Jul 15, 2024  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Annual Leave for Administrative and Classified Employees

Annual Leave for Administrative and Classified Employees                                                                                                                                                                  

Approved Date    9/19/2023     
Effective Date      1/01/2024
Revision No.        1.0

1.0    Purpose

This policy establishes guidelines for administrative and classified employees to earn and use annual leave.

2.0    Revision History

Date Rev. No. Change Ref Section
1/01/24 1.0 This policy replaces 2 policies: Annual Leave for Administrative Employees and Annual Leave for Classified Staff Employees.                                                                                
1/01/24 1.1 Revised to allow leave to be taken in half hour increments.  
1/01/24 1.2 Revised to reflect that leave is submitted electronically.  

3.0    Persons Affected

3.1    Administrative and Classified staff employees who have at minimum a 9-month appointment, who are regularly scheduled to work 40 hours per week, who are eligible to receive employment benefits.

3.2    Employees hired under previous leave policies will retain their current leave accrual rate until reaching the service milestone that allows them a new rate under this policy. (Ex. Previously 12 month administrative employees accrued leave at 14 hours per month for years 0-10 then moved to 16 hours per month for 10+ years. Those employees will be “grandfathered” and keep the 14 hours per month accrual rate until they have 10+ years of service at which time they will  move to 16 hours per month). Other legacy employees will not be affected.

4.0    Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure the following.

4.1    Administrative and classified staff employees have paid leave available for personal use.

4.2    Administrative and classified staff employees earn leave at a designated accrual rate and do not accrue more leave than the maximum accumulation allowed as listed below:



4.3    Administrative and Classified staff employees who have a 9-, 10-, or 11-month position, who are regularly scheduled to work 40 hours per week, and are considered benefit eligible, do not accrue annual leave. These employees are given a bank of annual leave hours based on the following schedule. This bank will be given on August 1, or if the employee starts after August 1, on the first day of employment, and is forfeited if not used by May 31.

  • 9 month employees: 16 hours
  • 10 month employees: 24 hours
  • 11 month employees: 24 hours

4.4    Administrative and Classified staff employees do not use leave in excess of the total amount accrued.

4.5    Administrative and Classified staff employees must use a minimum of 40 hours of annual leave each year.

4.6    The college pays Administrative and Classified staff employees for accrued annual leave upon termination of employment. Employees who terminate before the 15th of the month will not receive that month’s accrual.

4.7    Administrative and Classified staff employees report annual leave in increments of one half (½) an hour. Leave of more or less than half an hour is rounded up to the nearest half hour.

5.0    Definitions

5.1    Classified staff. This job classification includes all operational support positions. Classified staff employees are covered by the Fair Labor Standards Act.

5.2    Administrative. This job classification includes professional, non-faculty positions responsible for the management or operations of the college. Administrative employees are exempt from the Fair Labor Standards Act.

5.3    Annual Leave. This is paid leave that employees earn to use as they wish.

5.4    Anniversary date. This is the date that an employee moves into a full-time benefit eligible position and is used in this policy to compute an employee’s seniority. 

  • Faculty who move into an administrative or classified position will have their time worked in benefit eligible positions counted towards their service years.
  • Employees who have a break in service of less than one year will be considered to be continuously employed for the purpose of this policy as it relates to accrual rate and maximum accrual. The break in service of less than 1 year will not change their anniversary date.
  • Employees who move from a position eligible for annual leave to a position ineligible for annual leave or from a 12-month position to a fewer than 12-month position will stop accruing annual leave on the effective date of the new position. The employee will be paid the balance of any unused annual leave on the next regular payday.

5.5    Accrual Rate. This is the rate at which employees earn leave. 

  • Employees are advanced 3 months worth of accrued leave beginning the first day of employment. Additional leave begins to accrue the 4th month of employment.

5.6    Maximum Accumulation. This is the maximum number of hours of leave an administrative or classified staff employee can carry as a balance. 

  • The maximum accumulation allowed for 12 month administrative and classified staff employees is the number of hours an employee can earn in 12 months multiplied by two. 
  • Employees on 9, 10, and 11 month contracts must use their bank of hours by the end of May. Hours do not roll over into the next year.
  • Employees who reach their maximum accumulation forfeit any additional annual leave earned.

6.0    Responsibilities

6.1    Employees are expected to know how much leave they have available to them.

6.2    Employees are responsible for working with their supervisor to schedule their leave.

6.3    Supervisors are responsible for granting annual leave in compliance with this policy.

6.4    Supervisors are responsible for scheduling annual leave in a manner that ensures appropriate departmental staffing.

6.5    Supervisors are responsible for ensuring employees use a least 40 hours of annual leave per anniversary year. Supervisors are responsible for deciding if employees must take any or all of the 40 hours of annual leave consecutively.

6.6    The Human Resources Department is responsible for ensuring compliance to this policy.


7.0    Procedures

7.1    Taking Leave

7.1.1   The employee submits a leave request electronically using MyCCInfo.

7.1.2    The supervisor verifies that the employee has sufficient annual leave to support the request.

7.1.3    If the employee has sufficient leave, the supervisor grants or denies leave based on staffing needs.

7.1.4    If the supervisor denies the leave, they work with the employee to identify alternate days for the employee to use annual leave.