Jul 16, 2024  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Funeral Leave for Administrative/Classified Staff Employees

Funeral Leave for
Administrative and Classified Staff Employees
Approved Date    05-17-2011
Effective Date    10-1-2011
Revision No.    1.0

1.0    Purpose

This policy establishes guidelines for administrative and classified staff employees to use funeral leave.

2.0    Revision History

Date Rev. No. Change Ref Section
5-17-11 1.0 Policy rewrite.  
5-17-11 1.1 Removed the geographic restriction for funeral leave for a close relative.  
5-17-11 1.2 Removed funeral leave allotment for funerals of employees or close friends.  
5-17-11 1.3 Converted funeral leave from days to hours. 5.4

3.0    Persons Affected

3.1    Administrative and classified staff employees who are eligible to receive employment benefits.

4.0    Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure the following.

4.1    Administrative and classified staff employees have an opportunity for paid leave to attend and plan funerals. This does not prevent employees from using other applicable types of leave as needed.

4.2    The college allots leave at a designated allotment rate.

4.3    Administrative and or classified staff employees take leave in accordance with this policy.

4.4    Administrative and classified staff employees do not accrue funeral leave.

4.5    Administrative and classified staff employees who attend a funeral while on another approved leave are not eligible for funeral leave since they were already on an approved leave.

4.6    Administrative and classified staff employees are not paid for any unused funeral leave upon termination of employment with the college.

4.7    Administrative and classified staff employees report funeral leave in increments of one hour. Leave of more or less than one hour is rounded to the nearest hour.

5.0    Definitions

5.1    Leave Notification Form. This document is a one-page form used by employees to request leave. The leave form describes the type of leave, the dates and hours requested, and signature lines for the employee and the supervisor. Completion of the leave form alone does not constitute the granting of leave.

5.2    Funeral Leave. This is paid leave for employees to use to plan and attend funerals.

5.3    Applicable Leave. This is accrued or allotted leave that employees can use in particular situations as defined by the existing leave policies.

5.4    Allotment Rate. This is the rate at which the college provides employees leave. The college allots administrative and classified staff employees up to 24 hours of leave to plan and attend the funeral of the employee’s or the employee’s spouse/ partner’s family or for someone who resides in the employee’s home.

6.0    Responsibilities

6.1    Administrative or classified staff employees are responsible for working with their supervisors to plan and schedule their leave.

6.2    The Human Resources Department is responsible for recording and monitoring leave and for responding to requests for information about available leave.

6.3    The director of human resources is responsible for ensuring compliance to this policy.

7.0    Procedures

7.1    Taking Leave.

7.1.1    The employee notifies his supervisor as soon as possible that he will need to be absent to plan or attend a funeral.

7.1.2    Upon return to work, the employee completes the Leave Notification Form by checking the Funeral box and filling in the dates and total amount of time taken. Employees report leave in increments of one hour. Leave of more or less than an hour is rounded to the nearest hour.

7.1.3    The employee submits the Leave Notification Form to his supervisor.

7.1.4    The supervisor signs the Leave Notification Form and submits it to the Human Resources Department.