Oct 06, 2024  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Course Evaluations

Course Evaluations Approved Date    6-17-14
Effective Date    6-17-14
Revision No.    1.01

1.0    Purpose

This policy establishes guidelines for student course evaluations for credit-bearing courses.

2.0    Revision History

Date Rev. No. Change Ref Section
6-17-14 1.0 Policy rewrite.  
6-17-14 1.1 Separated student course evaluations from faculty evaluations. They are different evaluations with different outcomes and processes.  
6-17-14 1.2 Increased the frequency of evaluations to every course, every semester to provide consistency and regular feedback. Created a consistent course evaluations schedule. 5.2
6-17-14 1.4 Changed the responsibility for coordinating the student course evaluation process from division chairs to the director of assessment. 7.0
6-17-14 1.5 Added procedures on the development of course evaluations. 7.1
6-17-14 1.6 Changed the retention of evaluations from three years to five years to correspond with the tenure process. 7.5

3.0    Persons Affected

3.1    Anyone who teaches a credit-bearing course.

3.2    Students enrolled in credit-bearing courses.

4.0    Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure the following.

4.1    Casper College has a comprehensive, standardized process to evaluate academic courses.

4.2    Students enrolled in academic courses have an opportunity to provide anonymous and confidential feedback on those courses.

4.3    Assessment data is available to meet accreditation and federal, state, or grant requirements.

4.4    Faculty receive student feedback that they can use for course improvement.

4.5    Student feedback is available to be used as one component of faculty evaluations, the tenure process, and for recognizing teaching excellence.

4.6    Academic schools receive aggregated data that they can use for program improvement.

5.0    Definitions

5.1    Course Evaluation. This is the college’s official institutional course evaluation tool, which is used to measure the perception of students enrolled in a credit-bearing course of their effort in the course, course design, and faculty’s teaching ability, subject matter knowledge, and engagement with students.

5.2    Course Evaluation Schedule. Evaluations are administered every semester for every course. Courses that complete by midterm will be evaluated one week prior to midterm week. Courses that complete at the end of the semester will be evaluated two weeks prior to finals week.

5.3    Course Evaluation Report. This report is a compilation of aggregate data and comments that students submitted for a specific course.

6.0    Responsibilities

6.1    The vice president for academic affairs is responsible for ensuring compliance to this policy.

6.2    The deans are responsible for accessing and reviewing the course evaluation reports for their schools.

6.3    The director of assessment is responsible for coordinating the course evaluation process and for compiling, aggregating, and retaining the data.

6.4    Faculty are responsible for reviewing their course evaluation reports to improve student learning in their courses.

6.5    Students are responsible for completing course evaluations.

7.0    Procedures

7.1    The director of assessment develops the course evaluation. Faculty Senate reviews the evaluation and provides feedback. The vice president of academic affairs approves any changes to the course evaluation. Programs with evaluation requirements mandated by their accreditation body may use a different evaluation tool and process upon approval from the director of assessment.

7.2    The director of assessment will notify students, faculty, deans, and the vice president of academic affairs when evaluations are available to complete, how to access the evaluation, and the deadline for completion. Students will have one week to complete evaluations for course that complete prior to mid-term and two weeks to complete evaluations for all other courses.

7.3    Deans access the course evaluation reports for their schools and review them with non-tenured faculty and any of their other faculty as they deem appropriate.

7.4    The director of assessments retains access to electronic copies of all course evaluation reports for five years.