Feb 14, 2025  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Tuition Assistance for Administrative/Classified Staff Employees

Tuition Assistance for Administrative
and Classified Staff Employees
Approved Date    5-21-2013
Effective Date    5-21-2013
Revision No.    1.0

1.0    Purpose

The policy establishes guidelines for providing tuition assistance for administrative and classified staff employees.

2.0    Revision History

Date Rev. No. Change Ref Section
5-21-13 1.0 New policy.  

3.0    Persons Affected

3.1    Administrative and classified staff employees who are eligible to receive employment benefits.

4.0    Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure the following.

4.1    Administrative and classified staff employees have access to tuition assistance provided the following criteria are met.

4.1.1    The administrative employee has been accepted into a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate program at an institution of higher education that is accredited by a U.S. Department of Education’s nationally recognized accrediting agency. The classified staff employee has been accepted into an associate’s, bachelor’s, or master’s program at an institution of higher education that is accredited by a U.S. Department of Education’s nationally recognized accrediting agency.

4.1.2    The degree must be at least one degree level higher than any academic degree the employee has earned prior to or after being employed by the college. Tuition assistance is not available for administrative employees pursuing an associated degree or classified staff employees pursuing a doctorate degree.

4.1.3    The class must be part of the degree program of study.

4.1.4    Administrative and classified staff employees earn a C or better for undergraduate classes or a B or better for graduate classes.

4.1.5    The administrative and classified staff employee has been currently employed at the college for six or more consecutive months.

4.1.6    Administrative employees who are enrolled in a qualifying program prior to May 21, 2013 and will be rewarded under the July 2005 Administrative /Non-Teaching Professionals Compensation policy and are not eligible to receive tuition assistance.

4.2    Administrative and classified staff employees may receive a maximum of $700 per semester for up to three semesters in a calendar year for tuition assistance. Maximum annual tuition assistance per year is $2,100. Tuition assistance is dependent upon available funding.

4.3    Tuition assistance covers actual expenses only.

5.0    Definitions

5.1    Administrative. This position classification includes professional, non-faculty positions responsible for the management of the college. Administrative positions are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act.

5.2    Classified. This job classification includes operational support positions. Classified employees are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act.

5.3    Advance Degree Notification Form. Employees use this form to notify the college that the employee is pursuing an advanced degree. This form lists the degree the employee is pursing, the institution providing the program, the anticipated graduation date, and signature lines for the employee, the employee’s supervisor, and the director of human resources.

5.4    Tuition Assistance. Reimbursement for tuition, class fees, and books.

5.5    Tuition Reimbursement Form. Employees use this form to request reimbursement for eligible educational expenses. The form includes information about the class taken, the reimbursement being requested, and a signature line for the employee.

6.0    Responsibilities

6.1    Administrative and classified staff employees are responsible for submitting required paperwork in a timely manner.

6.2    The Human Resources Department is responsible for recording and monitoring tuition assistance and for responding to requests for information from employees about tuition assistance.

6.3    The director of human resources is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy.

7.0    Procedures

7.1    The employee completes and submits an Advance Degree Notification form to the Human Resources Department upon acceptance into a degree program.

7.2    The employee submits a Tuition Reimbursement form, a copy the employee’s unofficial transcript for the semester, and one or more of the following forms of expense documentation to the Human Resources Department no later than 30 days after the end of the semester. The college will not reimburse tuition assistance after the deadline.

  • a copy of a tuition and fees receipt
  • a copy of a receipt for books and class syllabus that corresponds with the books purchased

7.3    The Human Resources Department verifies that the request meets the tuition assistance criteria. They submit eligible requests to the Accounting and Financial Management Office for payment. They return ineligible requests to the employee with justification for denying the request.

7.4    The Accounting and Financial Management Office issues payment.