management office located in the Nolte Gateway Center. Campus Security cannot accept payment for citations. Failure to pay fines by the end of the semester in which they were issued may result in a hold being placed on the student’s account, referral to a collection agency, or withdrawal of privileges.

Violations and Fines

Parked in handicap space $100  
Parked in fire zone $25  
Parked in designated* space $25  
Parked on a yellow curb/line $20  
Parked in driving lane $25  
Stop sign/Red light violation $25  
Reckless driving $40  
Disregard security officer,traffic cones, or signs $40  
Parked on a sidewalk or off the pavement $25  
Regulatory or mechanical violation  $20  
*Except by those for which the space is designated    

Photographs and Filming

The college may release to the media or use for college publications photographs taken of students in classrooms, student lounge areas, or other academic or student life areas. The college will not identify students by name or position and will not release their names to outside individuals or organizations without prior written permission.

Publicity and Posting

The college provides designated areas to post information about upcoming events. Flyers must include the name of the group or person responsible for the event. Including contact information is encouraged. Posting on doors, walls, windows, trees, sidewalks, poles, or elevators is not allowed. The college does not censor the content of flyers, except when the content violates college policies. Flyers with content that violates college policies will be removed. The following is information on posting in specific areas.

  • Community Bulletin Boards. Anyone can post flyers on the five community bulletin boards located in the Nolte Gateway Center, Union/University building, Wold Physical Science Center, Liesinger Hall, and the Residence Hall.
  • Campus Events and Information Bulletin Boards. Only the Casper College Public Relations Department may post flyers to the campus events and information bulletin boards located around campus. If you would like a flyer posted on the campus events and information bulletin boards visit the Public Relations office located in the Nolte Gateway Center.
  • Residence Hall. Resident advisers are responsible for posting in the Residence Hall. Students request permission from their RA to post a flyer in the Residence Hall.
  • LCD Screens. LCD screens are located around campus to disseminate campus information, including the promotion of campus events. Contact Public Relations at 307-268-2456 to request having an event posted.


The use of skateboards, longboards, or similar items is not permitted anywhere on campus. Persons using these items will be instructed to cease the activity and leave campus if they are not a student or otherwise affiliated with the college.


Smoking is prohibited in all buildings, structures, or vehicles owned, leased, or rented by the college, including covered walkways, temporary enclosed structures, trailers, and tents. Smokers must be at least 10 feet from an entrance, exit, outdoor air intake, or operable window. Smoking includes the carrying or holding of any lit or ignited pipe, cigar, cigarette, electronic cigarette, or any other lit or battery-operated smoking equipment or device; or the igniting, inhaling, or exhaling from a pipe, cigar, cigarette, electronic cigarette, or any other smoking equipment or device.

Student Records

Privacy of Student Records. The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) outlines the rights of students and the responsibilities of educational institutions in the maintenance and security of student records. The rights of students under this act include the following, subject to conditions and limitations specified in the act:

  1. The right to access official records directly related to the student. Students may request to amend education records for inaccurate or misleading information but they may not challenge a grade, an opinion, or a substantive decision. Students have the right to a hearing pertaining to denied requests and may submit a personal statement in the record regarding the dispute.
  2. The right to limit disclosure of personally identifiable information contained in education records. Casper College may release student information to excepted parties per this act without student consent. The college considers the following information to be directory information and, in response to public inquiry, may be disclosed in conformance with state law, at the college’s discretion, without prior consent of the student: (a) student name, (b) city and state of current address, (c) major field of study, (d) educational level, (e) participation in officially recognized activities and sports, (f) weight and height of athletic team members, (g) dates of attendance, (h) degrees and awards, and (i) enrollment status. Students who wish to restrict the release of their directory information are encouraged to do so by completing the Request to Withhold Directory Information Form in Enrollment Services during the first 14 calendar days of the fall or spring semester or the first four calendar days of the summer session. Students can opt-out at any time during the semester but requests are not retroactive.
  3. The right to file a complaint concerning alleged failure by Casper College to comply with the Act with the Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 600 Independence Avenue SW, Washington DC 20202-4605.

The information contained in educational records, except for directory information, will not be disclosed to anyone without the prior written consent of the student.

Student Record Retention. The college maintains official academic records, financial aid data, and applicant materials during and for a period after a student is enrolled. Permanent records include courses attempted, grades, and degrees and certificates earned.

Student Travel

Refer to Student Travel in the Casper College Policy Manual.



The college uses surveillance systems to enhance the safety and security of persons and property in or on college facilities. This policy does not imply or guarantee the continual monitoring of surveillance systems in real time. The college does not install or use dummy surveillance systems. Surveillance content is controlled. Access is granted under limited circumstances. The college may use surveillance content to investigate an alleged violation of college policy or an illegal act and to support disciplinary hearings. The college manages the surveillance content and prohibits the interception, duplication, transmission, or use of surveillance content for purposes other than the intended uses listed in this policy. This policy does not apply to non-surveillance content.

Theft and Unauthorized Use

The college expects students, employees, and visitors to respect college property, private property, and property of the larger community in which we live. Theft, attempted theft, or unauthorized use or possession of property or services owned or controlled by someone else, regardless of location, may result in disciplinary actions including restitution, repair costs, probation, suspension, termination, and referral to law enforcement.


College facilities include all buildings, structures, grounds, fields, and parking lots owned or leased by the college. College facilities are for the use of the college community and visitors. Being a college community member or visitor does not give an individual unlimited access to all facilities at all times or days. College officials may limit or restrict access to facilities. Trespassing examples include the following:

  • The entry or attempted entry of college facilities without authorization or legal right.
  • Remaining in college facilities without authorization or legal right.
  • Remaining in college facilities after being instructed to leave by a college official.
  • Unauthorized possession, duplication, or use of keys or fobs to access college facilities.
  • Using a false ID card to gain access to college facilities.

Anyone who trespasses is subject to expulsion from campus, being prohibited from returning to campus, and arrest. Students who trespass may face disciplinary sanctions. See the Casper College Student Code of Conduct .

Vehicle Registration

Students are required to register their vehicles with Enrollment Services at the time of enrollment or employment by filling out the Vehicle Registration Form. Students who purchase new vehicles or bring additional vehicles on campus must also register these vehicles. Vehicles without permits will be cited. Students may park trailers on upper campus in the McMurry Career Studies Center parking lot and on the west side of Josendal Drive unless otherwise posted. 


Weapons include any object or substance designed to inflict a wound, cause injury, or incapacitate including, but not limited to, operable or inoperable firearms (or replicas), explosives, dangerous chemicals outside of laboratory settings, clubs or other impact weapons, swords, arrows, bows, martial arts weapons, and knives designed or adapted for combat or use against another person. Possession or carrying of a weapon in college buildings is prohibited. Exceptions may be granted for a limited period and specific purposes related to a college class, program or training. Exceptions must be applied for through Campus Security and are granted by the president. The college provides limited storage for firearms for residential students. Contact Campus Security for more information or review the full policy in the Casper College Policy Manual.

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