Feb 03, 2025  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Board of Trustees/College President

Board of Trustees/College President

Board Policies

College President Policies


Section: Chapter 2 Board
Subject: Composition, Authority, and Duties

Last Revised 02/21/2023




Casper College District Board of Trustees shall be interchanged with the public name of Casper College and shall hereafter be referred to as the Board.

Quorum means a simple majority of the number of Casper College District Board members needed to transact all business.

Vacancy is defined as a Board member who is absent from his position due to death, illness or disability, resignation, or resident relocation outside of the district.

2.1.00 Board Authority and Legal Name

2.1.10 The legal name of the district is the “Casper Community College District” established under the State of Wyoming Statutes, 21-18-301. The public name of Casper College District Board shall hold property and be a party to legal suits and contracts.

2.1.20 Board members shall represent the voters, students, Natrona County citizens, and the state of Wyoming in managing the business and affairs of the college. The Board shall be charged with oversight and complete control of the organization and government of the college.

2.2.00 Public Name

2.2.10 The public name of the district shall be Casper College.

2.3.00 Board Composition

2.3.10 In accordance with the provisions specified in Sections WS 21-18-308 of the State of Wyoming, Board members will consist of seven elected members.

2.4.00 Board Qualifications

2.4.10 A Board member shall be a qualified elector residing in the Casper College District.

2.5.00 Board Elections

2.5.10 Board elections are held during general election years on the first Tuesday in November.

2.6.00 Board Terms of Office

2.6.10 Board members shall serve a term limit of four years as established in the State of Wyoming Statutes, WS 22-22-102.

2.7.00 Removal of Board Members

2.7.10 The Board may remove any Board appointed officers by a majority vote.

2.8.00 Board Vacancies

2.8.10 A Board member’s position may become vacant in the event of death, illness or disability, resignation, or resident relocation outside of the district. If a vacancy exists, the Board has 30 days to temporarily appoint a qualified person to fill the vacancy (see State of Wyoming Statutes, WS 22-18-111).

2.9.00 Board’s Oath of Office

2.9.10 Each newly elected member of the Board shall file with the Board Secretary the following Oath of Office:

“I ________________, do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Laws and Constitution of the State of Wyoming, and that I will discharge the duties of Trustee of the Casper College District Board to the best of my ability as prescribed by law.”

2.10.00 Board Code of Ethics

2.10.10 The Board shall adhere to the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) model code of ethics: (see Appendix A).

2.11.00 Board Duties and Responsibilities

2.11.10 The Board is responsible for:

  1. Establishing and maintaining rules and regulations governing the formal and informal procedures at Casper College.
  2. Developing and maintaining the mission statement of Casper College.
  3. Participating in the development of the strategic plan and the master plan and approving the same. 
  4. Appointing, retaining, or releasing the President of Casper College.
  5. Providing advice and consent to authorities delegated to the President of Casper College.
  6. Adjudicating action on the suspension or dismissal of employees. Discussion with Legal
  7. Approving programs and services, and changes to same, before submission to the Wyoming Community College Commission.
  8. Approving facility planning, construction, or renovation before submission for funding.
  9. Management of the business and affairs of Casper College.
  10. Approving all budgets before submission for funding.
  11. Authorizing the expenditure of funds, and issuance of bonds.
  12. Organizing and governing Casper College within the laws and rules of the State of Wyoming.
  13. Promoting the Casper College mission to the citizens of Natrona County and the State of Wyoming.

2.11.20 Individual Board members shall be responsible for:

  1. Attending Casper College District Board meetings, participating in the decisions made, and serving in Board appointments necessary for the functioning of the Board.
  2. Participating as a member of the Board of Directors of the Casper College Foundation, as appointed by the President/Chair of the Board.
  3. Participating as a member of the Natrona County Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES) as appointed by the President/Chair of the Board.
  4. Participating as a member of the governing board of the Wyoming Association of Community College Trustees (WACCT) as appointed by the President/Chair of the board.
  5. Establishing and maintaining positive community relationships through active participation on behalf f the college in the community and in organizations locally, regionally, and nationally.
  6. Establishing and maintaining a positive working relationship with the President of Casper College.
  7. Establishing and maintaining positive relationships with students and college personnel.
  8. Standing as an ex-officio member or guest of all committees, meetings, organizations, or public gatherings held by students, college employees, or by the public in college facilities.

2.12.00 Employee Association

2.12.10 The Board encourages employees to associate themselves by their own self determination for the purposes of communication, coordination, cooperation, professional development, and to advise and recommend on such for the consideration of the Board.

2.13.00 Support for Student Policies

2.13.10 The Board will support and incorporate into policy the policies pertaining to all students as described in the Casper College Catalog, Student Handbook, Athletic Handbook, and the Housing/Facilities Terms and Conditions and Contracts.

2.14.00 Board Rules on Governing Policies and Responsibilities

2.14.10 The Board will exercise its leadership to establish and maintain rules and regulations governing the policies and procedures of the college. The Board will adopt all policies of the college in a regular or special public meeting following an appropriate opportunity for public review.

2.14.20 The Board will revise its procedures and provide for exceptions to existing procedures as needed.

2.14.30 The Board may not delegate any powers which only the Board is given by statute.

2.15.00 Quorum

2.15.10 A majority of the Board member constitutes a quorum for the transaction of all business, but at least three (3) concurring votes is required to decide any question.

2.16.00 Board Officers

2.16.10 According to the State of Wyoming Statutes WS 22-18-302, Board officers shall consist of a president/chair, vice chairman, secretary, and treasurer. 

2.16.20 Each officer shall be elected annually by the Board. The position shall be for one year until his/her successor has been elected and qualified, or until death, resignation, or removal by a majority vote of the Board for nonattendance and nonperformance.

2.16.30 Board Officer shall perform designated duties (see Appendix C).

2.17.00 Regular Meetings

2.17.10 Monthly Board meetings shall be held on the third Tuesday of every month. 

2.17.20 Board meetings shall be open to the public except otherwise indicated (see State of Wyoming Statutes WS 16-4-403).

2.18.00 Special Meetings

2.18.10 The Board may call a special meeting at the discretion of the Board President/Chair or by a majority of the members of the Board.

2.19.00 Board Agenda

2.19.10 The President in consultation with the Board prepares an agenda for each Board meeting. When time permits, the agenda topics are mailed or provided by electronic means, to members prior to the meeting. At a meeting, time is provided for items not on the agenda.

2.20.00 Order of Business

2.20.10 The Board shall normally conduct all meetings according to procedures outlined in Appendix B.

2.21.00 Board Minutes

2.21.10 As required by the State of WY Statutes WS 16-4-403, minutes must be recorded for publishing official action taken by the Board except Executive Session minutes as provided by Statutes.

2.21.20 The minutes shall be open to inspection by any citizen upon reasonable notice and convenience.

2.22.00 Presumption of Assent

2.22.10 A Board member who is present at a Board meeting at which action on any corporate matter is taken shall be presumed to have assented to the action.

2.22.20 Dissent shall be officially noted in these ways:

  1. In the minutes of the meeting
  2. By filing written dissent to such action with the person acting as secretary
  3. By forwarding such dissent within five days to the Board Secretary.

2.22.30 Such right to dissent shall not apply to a member who voted in favor of such action.

2.23.00 Amendments of Casper College Policy Manual

2.23.10 The Board may at any regular or special meeting alter, amend, or repeal these Policies or adopt new Policies at any time.

2.23.20 These Policies may also be amended by others as authorized by law and in accordance with the procedures established in the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act, WS 16-3-101 through 16-3-115, as amended.

2.24.00 Fiscal Year

2.24.10 The fiscal year of the College shall begin on the first day of July and end on the thirtieth day of June in each subsequent year.

2.25.00 Casper College Seal

2.25.10 Casper College seal shall be circular in form and shall have inscribed theron “Casper Community College District, State of Wyoming College Seal.”

2.25.20 Casper College seal shall be maintained in the Office of the President. The Board has the right to delegate to the President of the College authority to use the College seal when appropriate.

2.26.00 Board Authorization of Contracts

2.26.10 The Board may authorize any officer (s) or agents (s), to participate in any contract or carry out and deliver any instrument in the name of and on behalf of the College district. Such authority may be general or limited to specific cases.

2.27.00 Contested Cases

2.27.10 The procedures set forth and contained in the Wyoming Administrative Procedure Act, WS 16-3-103, shall govern any contested case proceeding brought before the Board.

2.28.00 Board Deposits

2.28.10 All unused funds of the College District shall be deposited at times to the credit of the College District in such banks, trust companies, or other depositories as the Board may select. The Board may designate signature authorities to the College President, the Vice President for Administrative Services or designee to conduct routine banking transactions.

2.29.00 Board Audits

2.29.10 It is the general practice of the Board to engage the services of a Certified Public Accountant to conduct an annual audit.


Section: Chapter 2 Board
Subject: President

2.30.00 The College President

2.30.10 The Casper College District Board of Trustees shall have the power to appoint the President of the College who oversees the operation of the College. The President shall report directly to the College District Board of Trustees.

2.30.20 The President in consultation with the Board shall have the power to employ college personnel.

2.31.00 President Responsibility

2.31.10 The President under the authority of Casper College District Board, Casper College, Rules and Regulations, and Chapter III, Sec. 12 is charged with effectively executing Board policies.

2.31.20 The President shall recommend formal policies for Board adoption, develop procedures to maintain Board policies, and submit policies to the Board and college community review prior to implementation.

2.31.30 As an executive of Casper College, the President’s compensation shall be set forth by budget 1201.

2.32.00 The President Assists the Casper College District Board by:

2.32.10 Carrying out the policies of the Board in conformance with the Board’s Rules and Regulations, the Wyoming Community College Commission’s Rules and Regulations, and the statutes of the State of Wyoming.

2.32.20 Evaluating the effectiveness of the Board’s policies and college procedures and practices.

2.32.30 Administrating the planning, development, and maintenance of the educational programs for Casper College.

2.32.40 Authorizing, entering into, executing, and delivering any instrument of contract in the name of and on behalf of the Board; at the Board’s discretion, and as permissible under Wyoming State statutes.

2.32.50 Recommending policies on organization, finance, direction, physical plant, long range planning, and other functions of Casper College within the mission of the college.

2.32.60 Studying the requirements of Casper College for new construction, capital improvements, land planning and recommending these needs to the Board and, as necessary, the Commission.

2.32.70 Other duties as assigned.

2.33.00 Standard of Student Conduct

2.33.10 The Board requires Casper College students to show both on and off campus such respect for law, order, morality, personal honor, and the rights of others as is demanded of responsible citizens.

2.33.20 Any student not meeting these standards constitutes sufficient cause for removal from Casper College.

2.34.00 The President is Responsible for:

2.34.10 Preparing all agendas in consultation with the President of the Casper College District Board for Board meetings and mailing or provision by electronic means to Board members before meetings.

2.34.20 Attending all meetings of the Board.

2.34.30 Keeping the minutes of the Board meetings and maintaining a journal or record of all official acts of the Board.

2.34.40 Organizing, developing, and implementing administrative procedures and practices consistent with Board rules and regulations, and policies.

2.34.50 Appointing, or authorizing the appointment of, college personnel by and with the advice and consent of the Board.

2.34.60 Continuing contracts, promoting, disciplining, suspending, or dismissing college personnel by and with the advice and consent of the Board.

2.34.70 Supervising the administrative organization, staffing, training, evaluation, and collaboration necessary to meet the mission, goals, and achieve objectives.

2.34.80 Recommending and administering a fundamental standard of student conduct and authorizing the removal of students for sufficient cause or for academic failure.

2.34.90 Supervising the preparation and administration of the fiscal budget.

2.35.00 The President Serves as:

2.35.10 A member of the Casper College Foundation Board of Directors.

2.35.20 The Casper College representative to meetings and conferences of national, regional, state, and local accrediting associations and other agencies which require college participation.

2.35.30 The Casper College representative to all meetings, conferences, and public events which are deemed to be of value to the college.

2.35.40 An ex-officio member or guest of all committees, meetings, organizations, or public gatherings held by students, college employees, or the public in college facilities.

2.36.00 Responsibility to Cancel Class and/or Close Campus

2.36.10 The College President or designee is responsible for determining if classes should be canceled and/or the school should be closed for all employees and students whether full-time of part-time. The Director of College Relations is responsible for notifying the appropriate and necessary community resources for further notification to students, employees and general public.

2.36.20 As a general policy, the College will not cancel, close, or cease operations of its normal teaching, business and service functions.

2.36.30 Exceptions to this policy may be made in situations where:

  1. There is imminent danger to the life and/or reasonable safety of students and/or employees.
  2. The campus is closed due to public health concerns, by law enforcement officials or by other legal actions which prohibit the operations of the College.


Board Code of Ethics adopted from the Association of Community College Trustees (ACCT) model.

As a member of the Casper College District Board, it is my responsibility to:

  1. Devote time, thought, and study to the duties and responsibilities of a community college Board member so that I may render effective and creditable service.
  2. Work with my fellow Board members in a spirit of harmony and cooperation in spite of differences of opinion that arise during vigorous debates on points of issue.
  3. Base my personal decision upon all available facts in each situation; vote my honest conviction in every case, unswayed by partisan bias of any kind, abide by, and uphold the final majority decision to the Board.
  4. Remember at all times that as an individual I have no legal authority outside the meetings of the Board, and to conduct my relationships with the community college staff, the local citizenry, and all media of the community on the basis of this fact.
  5. Resist every temptation and outside pressure to use my position as a community college Board member to benefit myself or any other individual or agency apart from the total interest of the community college district.
  6. Recognize that it is as important for the Board to understand and evaluate the educational program of the community college as it is to plan for the business of college operation.
  7. Bear in mind under all circumstances that the primary function of the Board is to establish the policies by which the community college is to be administered.
  8. Welcome and encourage active participation by citizens, organizations, and the media in the district with respect to establishing policy on current college operations and proposed future developments.
  9. Support the state and national community college trustees’ associations.
  10. Finally, strive step by step toward ideal conditions for the most effective community college Board service to my community, in a spirit of teamwork and devotion to public education as the greatest instrument for the preservation and the perpetuation of our representative democracy.
Appendix B
Order of Business
  1. Call to Order
  2. Approve Minutes
  3. Finance Committee
  4. Approve Bills
  5. Reports of Officers, Boards, Standing Committees
  6. Board President
  7. College President
  8. Academic Services
  9. Student Services
  10. Administrative Services
  11. Casper College Association
  12. Faculty Senate
  13. Staff Alliance
  14. Administrative Alliance
  15. UW-CC Center
  16. Student Senate
  17. BOCES
  18. WACCT
  19. Action Items
  20. New Business
  21. Next Meeting
  22. Adjournment
Board Officer Duties
  1. The Board President/Chair shall serve as a chair and preside at all Board meetings. The Board President/Chair shall be responsible for the administration and control of all the business and affairs of the Casper College District.
  2. The Vice Chairman of the Board shall serve as a chair in the absence of the Board Chair or in the event of his/her death, inability, or refusal to act in the position of the Chair. He/she shall assume responsibility for the management and control of all the business and affairs of the Casper College District.
  3. The Secretary shall record the minutes and proceedings during all Board meetings and ensure that all notices are duly given in accordance with the provisions of these By-Laws or as required by law with the college seal affixed. He/she shall serve as custodian of the College District records and of the seal of the college and perform all duties as Secretary and such other duties as may occasionally be assigned to him/her by the Board Chair or by the Board.
  4. The Treasurer shall be charged with receiving and disbursement of Board funds. The Treasurer shall be responsible for signing all warrants, checks, drafts, or other orders for the payment of money, notes, or other evidence of indebtedness issued in the name of the College District as shall from time to time be determined by the Board.