Aug 31, 2024  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Emeritus Designation

Emeritus Designation Approved Date    11-18-14
    Effective Date    11-18-14
    Revision No.    1.0

1.0    Purpose

This policy establishes guidelines for awarding emeritus designation.

2.0    Revision History

Date Rev. No. Change  Ref Section
11-18-14 1.0 Policy rewrite.   
11-18-14 1.1 Added classified staff as eligible for emeritus. 3.1
11-18-14 1.2 Simplified employment criteria to 15 years.  5.2.2
11-18-14 1.3 Added suggested criteria to support a nomination. 5.2.3
11-18-14 1.4 Added that the person must be living. 5.2.4
11-18-14 1.5 Added the Board of Trustees as final approval. 7.4

3.0    Persons Affected

3.1    Faculty, administrative, and classified staff employees who are eligible for employment benefits

4.0    Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure the following.

4.1    The college recognizes distinguished faculty, administrative, and staff employees for highly meritorious service.

5.0    Definitions

5.1    Emeritus. This is an honorary title awarded after retirement for distinguished service.

5.2    Emeritus Eligibility Criteria. Employees must meet the following criteria to be eligible for emeritus status.

5.2.1    Employed in a faculty, administrative, or staff position at the time of retirement

5.2.2    Continuously employed at the college full-time for 15 years prior to retirement

5.2.3    Evidence of meritorious contributions to the fulfillment of the college’s mission and programs. Examples include, but are not limited to, the following.

  • service to students above normal expectations
  • innovative practices
  • service on college committees
  • community service
  • prestigious awardsdemonstrated leadership
  • scholarly publications
  • professional or personal activities beneficial to the college

5.2.4    Must be living

5.3    Emeritus Benefits. The following privileges are bestowed upon those granted emeritus status.

  • Use of the title of Casper College emeritus
  • Recognized during their lifetime in the Academic Catalog and other similar publications
  • The same library and fitness center privileges as current faculty, administrative, and staff employees
  • The same access to college activities and events as current faculty, administrative, and staff employees
  • Invited to participate in commencement
  • A college identification card indicating emeritus status
  • An emeritus college email account
  • Receipt of college publications upon request

6.0    Responsibilities

6.1    The president is responsible for ensuring compliance to this policy and that positions are properly classified

7.0    Procedures

7.1    Deans of qualifying retired faculty members solicit nominations and seek approval from the faculty member’s school. Supervisors of administrators and classified staff employees select qualifying retirees to nominate for emeritus status. They may develop a nomination process that includes input from members of their department, office, or division.

Supervisors write a letter for each nominee that documents the nominee’s contribution and service to the college and students. They submit the letter through the chain of command up through the president. Each person who receives a letter, reviews it, and provides a recommendation to the next person in the chain. All letters must be received by the president by November 1.

7.2    The president reviews the letters and submits nominations along with a recommendation to the Board of Trustees at their December board meeting.

7.3    The Board votes on individual nominations.

7.4    The President’s Office notifies recipients of emeritus status.