Feb 14, 2025
Catalog 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
World Languages, A.A.
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Opportunities for traveling or working abroad are increasing annually. Expanding world trade will create more and more demands for bilingual people, and America’s role in international affairs requires more than ever before that we understand the cultures of all world peoples. Consequently, the study of world languages can no longer be a luxury; it has become a necessity.
Students are placed in world languages classes by the world languages instructors who evaluate their previous language experience. Students wishing to take placement and credit examinations may arrange to do so with the world languages faculty or testing center.
World languages satisfy a requirement for the bachelor of arts degree and the fine arts/humanistic studies requirement for the bachelor of science degree in many programs.
Credit may not ordinarily be earned in one’s native language (mother tongue) in first year courses.
Excellent career opportunities await the student who combines world language studies with business, technology, science, vocational programs, etc. For specific information, consult the world language faculty.
General Education (Minimum 32 credits)
General education coursework can be completed from within or outside of the major field of study. 1. Exploration and Participation
3. Relationship with the World
4. General Education electives
Must be chosen from areas 1, 2, or 3 above. 5. Physical Education (1CR)
Major Requirements
- World language (12-16*CR)
- Electives (16-20CR)
Electives (16-20CR)
Some Approved Electives include: - ANTH 1200 - Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (3L,3CR)
- ANTH 2000 - Introduction to Linguistic Anthropology (3L,3CR)
- CO/M 1040 - Introduction to Human Communication (3L,3CR)
- All ENGL literature courses
- EDFD 2020 - Foundations of Education (3L,3CR)
- GEOG 1000 - World Regional Geography (3L,3CR)
- GEOG 1110 - Management and Implementation of GIS (2L,4LB,4CR)
- HIST 1110 - Western Civilization I (3L,3CR)
- HIST 1120 - Western Civilization II (3L,3CR)
- HUMN 2140 - World Literature I (3L,3CR)
- HUMN 2150 - World Literature II (3L,3CR)
- HUMN 2230 - Humanities in Europe: Study of the Origins of Western Culture (3L,3CR)
- HUMN 2250 - Ideas in Ancient Literature, Greek, Roman, Hebrew (2-3L,2-3CR)
- HUMN 2251 - Ideas in Medieval Literature (2-3L,2-3CR)
- HUMN 2252 - Ideas in Renaissance Literature (2-3L,2-3CR)
- HUMN 2253 - Ideas in Modern Literature (2-3L,2-3CR)
- PHIL 1000 - Introduction to Philosophy (3L,3CR)
- POLS 1020 - Issues in Foreign Relations I (3L,3CR)
- POLS 1030 - Issues in Foreign Relations II (3L,3CR)
- POLS 1200 - Non-Western Political Cultures (3L,3CR)
- POLS 2200 - The Politics of Europe and the European Union (3L,3CR)
- POLS 2310 - Introduction to International Relations (3L,3CR)
Graduation Requirements
A minimum of 64 approved semester credits are required for graduation. For specific graduation requirements see “Academic Policies ” and “Degree Requirements .” Note:
*If a student majors in one of the three core world languages (French, German, Spanish), the student must complete a minimum of 12 credits in the 1010, 1020, and 2030 courses of that language. If a student does not major in a core language, the student must complete a minimum of 8 credits (1010 and 1020 courses) in any two languages for a total of 16 credits. Only courses numbered 1000 or above can be used toward the Associate of Arts, Associate of Science, Associate of Business, Associate of Fine Arts and Associate of Applied Science Degrees. |
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