Feb 07, 2025  
Catalog 2012-2013 
Catalog 2012-2013 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Policies

Class Attendance

Students are expected to attend all classes for which they are registered and are accountable for all class work during an absence. Nonattendance at a required class, laboratory, rehearsal, or field trip constitutes an absence. Excessive absences or tardiness may result in a lowered grade; and, at the discretion of the college administration, a student who fails to attend regularly may be asked to withdraw from college.

When an instructor believes that absences are affecting a student’s work, the Vice President of Student Services is notified.

If a student cannot attend a class for two or more class meetings, the student should contact the Vice President of Student Services to explain the circumstances. The Vice President of Student Services will notify all instructors concerned. When field trips, athletic trips, and other trips occur, the faculty sponsor or coach provides the Vice President of Student Services a list of the participants at least three days before the group’s scheduled departure from the campus so that all instructors concerned may be notified. In all cases, the authority to excuse absences rests with the instructors concerned.

Nonattendance does not constitute withdrawal from courses. Students will be responsible for charges incurred because of failure to properly drop or withdraw from courses.

Grading System

Unit of Credit

Normally, one semester hour represents attendance in one of the following:

  1. One 50-minute period each week for one semester in a lecture recitation-type class.
  2. Two to four periods each week for one semester in a laboratory or activity class.
  3. A minimum of 80 hours of on-the-job training with college supervision.

Grades and Grade Points

A — excellent 4 points
B — above average 3 points
C — average 2 points
D — below average 1 point
F — failure 0 points
I — incomplete 0 points
W — withdrawn 0 points
S — satisfactory 0 points
U — unsatisfactory 0 points
X — in progress 0 points
Audit 0 points


The “I” notation is used only when the student, for reasons beyond the student’s control, is unable to finish the work of the course, and in such instances only when the student would otherwise have had a passing grade. A student who has received an incomplete must arrange with the instructor for completion. The course must be completed by a date mutually agreed on by the instructor and the student, but no later than the end of the succeeding full semester (summer term excluded) unless an extension of time has been approved. If the course is not completed by this date, the “I” will be changed to an “F” grade.


The “S” grade is not assigned quality points, but credits earned with an “S” grade may count toward degree requirements, satisfactory progress requirements, and athletic or activity eligibility requirements.

The “S/U option,” whereby the student may elect to receive S/U grades rather than regular letter grades, is available in certain courses. Those courses are selected by the department offering the course, and are identified as “S/U option” courses in the catalog course description.

The student must formally elect this option at registration or at any time up to the deadline for withdrawal from the course, with officia lpermission from the instructor.

In Progress

The “X” notation is used in open-ended courses in which the student starts late in the term without time to complete the course by the end of the term. It is also used in nonstructured courses in which the students are allowed to progress at their own rate and are not, therefore, required to finish the course by the end of the semester. It is not considered a grade as such, but an indicator of work in progress and therefore is not included in the semester summary of grade points or hours completed. It does, however, remain on the student’s permanent record, and the credit hours involved may be used in determining satisfactory progress and athletic or activity eligibility.

Grade Averages (GPA)

A student’s semester grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing the number of grade points earned by the number of semester hours attempted that semester. The cumulative grade point average is calculated by dividing the total number of grade points earned at Casper College by the total number of semester hours attempted at Casper College. In either case, the number of semester hours attempted does not include the semester hours audited, or the semester hours for courses in which I, W, S, U, or X were assigned.

Repeated Courses

A student who wishes to do so may repeat any course. If a Casper College course is repeated, the credit, semester hours attempted, and grade points earned for the prior enrollment in that course will be excluded in determining the cumulative grade point average, regardless of the number of repetitions.

Grade Reports

Students receive grade reports twice each semester. Mid-semester reports are issued to indicate academic progress and are not a part of the permanent record. Semester reports are final grades of record. Grades may be viewed by logging into the student’s WebAdvisor account.


Requests for transcripts should be submitted in writing to the records office. The complete name and address of the addressee must be included. No transcripts are released until all administrative holds have been satisfied. There is no charge for a reasonable number of transcripts.

Academic Standing

Good Standing and Satisfactory Progress

A student is considered to be in good academic standing if making satisfactory grades. Specifically, good academic standing is defined as follows:

  1. New Students. All new students who qualify for admission without reservation (see “Qualifications for Admission ”) are considered to be “in good standing.”
  2. Continuing Students.
    1. All students who have attended one term at Casper College and have attended no other colleges, and who have attained a 1.5 or better grade point average for that term, shall be “in good standing.”
    2. All students who have attended two or more terms of college, the most recent at Casper College, and have attained a 2.0 or better grade point average either for that term or for their cumulative average shall be “in good standing.”

“Satisfactory progress” is a term used with federal student financial aid recipients. Please see the specific definition in the Student Financial Assistance  section of this catalog.

Academic Probation

The purpose of academic probation is to alert the student to a lack of academic progress. A student will be placed on academic probation in these instances:

  1. When admitted, if the student’s academic qualifications do not meet the minimum standards for admission (see “Qualifications for Admission”).
  2. After completing a term at Casper College, if the student does not meet the grade requirements for “in good standing” for continuing students described above.

A student is removed from probation at the completion of a term in which academic performance meets or exceeds the requirements for good standing. A student who fails to achieve good standing after one probationary term is subject to academic suspension.

Academic Suspension

Academic suspension is given if a student fails to achieve “good academic standing” after one semester’s probation or for an act of academic dishonesty, such as cheating or plagiarism.

Disciplinary probation and suspension may be imposed in accordance with the Student Conduct and Judicial Code. Financial aid probation and suspension are imposed in accordance with the rules and regulations governing the specific form of aid received.

Academic Forgiveness

Casper College policy regarding “academic forgiveness” is manifested in these practices and procedures:

  1. Current term problems. A student experiencing difficulty with any courses has these options: withdrawal, complete or partial (see Schedule Changes ), audit (see Auditing Courses ), or requesting incomplete or “in progress” reports (see Incomplete and In Progress).
  2. Academic standing. Casper College’s definition of “good academic standing” bases that status on either term grade point average or cumulative grade point average (see Academic Standing), thus allowing redemption in one term regardless of past record and avoiding penalty for one below par term in an otherwise satisfactory record.
  3. Graduation. Casper College’s general requirements for graduation permit exclusion of needless and unwanted courses in calculating the grade point average for graduation (see Graduation Requirements ).
  4. Academic Forgiveness Petition. A degree-seeking student currently attending Casper College could petition the registrar to have an entire block (at least one semester but not more than four semesters) of courses removed from the calculation of grade point average (GPA) and degree credit. The petition will be approved if the student has completed 24 semester hours at a 2.5 GPA in college level courses following the last semester in the forgiveness petition. This is a one-time-only option.

Disciplinary Probation, Suspension and Expulsion

Disciplinary probation, suspension and expulsion procedures are addressed in the Student Conduct and Judicial Code. Disciplinary probation and suspension are defined in the Student Conduct and Judicial Code. Only the president is empowered by the college district board to expel students for disciplinary reasons. However, a judicial hearing body will be responsible for making an expulsion recommendation to the president.

Student Conduct

Students are expected to observe the college’s standards for conduct as identified in the Student Conduct and Judicial Code which may be found in the Student Handbook. Students residing in campus housing are also subject to the conduct standards described in the Residence Hall Handbook, the Terms and Conditions for Occupancy, and other published materials pertaining to other campus housing facilities. Students accepted into “limited enrollment programs” may also be responsible for maintaining standards outlined in program handbooks or similar statements.

Students participating, as members of a team or individually, in campus activities and intercollegiate sports programs are further subject to the standards of conduct adopted by the campus team/activity and any regulation prescribed by conference, regional and/or national organizations responsible for the sanctioning of the sport, activity and/or event.

It is the individual student’s responsibility to become familiar with any and all of the aforementioned conduct standards; to have knowledge of the policies, procedures and information specified in official college publications; and to provide accurate and updated personal, demographic and educational information to the college.

All of the aforementioned standards for student conduct must support the general standard as outlined by the Board of Trustees:

“The Casper College District Board requires students to show both within and without Casper College such respect for law, order, morality, personal honor and the rights of others as is demanded of responsible citizens. Conduct not meeting these standards may constitute sufficient cause for removal from Casper College.”

Student Complaints

Should circumstances arise in which a student believes that she/he has not received fair and equitable treatment from the college and/or its employees, a student grievance procedure is available to address the issue. This procedure is described in the Casper College Policies and Procedures Manual and in the Student Handbook. A student may review the procedure by contacting the Vice President for Student Services. Issues arising as a result of disciplinary actions taken in accordance with recognized campus conduct and judicial standards may not be addressed through this student grievance procedure.

Cheating and Plagiarism

Casper College demands intellectual honesty. Plagiarism or any form of dishonesty associated with the academic process may result in the offender’s failing the course in which the offense was committed. (See Casper College Student Code of Conduct.)

Honors and Standings

With respect to inclusion in and/or candidacy for the following listings and groups, the requisite grade point averages will be computed in accordance with the institution’s standard grade point average calculation methodology, as described in the Catalog information on the Grading System.

Dean’s Honor Roll

Part-time degree-seeking students (taking less than 12 hours) and nondegree-seeking students (taking six or more hours) who maintain a 3.5 grade point average or higher qualify for the dean’s honor roll.

President’s Honor Roll

The president’s honor roll, issued at the end of each regular semester, lists the names of all degree-seeking students with 12 or more hours attempted and with current grade point averages of 3.5 or better.

Alpha Mu Gamma

This is the National Collegiate Foreign Language Honor Society, which recognizes achievement in foreign language study and encourages interest in foreign languages, literature, and linguistic attainment.

Phi Rho Pi

This national organization recognizes excellence in forensics competition and is open to any student who is interested in competitive speaking.

Phi Theta Kappa

An invitation to join Phi Theta Kappa, a national two-year college honorary scholastic fraternity, is dependent upon the following qualifications:

The student must:

  1. have a Casper College cumulative grade point average of 3.5 or above at the time of initiation;
  2. have completed at least 12 credit hours of Casper College coursework;
  3. be enrolled in Casper College as, at least, a six (6) credi tpart-time student in the semester in which he/she becomes eligible for membership and in which they are initiated;
  4. be of good moral character;
  5. be currently enrolled as a degree-seeking student;
  6. have no felony criminal record or abridgment of citizenship rights.

‘With Distinction’ Graduates

Students receiving associate degrees that have earned a minimum of 32 semester hours (semester hours attempted as defined in “Grade Averages ”) at Casper College and who have attained a cumulative GPA of 3.8 or better in Casper College coursework are graduated “with distinction.”