Jul 15, 2024  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Return to Learn Following Head Injuries

 Return to Learn Following Head Injuries                                                                                                                                                                                                          Approved Date   05/21/2024                
    Effective Date     05/21/2024
    Revision No.       1.0
    Reviewed Date 

1.0    Purpose

Learning challenges are prevalent for students recovering from head injuries.  Using a multidisciplinary approach, Casper College will implement this policy to provide students with reasonable and appropriate academic accommodations in a timely manner.

2.0    Revision History

Date  Rev. No. Change Ref Section
5/21/24        1.0               New Policy                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

3.0    Persons Affected

3.1    Casper College Students

3.2    Anyone who Teaches a Casper College Course

3.3    Executive Assistant for Student Affairs

3.4    Disability Services Counselor

3.5    Director of Student Health

3.6    Athletic Trainer

3.7    Athletic Coaches

3.8    Academic Advisors

4.0    Policy

4.1    Persons affected will follow the Return-to-Learn Procedure Guide.

4.2    The college provides reasonable academic accommodations for all students recovering from head injuries to minimize the effects on students’ academic progress.

4.3    Students are expected to meet all academic and technical standards for their courses and follow individual program policies and procedures.

4.4    Reasonable academic accommodations are provided to students only after documentation is received from an appropriate diagnosing medical professional.

5.0    Definitions

5.1    Return-to-Learn. A step-by-step progression of helping students return to full classroom activities following a head injury.

5.2    Return-to-Learn Procedure Guide. A guide that is available to all stakeholders which outlines step-by-step procedures to follow to facilitate a student’s safe and effective return to full classroom activities following a head injury.

5.3    Head injury. A functional brain injury that results in symptoms related to cognitive dysfunction.

5.4    Return-to-Learn Coordinator. The college employee responsible for offering ongoing support and coordination throughout the recovery process.

5.5    Academic accommodations. Academic accommodations are reasonable modifications designed to reduce or eliminate barriers in the learning environment in order to ensure students with disabilities have equal access and opportunity to learn and participate fully in all educational programs

5.6    Accommodation plan. The physical document that outlines the specific accommodations students will receive.

5.7    Graded return. The systematic, stepwise process for returning to full classroom activities at the student’s pre-injury status.

5.8    Multidisciplinary collaboration. The use of multiple professionals working together to make informed decisions that ensure the student’s well-being.

6.0    Responsibilities

6.1    The Disability Services Counselor is responsible for collecting documentation of the diagnosis, limitations, and/or recommendations from an appropriate diagnosing medical professional, and for coordinating student accommodation plans.

6.2    Students are responsible for receiving a medical evaluation, supplying their diagnosis to the Disability Services Counselor, and following through on recommendations should they wish to receive reasonable academic accommodations. Students must contact the Executive Assistant for Student Affairs if absences are required.

6.3    Instructors are responsible for following student accommodation plans and reporting ongoing academic challenges.

6.4    The Executive Assistant for Student Affairs is responsible for reporting student absences to instructors.