Mar 06, 2025  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Protection of Minors

Protection of Minors Approved Date    8-19-14
Effective Date    8-19-14
Revision No.    1.0

1.0    Purpose

This policy establishes guidelines for working or interacting with minors.

2.0    Revision History

Date Rev. No. Change Ref Section
  1.0 New policy  

3.0    Persons Affected

3.1    Casper College employees.

3.2    Casper College students.

3.3    Volunteers.

3.4    Organizations not affiliated with Casper College whose employees or volunteers provide overnight supervision of minors on college property are required to provide verification of background checks prior to the start of the program, event, or activity.

4.0    Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure the following:

4.1    The college provides a safe environment for minors who participate in college programs and activities, visit our campus, or receive college-sponsored childcare.

4.2    The college has established procedures to report and address safety issues involving minors.

4.3    The college conducts all investigations in a confidential manner.

4.4    The college prohibits retaliation against anyone who reports or participates in a child safety investigation.

4.5    The college abides by all applicable federal, state, and local laws regarding the protection of minors.

5.0    Definitions

5.1    Child Abuse or Neglect. This action is the infliction of physical or mental injury, sexual abuse or exploitation, or negligent treatment or maltreatment of a person under age 18. Neglect includes the failure to make reasonable efforts to prevent the infliction of abuse upon a person under age 18.

5.2    Child Sexual Abuse. Any conduct of a sexual nature that may be harmful to a minor’s mental, emotional, or physical welfare.

5.3    College Sponsored Childcare. College sponsored childcare occurs when the childcare is funded and operated by the college.

5.4    Minor. Any person under the age of 18 years old.

5.5    Retaliation. This behavior includes any form of intimidation, reprisal, or harassment against an individual for reporting or participating in an investigation of child abuse or neglect. Retaliation may include, but is not limited to:

  • Firing, refusing to hire, or refusing to promote an individual
  • Departing from customary employment or academic practice regarding the individual
  • Transferring an individual to a lesser position in terms of wages, hours, job classification, job security, or employment or academic status
  • Informing anyone who does not have a need to know that an individual has reported abuse or neglect or participated in an investigation
  • Impeding an individual’s academic advancement

5.6    Child Protection Training. This training provides information on protecting minors from child abuse and neglect to include, but not limited to, basic warning signs, guidelines for protecting minors, and reporting requirements and procedures.

5.7    Background Check. This is the process of searching public and criminal records to verify information and manage risk. A background check may include, but is not limited to, fingerprinting, social security number trace, address locator,  federal, state, county, and city databases searches for criminal history, child abuse and neglect or violent crime convictions, sex offender registry or financial and credit checks, and any other pertinent information. The Human Resources (HR) Department, in conference with supervisors, determine the appropriate type of background check for each position.

5.8    Early Childhood Learning Center Visitors. An individual who participates in an ECLC program or activity for no more than 16 hours a month, who is present only for the purpose of providing a program or service, conducting an inspection, investigation, observation, or evaluation, and who does not provide supervision of minors or other vulnerable populations or have access to confidential information or controlled substances without the direct supervision of a college employee. Visitors are not subject to background checks.

5.9    Volunteers. Any individual working in an unpaid capacity.

6.0    Responsibilities

6.1    The HR director is responsible for maintaining compliance with this policy.

6.2    All college employees, students, and volunteers are responsible for the well-being and safety of minors with whom they interact and for reporting any suspected abuse or neglect of minors.

7.0    Procedures

7.1    Child Protection Training

7.1.1    HR will schedule child protection training for all new employees within 30 calendar days of the employee’s first day of work. They will schedule child protection training for students and volunteers providing care and supervision of minors.

7.1.2    Employees will complete the training as scheduled. Students and volunteers will complete the training prior to providing care and supervision of minors.

7.2    Reporting Suspected Abuse or Neglect of Minors

7.2.1    Any person who knows, has reasonable cause to believe or suspect, or receives information that a minor has been abused or neglected or who observes a minor subjected to conditions or circumstances that would reasonably result in abuse or neglect must immediately inform the campus safety and security coordinator, campus security, local law enforcement, or the child protective agency. Any employee, student, or volunteer who makes a report directly to local law enforcement or the child protection agency must also notify the HR director of campus security.

In the case of imminent danger, notify campus security or local law enforcement.

7.2.2    The HR director and the campus safety and security coordinator will work together to:

  • Take steps to prevent further harm to the alleged victim or other minors.
  • Notify the college president.
  • Notify local law enforcement or the child protection agency.
  • Notify parents or legal guardians of the alleged victim except in the case where the parent or guardian is the alleged abusers. They may delegate this responsibility when appropriate.
  • Document the incident and provide a report to the president.

7.2.3    The president, along with the HR director, the campus safety and security coordinator, and any other relevant employees, will determine disciplinary or corrective action, which may include, but is not limited to, a reprimand, suspension, employment termination, academic dismissal, banning from campus, or termination of the program, class, or activity.

7.2.4    The HR director will notify, within legal limits, people directly involved in the complaint of disciplinary or corrective measures taken.