Feb 19, 2025  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Grant Proposal and Award Administration

Grant Proposal and Award Administration Approved Date: 1/21/2020
    Effective Date: 1/21/2020
    Revision No.    1.0
    Reviewed Date:

1.0    Purpose

This policy establishes guidelines on the development, submission, and administration of grants.

2.0    Revision History

Date Rev. No.  Change  Ref Section
4-18-17 1.0 Rewrite.


3.0    Persons Affected

3.1    Casper College employees and students.

4.0    Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure the following.

4.1    The college aligns grant proposals with its mission and priorities.

4.2    The college has a process to evaluate grants proposals to include assessing for risk, legality, coordination between college units, duplication of requests, and available resources.

4.3    The college has an approval process for grants.

4.4    The college complies with all applicable rules, regulations, and policies of awards.

5.0    Definitions

5.1    Grant. A financial award received by the college. Acceptance of a grant is a legal and binding contract between the college and a grantor. This policy does not apply to student financial aid grants administered by the Financial Aid Office.

5.2    Grantor. A private organization, corporation, or foundation or a federal, state, or local government agency that provides funding to support their mission.

5.3    Solicitation. A detailed request from a grantor for proposals for grant funds.

5.4    Proposal. An official request for funds submitted by the college that responds to the information requested in the solicitation.

5.5    Project Director (PD) or Principle Investigator (PI). Employee or employees who are interested in developing a proposal.

5.6    Award. The terms and conditions of a funded proposal.

5.7    Awardee. The entity that receives an award. Awardees are the primary on an award. They are measured against the award performance objectives and are responsible for the successful completion of an award. Awardees are responsible for complying with the terms and conditions of the award.

5.8    Subaward. An award provided by a pass-through awardee to a subrecipient for the subrecipient to fulfill part of the award received by the entity.

5.9    Subrecipient. The entity that receives a subaward. Subrecipients are measured against the award performance objectives and contribute to the successful completion of an award. Subrecipients are responsible for complying with the rules and regulations of the award and as agreed to in the subrecipient agreement. Subrecipients must complete and submit a Concept Form. PD and PIs may be required to follow other procedural steps found in this policy depending on the agreement with the entity that received the award.

5.10  Subrecipient Agreement. The written agreement between an awardee and a subrecipient that details the roles and responsibilities of both parties.

5.11  Concept Form. PDs or PIs use this form to secure authorization to submit a proposal. The form includes a brief description of the proposal and a signature line for the Grants Office and signature lines for the PD or PI’s direct supervisors up through the chain of command to the appropriate Executive Council member.

5.12  Executive Council. This council consists of the president; vice presidents of academic affairs, student services, and administrative services; directors of information technology, human resources, and public relations; and the executive dean of continuing education.

6.0    Responsibilities

6.1    The Grants Office is responsible for maintaining compliance with this policy and for ensuring that an award is administered in compliance with the terms and conditions of the award. They are the point of contact for the grantor.

6.2    The president approves all grant applications.

6.3    The Accounting and Financial Management Office (AFM) oversees fiduciary responsibilities related to awards.

7.0    Procedures

7.1    Proposal

7.1.1    PD or PIs must contact the Grants Office with any intent to develop a proposal as soon as they have an interest.

7.1.2    The Grants Office reviews the solicitation, completes a risk assessment, and discusses the viability and challenges of the solicitation with PD or PIs.

7.1.3    PD or PIs may seek approval to write the proposal after they meet with the Grants Office, complete the Concept Form, and obtain the required signatures. If the PD or PIs are unable to obtain the required signatures, the proposal may not move forward.

7.1.4    PD or PIs work with the Grants Office to develop a proposal after they have received approval.

7.1.5    The Grants Office reviews the final proposal and makes any edits. The Grants Office submits the proposal to the president for consideration and a signature.

7.1.6    The Grants Office submits the signed proposal to the grantor or, if unsigned, they return the proposal to the PD or PIs.

7.2    Award and Administration

7.2.1    The Grants Office reviews the award to ensure that the terms and conditions of the award match the proposal. The Grants Office negotiates any differences.

7.2.2    The Grants Office assists with the interpretation of the terms and conditions of the award and monitors progress through reports and meetings to ensure that the college complies with the award.

7.2.3    AFM provides fiduciary services and monitors compliance through invoices, reports, and meetings. AFM charges unallowable costs or cost overruns against departmental accounts.

7.3    Close Out

7.3.1    All program costs must be finalized before the last allowable date for expenditure per the award.

7.3.2    AFM returns unexpended award funds to the grantor or distributes them according to the award terms and conditions.

7.3.3    PD or PIs and AFM, with the assistance of the Grants Office, submit any required final documentation to the grantor.

7.3.4    Records for the award must be retained per the college’s record retention policy or the award requirements, whichever is longer.