Sep 22, 2024  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Compensation for Administrative and Executive Employees 2.0

Compensation for Administrative and Executive Employees Approved Date    11-13-2018
    Effective Date    11-13-2018
    Revision No.    2.0
    Reviewed Date

1.0    Purpose

This policy establishes guidelines for compensating administrative and executive employees.

2.0    Revision History

Date Rev. No. Change Ref Section
5/21/13 1.0 Policy rewrite.  
5/21/13 1.1 Added information on determination of initial administrative salaries and established predetermined negotiation criteria.  
5/21/13 1.2 Added a clause requiring employees to notify HR when they are pursuing an advanced degree.  
5/21/13 1.3 Defined an accredited institution of higher education.  
5/21/13 1.4 Replaced the salary increase formula with a dollar amount for each degree category. Grandfathered employees already enrolled in a qualifying program.   
5/21/13 1.5 Removed the requirement that advanced degrees must be directly related to the employee’s position. This is not current practice as it is often difficult to define directly related.  
11/18/14 1.6 Aligned this policy with the Job Classifications policy.  
11/13/18 2.0 Combined the executive and administrative compensation policies.  
11/13/18 2.1 Replaced using a salary schedule for deans and directors to using regional market salary survey data. 5.3 & 7.1.1
11/13/18 2.2 Set annual deadline to request job reviews that aligns with budgeting. & 7.3.1
11/13/18 2.3 Replaced a set salary increase with a onetime bonus for earning an advanced degree, set a grandfathered schedule for employees already in a qualifying program, and changed the payout date. 7.3

3.0    Persons Affected

3.1    Casper College administrative and executive employees.

4.0    Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure the following.

4.1    The college has a uniform process to compensate administrative and executive employees.

5.0    Definitions

5.1    Administrative. This job classification includes non-faculty jobs responsible for providing leadership and professional expertise or services through leveraging the knowledge and skills of others in a school, department, office, or program.

5.2    Executive. This job classification includes the president and jobs responsible for providing leadership and strategic direction for areas the president deems executive.

5.3    Administrative and Executive Salary Ranges. The college uses regional market salary survey data to determine the salary range for these positions.

5.4    Advance Degree Notification. Employees use this form to notify the college that the employee is pursuing an advanced degree. This form lists the degree the employee is pursuing, the institution providing the program, anticipated graduation date, and signature lines for the employee, employee’s supervisor, and the Human Resources (HR) director.

6.0    Responsibilities

6.1    The HR director is responsible for maintaining compliance with this policy.

6.2    The Board of Trustees (BOT) is responsible for approving salary adjustments based on available funding.

7.0    Procedures

7.1    Initial Salary

7.1.1    The HR director in consultation with the appropriate supervisor determine an administrative or executive employee’s initial salary placement within the predetermined salary range based on the employee’s education, experience, and other pertinent data. A set negotiation dollar or percentage range is pre-determined to ensure equitable compensation among employees.

7.2    Salary Increases: Administrative and executive employees may receive a salary adjustment by a BOT approved increase or by an increase based on a position.

7.2.1    BOT Approved Increase    The president may recommend the BOT approve a percentage increase for eligible administrative and executive employees. In rare exceptions, the increase may exceed the administrative or executive salary ranges.    The BOT may approve salary increases given available funding.

7.2.2    Position Review    Supervisors may request that the HR director review an employee’s position for salary adjustment. Supervisors must submit review requests to the HR director no later than March 1 to be considered for any changes in the next fiscal year.    The HR director, in consultation with the employee’s supervisor and the vice president of administrative services, may increase, decrease, or make no adjustment to the employee’s salary. The college implements the salary change at the beginning of the next fiscal year.

7.3    Stipends for Earning an Advanced Degree: Administrative and executive employees may receive a BOT approved, onetime stipend for earning an advanced degree.

7.3.1    Administrative or executive employees who plan to earn an advanced degree complete the Advanced Degree Notification form no later than March 1 of the first year they plan to request tuition assistance. Employees who submit an Advance Degree Notification form after March 1 are not eligible to receive tuition assistance until the following year. HR files the form in the employee’s employment record.

7.3.2    Administrative or executive employees who earn an advanced degree that meets the following criteria are eligible for a recommended onetime stipend.

  • The employee earns a bachelor’s, master’s, or doctorate degree from an institution of higher education accredited by a U.S. Department of Education’s nationally recognized accrediting agency.
  • The degree is at least one degree level higher than any academic degree the employee has earned prior to or after being employed by the college.
  • The employee begins working at the college prior to earning the degree.

Stipends for earning advanced degrees are as follows.

Degrees                    Stipend

  • Bachelor’s           $ 500
  • Master’s            $1,500      
  • Doctorate          $2,500

Employees enrolled in a qualifying program prior to November 13, 2018 will be rewarded under Revision Number 1.0 of this policy upon completion of that program if they graduate on or before the following deadlines.

Degrees                 Degree Completion Date

  • Bachelor’s        November 13, 2023
  • Master’s           November 13, 2022
  • Doctorate         November 13, 2022

7.3.3    Administrative or executive employees provide HR with official transcripts by June 15 of the year they graduate to be eligible for a onetime stipend to be paid one year after the graduation date. Failure to meet this deadline will result in a delay of an additional year. Employees who no longer work at the college at the time payment of the stipend is due, forfeit the stipend.

7.3.4    The president may recommend the BOT approve a onetime stipends for eligible employees.

7.3.5    The BOT may approve stipends given available funding.