Jul 16, 2024  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Employee Assistance Program

Employee Assistance Program Approved Date    1-20-2015
    Effective Date    1-20-2015
    Revision No.    1.0

1.0    Purpose

This policy establishes guidelines for Casper College employees, employee spouses and dependents, and retirees to access and use the college’s employee assistance program (confidential counselling and healthy lifestyle education, classes, and services).

2.0    Revision History

Date Rev. No. Change Ref Section
1-20-15 1.0 Policy rewrite.  
1-20-15 1.1 Defined dependents as those under age 18 per the agreement with our provider.  5.2
1-20-15 1.2 Added retirees as they are included in our agreement with our provider. 3.3 and 5.3
1-20-15 1.3 Removed the requirement that employees or their spouses contact the employee’s supervisor or Human Resources to access the EAP. This is a confidential service. Employees may contact the provider directly.  
1-20-15 1.4 Removed the limit of two visits to the EAP for the same issue. This is not current practices.  
1-20-15 1.5 Removed the option that employees or their family members receive counseling through the college’s counseling center. The Counseling Center focuses on students. They have limited capacity to provide counseling to additional groups.   

3.0    Persons Affected

3.1    All benefited employees.

3.2    Spouses and dependents of eligible college employees.

3.3    Casper College retirees.

4.0    Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure the following.

4.1    Casper College maintains a productive and safe work environment by providing a resource for employees to address personal and family issues.

4.2    Supervisors have a resource to assist employees in resolving personal and family issues that may adversely affect job performance.

5.0    Definitions

5.1    Employee Assistance Program (EAP). This service is a voluntary program designed to help eligible employees, their spouses and dependents, and retirees address personal, family, and work-related issues. It may include assessments, short-term counseling, and referrals.

EAP services are free. Costs associated with outside providers recommended by the EAP provider are, like other healthcare services, the responsibility of the recipient.

Information relative to an employee’s participation in the EAP is confidential. The EAP provider will not provide the college with individual appointment or treatment information.

5.2    Dependent. This is a person who is under age 18, unmarried, and dependent on an eligible employee for more than half of their principal support.

5.3    Retiree. This is a person who has

5.3.1    20 years of employment with the State of Wyoming and is eligible for State retirement benefits or TIAA-CREF upon retirement or

5.3.2    48 months of employment with the State of Wyoming, is 50 years or older, and is eligible for State retirement benefits or TIAA-CREF upon retirement.

6.0    Responsibilities

6.1    The director of human resources is responsible for ensuring compliance to this policy.

7.0    Procedures

7.1    Employee Self-Referral

7.1.1    Employees or their family members who are experiencing personal or family issues are encouraged to seek assistance through the EAP. Employees voluntarily contact the EAP provider listed on the Human Resources webpage to schedule an appointment with a counselor for themselves or an eligible family member. The EAP provider may not provide any specific information to the college about appointments.

7.2    Supervisor Referral

7.2.1    Supervisors who are unable to address an employee’s unsatisfactory job performance or conduct by using traditional management tools may contact the director of human resources as to the appropriateness of referring an employee to the EAP provider.

7.2.2    If referring the employee to the EAP provider is deemed appropriate, the director of human resources discusses the EAP with the employee and provides information on how to schedule an appointment or may assist in scheduling an appointment.