Jan 23, 2025  
Catalog 2013-2014 
Catalog 2013-2014 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Payment Plans and Deadlines

Charges for tuition and fees for a semester are due and payable at the time of registration; full payment must be received no later than the payment deadline. Accounts not paid or without payment arrangements by the deadline will be subject to additional fees and possible submission for collection. Payment information regarding each semester is available in the current semester schedule or online at www.caspercollege.edu/1stop.

Student Responsibility: Upon registering for class, students become liable for incurred charges, for knowing the correct tuition and fees owed, for verifying the status and balance of their account, and for payment of all charges in the Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) office prior to payment deadlines.

Students whose “home” institution is the University of Wyoming or any of Casper College’s university partnerships, and who are concurrently enrolled in Casper College courses, are required to pay Casper College tuition directly to Casper College by the Casper College payment deadline.

Nonattendance does not constitute withdrawal. Students must notify the registrar if they will not attend a semester at Casper College for which they are registered. Failure to pay tuition and fees does not constitute withdrawal. Students are responsible for charges incurred to the date of formal withdrawal according to the refund schedule.

If a student’s federal financial aid or any other source of funding, including financial aid issued by another institution, trust fund distribution, payment by employer or other parties, will not be available prior to a payment deadline, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the AFM Office prior to the deadline to make payment arrangements. A student should verify that all expected Financial Aid has been credited to their account prior to due dates to avoid extension/late payment fee charges. Note: Casper College tuition will not be deducted from financial aid issued by another institution. Failure to make payment or arrangements will result in the assessment of extension charges.

Statements are mailed prior to the start of a semester and monthly thereafter. Students are responsible for maintaining a current address on file with the Enrollment Services office. If a student does not receive a statement of account, it is the student’s responsibility to contact the AFM office to request a statement and to make payment by the payment deadline. Account information can be viewed online through Web Advisor, accessible at www.caspercollege.edu/1stop. A Casper College username and password are required.

Failure to make payment by a published due date will result in the assessment of extension and late payment fees. These fees will not be waived because a student did not receive a statement.

Tuition payments may be made by: telephone with a VISA, MasterCard or Discover or by mail, with receipt at Casper College prior to the deadline, or online through WebAdvisor, accessible at www.caspercollege.edu/1stop. A Casper College username and password are required. Tuition payments may also be made in person during regular office hours, or left in the after hours drop box located in the Gateway Building, outside of the AFM Office. To avoid additional charges, students should verify that Casper College has received the payment made by mail or left in the after hours drop box.

An authorization to bill for a student’s tuition and fees will be accepted from government agencies, such as DVR, or a student’s employer. The authorization must be on file in the AFM office prior to the payment deadline to avoid the assessment of extension/late payment fees to the student’s account. Casper College will bill the third party according to the terms of the authorization with payment due within 30 days from the date of billing. The student is responsible for timely payment of any fees not covered by the authorization, extension/late payment fees assessed as a result of the authorization not received prior to due dates, and the account balance if the third party fails to pay the amount authorized and billed.

Casper College Payment Plan: Casper College offers a three-payment plan for each fall and spring semester. A two payment plan is available for the Summer semester. The Payment Plan Agreements are available through the Casper College website and the AFM office. Refer to www.caspercollege.edu/1stop or contact the AFM office for details.

When payment of an account balance or payment on a payment plan is past due, a “hold” is placed on the student’s records. Any account with an outstanding balance, regardless of arrangements, will have a “hold” placed on the student’s records prior to early registration. This will prevent any new registrations, issuance of academic transcripts, etc. A “hold” will not be released unless payment in full is made with collected funds (cash, cashier’s check or money order). If paid with a personal check, a delay of two weeks from the date of deposit will be required prior to the “hold” being released. A student who incurs a debt to Casper College during a semester, after registering for a subsequent semester, will have a hold placed on his/her records. If that debt is not paid by the due date on the billing statement for that debt, the subsequent semester’s registration will be deleted.

An account that has not met payment requirements may be referred for collection at any time. Collection costs may be added to the outstanding balance when an account is referred for collection. Accounts may also be assessed any court costs and attorney’s fees incurred as a result of collection efforts. There will be no adjustments to or petition consideration given on an outstanding balance after the account has been referred for collection. Once an account is turned over for collection, all payments must be made to the collection center.

Referral for collection will adversely affect a student’s credit at Casper College. That means in the future a student will be required to prepay tuition before registering for courses and will not be permitted to utilize the payment plan.


A. Tuition and Fees

Refer to current semester credit class schedule or to www.caspercollege.edu/1stop for refund information. To receive a refund or adjustment, the drop or withdrawal from the course(s) must occur by the deadlines listed in the current semester class schedule or www.caspercollege.edu/1stop. For courses that meet for less than a full semester, the number of days in each refund period of the standard full semester refund policy is proportionately applied to the length of a less than full semester course to determine the length of time for the 100 percent, 75 percent and 50 percent refund periods. Check with the AFM office for the refund percentage that will apply on the day the less than full semester course ids dropped. See “Complete Withdrawals ” for required procedures and definitions of official withdrawal date.

Refunds will be calculated following the end of the refund period and refund checks will be mailed to the student by the AFM office. If payment was made by credit card, credit will be issued to the credit card account.

For exceptions to the refund policy, students should submit a petition to the Vice President for Student Services. Petition forms are available in the Gateway Building, third floor, or call 307-268-2201 or visit www.caspercollege.edu/1stop/forms.

B. Room Refund

Room charges are not refunded after August 19, 2013 for the fall semester and after January 14, 2014 for the spring semester unless a student withdraws entirely from Casper College. Students that withdraw entirely will be refunded at 75 percent during the first two weeks of the semester; at 50 percent for the third week; and at 25 percent the fourth week. No refunds will be made after the 25 percent deadline. Students wishing to move off campus while continuing enrollment as a Casper College student will be held accountable for the entire room charge, as well as forfeiture of the $200 deposit.

C. Board Contracts

A refund of 100 percent of the unused portion of the board contract will be made up to 30 days prior to the end of the semester.

D. Refunds for Students with Grant, Loan or Scholarship Funds

A student who receives grant, loan or scholarship funds but attends no classes must repay the full amount of such awards. A student who receives such funds and attends classes but withdraws from school must make repayment of such funds in accordance with the appropriate refund and repayment policy. Award repayments are deducted from any available tuition, room, and board refunds; any balance due the college is billed to the student, and any balance due the student is refunded to the student.

Miscellaneous Fees

Studio Music

(private lessons, per credit hour) $90

Fitness Center Courses

(per credit hour) $30


(as detailed in the appropriate term class schedule)

Continuing Education and Community Service Courses (fees vary)

The Casper College District Board reserves the right to alter tuition, fees, and room and board at any time by the amount necessary to maintain the institution.

Student Identification Cards

Student photo identification cards are issued to any student enrolled in a Casper College or affiliated institution credit course who pays the college’s mandatory student fees. If an identification card is lost, there is a $5 charge for replacement. A valid photo identification card is required for admittance to college-sponsored activities, library services and for verification of student status, as required by a college official in performance of his/her duties. Student ID cards are available in the Enrollment Services Center, located on the third floor of the Gateway Building.

Books and Supplies

Textbooks and required special course supplies are available for purchase at the Follett Bookstore located in the Strausner Student Center. Costs will vary with the courses being taken.


Casper College participates in the Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE), a program of the 13 states Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). Through WUE, students who are legal residents of other WICHE states may enroll in Casper College programs at WUE rates (150 percent of the Wyoming resident tuition plus the standard per credit student fees). WUE information may be obtained through the Enrollment Services office, located on the third floor of the Gateway Building.

  • Nebraska residents are eligible to enroll in Casper College programs at WUE rates.

Casper College graduates may generally enroll as students under the same terms at designated institutions and programs in other participating states. Information about programs in other states may be obtained from the WICHE Office, P.O. Box 3432, University Station, Laramie, Wyoming 82071 or by calling (307) 766-6556. 

Tuition & Fees (2013-14)

  Full-time/Semester* Per Credit Hour*
Wyoming Residents $1224 $102
Out-of-State $3120 $260
WUE $1692 $141
* All amounts include a $23 per credit hour fee for publications, athletics, student government, student health, etc. The maximum fee assessed per semester is $276 (12 cr hrs x $23)


Room and Board (2013-14)

Fall and Spring Semester

Per Semester DBL w/private bath* Occupancy/19 Meals Per Week DBL w/private bath* Occupancy/15 Meals Per Week DBL w/private bath* Occupancy/10 Meals Per Week Wheeler Terrace (2 occupants per apartment/19 Meals Per Week)
ROOM $1550 $1550 $1550 $2400
BOARD $1360 $1360 +$100 Flex Bucks $1210 +$100 Flex Bucks $1360
50 meal plan - 50 meals per semester: Commuter Plan for Nonresidence hall students $495 per semester