Jan 25, 2025  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Faculty Compensation 5.0


Faculty Compensation Approved Date 7-21-2020
Effective Date 7-21-2020
Revision No. 5.0
Reviewed Date  

1.0  Purpose

This policy establishes guidelines for compensating faculty.

2.0  Revision History

Date Rev. No. Change Ref Section
5-21-13 1.0 Policy rewrite.  
5-21-13 1.1 Removed requirement that the Salary Equity Committee determines if a faculty member’s indirect work experience should be considered for step placement and hears placement and movement appeals. This committee is nonexistent.  
5-21-13 1.2 Removed non-credit training as part of the initial placement.   
5-21-13 1.3 Defined an accredited institution of higher education.  
5-21-13 1.4 Changed requirement that the president consults with the Faculty Senate president prior to waiving placement criteria to the president notifies the Faculty Senate president of any waivers.   
5-21-13 1.5 Changed wording from high school teaching experience to elementary and secondary teaching experience. We accept both types of experience for placement.  
5-21-13 1.6 Removed allocating one step for two years of full-time, non-teaching employment at a high school for initial placement. Current practice is to allocate one step for three years of any non-college employment.  
5-21-13 1.7 Removed requirement that advanced degrees need to be directly related to the faculty’s position. This is not current practice as it is often difficult to define “directly related”  
5-21-13 1.8 Changed the compensation formulas from credit hour to contact hour. This is the current practice.  
5-21-13 1.9 Added studio lessons and studio class compensation formulas.  
5-21-13 1.10 Added advising compensation.  
6-16-15 2.0 Clarified the types of graduate courses acceptable for movement on the compensation schedule.
2-21-17 3.0 Moved initial placement and faculty contracts from VPAA to HR, which is responsible for the placement of all other employees. 7.1
2-21-17 3.1 Added a clause about the prorating contracts of lengths other than 196 days. 7.3.2
2-21-17 3.2 Removed the summer stipend.
2-21-17 3.3 Changed pay for summer advising from a prorated Faculty Salary Schedule rate to an hourly rate.
7-21-20 4.0 Changed initial placement criteria by adding a column for the Master of Fine Arts degree.
7-21-20 4.1 Provided additional criteria when awarding academic credits past the master’s degree for initial column placement.
7-21-20 4.2 Provided additional criteria when calculating credit for previous work experience for initial step placement. 7.1.2
7-21-20 4.3 Changed the number of academic credits needed to equal one step for previous part-time teaching.
7-21-20 4.4 Changed full-time employment equivalency when awarding credit for initial step placement.
7-21-20 4.5 Changed procedure for awarding academic and non-academic credits towards column change after initial placement.
7-21-20 4.6 Added criteria for when an independent study is considered. 7.3.3
7-21-20 4.7 Added criteria for awarding compensation for an independent study course. 7.3.3


3.0  Persons Affected

3.1  All benefited faculty. 

4.0  Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure the following.

4.1  The college uses a uniform process to compensate faculty. 

5.0  Definitions

5.1  Contact Hours. These are the hours per week a faculty is scheduled to spend with students in a particular course. Contact hours for each course are listed in the Academic Catalog as lecture and lab hours.

5.2  Faculty. Employees who provide instruction and related activities for courses that provide academic credit.  This category includes tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenured positions.  Faculty positions are exempt employees under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

5.2.1  Non-Credit Teaching Faculty.  Employees on a faculty contract who teach and/or provide non-credit instruction.

5.3  Faculty Load Data Form. A document used to calculate faculty workload for the academic year.  The form includes teaching load categories, course assignments, number of advisees assigned, reassignment of
teaching load, personal and professional development activities, and authorized overload. The faculty member and the dean sign the form.  

5.4  Faculty Request for Educational Pre-Approval Form. Faculty use this form to obtain pre-approval for credit classes and non-credit training to be used for educational progression on the Faculty Salary Schedule.

5.5  Faculty Salary Schedule. The college uses this schedule to determine faculty compensation for teaching credit classes. The schedule consists of 19 columns and 39 rows, called steps. The columns represent
educational achievement. The steps represent directly related experience at the time of initial placement and any Board of Trustees (BOT) approved compensation movements during the faculty member’s time at the

5.6  Instructional Unit.  The unit by which all load is measured.  The total number of overload instructional units for each academic year will be determined by the fiscal year budget.  Deans will be given a set number of overload instructional units for each of their schools to allocate for instructional and non-instructional use.  Instructional units are further defined in the Faculty Workload Guidelines.

5.7  Non-credit Training. Training required by or directly related to the faculty member’s assignment resulting in continuing education units (CEUs) or a certificate of contact hours.

6.0  Responsibilities

6.1  The vice president of academic affairs (VPAA) is responsible for maintaining compliance with this policy.

6.2  The human resources (HR) director and the VPAA are responsible for faculty placement and contracts.

6.3  The Board of Trustees is responsible for approving compensation recommendations given available funding.

7.0  Procedures

7.1  Initial Placement

7.1.1  The HR director uses the candidate’s application and academic transcripts to determine column placement based on the following criteria. Column 5 is the maximum column placement for candidates
without a master’s degree or column 18 for candidates without a doctoral degree.  Academic degrees

  • Associate or bachelor’s degree or no degree = column 1
  • Master’s degree = column 6
  • Master of Fine Arts degree (MFA) = column 9
  • Doctoral degree = column 19  Credit classes

  • Six academic credits = one column
  • Six academic semester credits = 9 academic quarter credits = one column

The degrees and credits must be from institutions of higher education accredited by a U.S. Department of Education’s nationally recognized accrediting agency. The credits must be graduate level in the subject discipline or related to the teaching position. Awarding of credits should be determined by a faculty member in the same or closely related discipline in conjunction with the department chair and dean. 

7.1.2  The HR director uses the following criteria to determine a candidate’s step placement. Step 15 is the maximum initial step placement. The HR director will confer with the VPAA during the placement process.  The number of steps awarded shall not exceed the number of steps given over that same time period to current faculty within the college.  Teaching

  • Full-time at a college: one year = one step
  • Full-time at an elementary or secondary school: two years = one step 
  • Part-time at a college: 30-semester credits or 45 quarter credits = one step  Employment (non-teaching) directly related to the position for which the person is being hired.

  • Full-time employment equivalency:  two years = one step

7.2  Movement
 Faculty may move on the Faculty Salary Schedule by BOT approval, earning an advanced degree, or obtaining pre-approved education.

7.2.1  BOT Approved Movement  The president may recommend to the BOT that they approve the recommended step movement for eligible faculty.  The BOT may approve the recommended movement given available funding.

7.2.2  Earning an Advanced Degree or Educational Attainment Movement  Faculty complete the Faculty Request for Educational Pre-Approval form and acquire the required signatures. There will be a maximum of one column movement a year.

  • Credit classes from institutions of higher education accredited by a U.S. Department of Education’s nationally recognized accrediting agency.
  • Faculty must earn a C or better for undergraduate classes or a B or better for graduate classes. 
  • Faculty who have an associate or bachelor’s degree can earn movement by the following requirements:

Credit classes that pertain to teaching duties

  • 1 lecture hour equals 1 credit hour (1:1)
  • 2 lab hours equal 1 credit hour (2:1)
  • 6 credits = 1 column

Non-credit classes that pertain to teaching duties

  • 180 hours = 1 column, not to exceed Column 5
  • Faculty who have a Master’s degree can earn movement by the following requirements:

Credit classes that pertain to your teaching duties

  • 6 credits = 1 column
  • The appropriate dean may recommend and the VPAA may approve an exception to the subject area or graduate level requirement.  Faculty must provide HR with official transcripts and documentation of non-credit training by June 15 to be eligible for movement in the upcoming fiscal year. Failure to meet this deadline will result in an eligibility delay until the following fiscal year.  HR recalculates column placement for faculty who have earned an advanced degree or who have completed approved credit classes and non-credit training. Column 5 is the maximum column
attainment for faculty without a master’s degree or column 18 for faculty without a doctoral degree.  The president may recommend the BOT approve column movements for eligible faculty.  The BOT may approve eligible column movements given available funding.   

7.3   Compensation

7.3.1  HR uses placement on the Faculty Salary Schedule and information from the Faculty Load Data form to calculate load and determine full and part-time benefited faculty compensation. Part-time
benefited faculty are compensated a prorated amount based on their teaching load.

7.3.2  HR uses placement on the Faculty Salary Schedule, information from the Faculty Load Data form, and the following compensation rates to determine adjunct and teaching overload. Contracts longer or
shorter than 9 months are prorated.  Adjunct Compensation

For the fall, spring, and summer semesters, adjunct faculty compensation is paid at a flat rate of $850 per instructional unit (IU). Adjunct compensation will be adjusted in accordance to percentage increases for overload compensation.  Overload Compensation

All overload IUs will be paid at the following rates:

Non-tenure faculty $750.00 per IU
Tenure faculty $800.00 per IU
Tenure 10+years at Casper College $850.00 per IU

The college pays overload compensation to faculty who provide services in excess of 30 IUs. The college pays fall semester overload compensation in February and spring semester overload compensation in May. Faculty may choose to teach a decreased teaching load in the spring in lieu of discretionary compensation. Overload compensation will be adjusted in accordance to percentage increases in the faculty salary schedule.   Summer Advising

The summer advising rate can be found on the Faculty Salary Schedule.

7.3.3  Independent Study Compensation 

A course delivered by a faculty member to a small number of students with a delivery method and schedule to be determined.  Independent study is typically offered in one or more of the following circumstances:

  1. There are no other sections of the course offered;
  2. Special interest generated by a student that is not found in the catalog;
  3. There are not alternative courses for the completion of the defined program of study listed in the catalog; and
  4. ​The faculty member and Dean determine it essential that the course be made available to the student, and the faculty member is willing to become a mentor.

The college pays faculty who complete an independent study proposal and provide instructional services to an individual student. An Independent Study is not included in the calculation of full-time teaching load. The college pays fall semester independent study compensation in February and spring semester independent study compensation in May. Faculty must submit a completed Independent Study Proposal form to their dean for submission to HR within the allotted time to receive compensation.


IU Totals
< 2 $175 (per student)
2.1-3.9 $210 (per student)
> 4 $280 (per student)