Oct 07, 2024  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Emergency Leave for Administrative and Classified Employees 2.0

Emergency Leave for Administrative and Classified EmployeesApproved Date    2-19-2019
    Effective Date    2-19-2019
    Revision No.    2.0
    Reviewed Date 

1.0    Purpose

This policy establishes guidelines for administrative and classified employees to use emergency leave.

2.0    Revision History

Date Rev. No. Change Ref Section
5-17-11 1.0 Policy rewrite.  
5-17-11 1.1 Added a statement about the HR director granting emergency leave, which is consistent with our current practice.  
2-19-19 2.0 Changed leave increments from 4 hours to 1 hour 4.6, 7.1.3
2-19-19 2.1 Added a statement about special circumstances whereby another may make initial contact 7.1.1

3.0    Persons Affected

3.1    Administrative and classified employees who are eligible to receive employment benefits

4.0    Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure that

4.1    Administrative and classified employees have an opportunity for paid leave for emergencies.

4.2    The college allots emergency leave at a designated allotment rate.

4.3    Administrative and classified employees take leave in accordance with this policy.

4.4    Administrative and classified employees do not accrue emergency leave.

4.5    Employees use annual or converted leave or compensatory time, or any other applicable leave before the college will grant emergency leave.

4.6    Administrative and classified employees take leave in 1-hour increments.

5.0    Definitions

5.1    Leave Notification Form. Employees use this form to request leave. The form describes the type of leave, dates and hours requested, and has signature lines for the employee and supervisor. Completion of the leave form alone does not constitute the granting of leave.

5.2    Emergency Leave. Paid leave for employees to use for medical or non-medical emergencies. The human resources (HR) director will determine if a situation is eligible for emergency leave.

5.3    Designated 12-Month Period. The 12-month period the college has selected for FMLA, emergency, or birth or adoption leave. The 12-month period will be measured forward from the first date that a respective leave begins.

5.4    Allotment Rate. The rate at which the college provides employees leave. The college allots emergency leave based on the following schedule.

5.4.1    Administrative or classified employees who are regularly scheduled to work 40 hours per week are allotted a maximum of 40 hours of emergency leave per designated 12-month period.

5.4.2    Administrative or classified employees who are regularly scheduled to work less than 40 per week are allotted emergency leave at a rate prorated to the full-time employee’s leave schedule based on the employee’s regular work schedule.

6.0    Responsibilities

6.1    Administrative and classified employees are responsible for requesting emergency leave and for working with their supervisors to plan and schedule for the employee’s return to work.

6.2    HR is responsible for recording and monitoring leave and for responding to requests for information about available leave.

6.3    The HR director is responsible for granting emergency leave and for ensuring compliance to this policy.

7.0    Procedures

7.1    Taking Leave

7.1.1    Employees notify their supervisor prior to their scheduled work time that they have an emergency and will not be reporting to work. Employees who are unable to notify their supervisor because of the circumstances of the emergency may have a family member or friend make the initial notification. Employees should contact their supervisor as soon as they are able. Failure to report an absence may result in disciplinary action, regardless of whether the employee is eligible for emergency leave or not. Employees who fail to notify their supervisor of their absence for three consecutive workdays have voluntarily terminated their employment.

7.1.2    The employee and the supervisor contact the HR director to verify that the situation is eligible for emergency leave. The HR director may request documentation of the emergency. All requests for information will comply with FMLA and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act. The employee is either granted or denied emergency leave.

7.1.3    If emergency leave was granted, the employee completes the Leave Notification Form upon returning to work by checking the emergency box and filling in the dates and hours taken. Employees report emergency leave in 1-hour increments.

7.1.4    The employee submits the Leave Notification Form to the employee’s supervisor.

7.1.5    The supervisor signs the Leave Notification Form and submits it to HR.