Aug 31, 2024  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Children in the Workplace

1.0 Purpose

This policy provides guidance for creating a supportive working climate for employees to meet family obligations and to outline when children can appropriately be at the workplace.​

2.0 Revision History


Rev. No.


 Ref Section





3.0   Persons Affected

3.1  All college employees and volunteers.

3.2  This policy does not apply to approved college programs and events or camps that involve children in education or supervised care.

3.3  This policy does not apply to children enrolled in the College’s childcare facility.

4.0  Policy

4.1  Employees are encouraged to invite their family members to campus events and to use campus facilities as appropriate. Their participation at athletic, social, cultural and other events helps family members get to know Casper College and builds camaraderie among the faculty, staff and students.

4.2  Employees are discouraged from bringing children into the workplace during the work day for the following reasons:

4.2.1  The potential for interruption of work

4.2.2  Health and safety concerns

4.2.3  Privacy and protected information concerns

4.2.4  Liability to the college

4.3  Limited exceptions to this policy may be permitted by the employee’s supervisor in emergency situations where there are no alternate solutions available to the employee. In the event that children of an employee are in the workplace:

4.3.1  Children remain the sole responsibility of the parent/ guardian. Employees accept full responsibility for the safety and supervision of their children.

4.3.2  Children may not disrupt the work environment or negatively affect the productivity of employees and/ or students.

4.3.3  Children who have an illness that prevents acceptance by a regular day care provider or school are not permitted in the workplace.

4.3.4  Children are not allowed in the workplace on a recurrent basis during their school breaks, closures, or before/ after-school, in lieu of regular childcare.

4.3.5  Children are not allowed in high-risk areas.

4.3.6  Care should be taken in areas containing sensitive/ confidential information. Parent is responsible for ensuring the child does not have access to sensitive/ confidential information.

5.0  Definitions

5.1  Child or children: a person or persons under the age of eighteen (18) and not enrolled in classes at the college.

5.2  Parent: Any employee or volunteer who is the parent or legal guardian and who has responsibility for a non-student child while in the workplace.

5.3  Workplace: Room, office, laboratory, college vehicle, or other areas in the immediate vicinity of where persons are conducting work on behalf of the college. A common space in a building or outdoor area generally open to the public is not a workplace. An area off campus where college work is being conducted is a workplace, but workplace does not include an employee’s home.

5.4  High risk area: areas with exceptional safety concerns, including but not limited to, laboratories, shops, mechanical rooms, food preparation areas, construction areas, or any areas containing power tools or machinery with exposed moving parts.

6.0  Responsibilities

6.1  The director of human resources is responsible for ensuring compliance to this policy.

6.2  Supervisors are responsible for determining if an employee may bring a child to campus in compliance with this policy.

7.0  Procedures

7.1  Given the diverse nature of the work being performed on campus, the concern for the safety of all and the fact that not all work environments are suitable for children, employees will be required to obtain approval from their supervisor prior to bringing a child to the workplace.

7.2  The supervisor may direct the employee to remove the child from the workplace if the supervisor determines the policy has been violated or if the child’s presence disrupts normal College or workplace activities.

7.3  The college does not accept liability for injuries to children on college premises in violation of this policy.

7.4  Any employee who violates this policy may be subject to disciplinary action.