Oct 06, 2024  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Travel 2.0

Travel Approved Date    6-19-2018
    Effective Date    6-19-2018
    Revision No.    2.0
    Reviewed Date

1.0    Purpose

This policy establishes guidelines for travelers on domestic and international official travel. This policy does not cover student travel

2.0    Revision History

Date  Rev. No. Change Ref Section
11-15-16 1.0 Rewrite.  
11-15-16 1.1 Combined the Travel (1300:00) and Use of College Vehicles for Travel (1300:00) policies.  
11-15-16 1.2 Added requirement that drivers must be pre-approved to drive their personal vehicles on official travel.  
11-15-16 1.3 Added local travel as a reimbursable item.  
11-15-16 1.4 Removed option for receipt based reimbursement of meals and incidentals. All M&IE is based on a per diem. Meal receipts are no longer required.  
11-15-16 1.5 Changed the per diem rate from a pre-determined flat rate to a GSA rate based on location.  
11-15-16 1.6 Removed option to use a P-card for M&IE.  
11-15-16 1.7 Added an expense report for reimbursements.  
6-19-18 2.0 Added clause about using college vehicles for personal use. 5.4.3
6-19-18 2.1 Banned the use of private rental facilities for lodging. 5.4.7
6-19-18 2.2 Added a per diem schedule for the first and last travel days and a clause about using per diem for international travel. 5.4.8
6-19-18 2.3 Eliminated the option for cash advances of less than $100. 5.6

3.0    Persons Affected

3.1    All employees

3.2    Anyone engaged in travel on behalf of the college that is eligible for reimbursement including those interviewing for positions with the college and volunteers as defined in the Volunteers policy.

4.0    Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure the following.

4.1    The college has guidelines for travel procedures, allowable expenses, and reimbursement.

4.2    Travel is conducted to meet the needs of the college.

4.3    The college reimburses travel expense for official travel that is necessary and reasonable.

5.0    Definitions

5.1    Official Travel. Movement from one’s home or normal place of employment to another destination and return to either one’s home or normal place of employment for official college business. Commuting between one’s home and normal place of employment is not official travel.

5.2    Local Travel. Authorized travel between an employee’s normal place of employment and other valid business destinations. Travelers do not stay overnight and remain within the local area.

5.3    Travelers. Persons traveling on official travel include, but not limited to, trustees, employees, college guests, volunteers, candidates for positions, and people relevant to college business such as contractors or clients.

5.4    Allowable Travel Expenses. Travel expenses eligible for reimbursement or payment under specific criteria.

5.4.1    Conference Fees. Fees to attend work related conferences, meetings, seminars, or workshops. Travelers should register early enough to obtain discount fees when possible.

5.4.2    Airfare. The college will pay for coach or economy commercial flights at the lowest available rate via the most direct route, or reasonable alternative route, if it results in a lower fare. Travelers may take into consideration travel time, business obligations, and safety when booking airfare. Supervisors may approve an upgrade for special circumstances and accommodations. Travelers who choose a higher class fare or upgrade are responsible for the difference in the cost. Travelers may not specify an airline to gain mileage or promotional points, if the resulting flight is more expensive. The college will pay for one checked bag. Supervisors may approve additional baggage fees for business reasons. The college will not pay for overweight baggage fees or lost baggage. The college will pay for airport parking fees at the lowest available rate.

5.4.3    Driving a College Vehicle. Drivers must be pre-approved as an acceptable driver through Human Resources (HR) to drive a college vehicle. The college reimburses travelers for out of pocket fuel cost, parking, and applicable tolls when driving a college vehicle. The college will not reimburse travelers for parking tickets or moving violations. Only travelers on official travel are allowed to be in a college vehicle unless the appropriate dean or director has approved a waiver for the person to be a passenger in the vehicle. Waivers are available from HR.

Use of college vehicles for personal use including short trips or detours from the official travel is prohibited. Travelers may use a college vehicle for activities reasonably associated with official travel such as obtaining meals. Service animals are allowed in college vehicles, pets and emotional support animals are not.

5.4.4    Driving Your Own Vehicle. Drivers who want to drive their personal vehicles on official travel must be pre-approved as an acceptable driver through HR and provide proof of auto liability insurance with at least the minimum limits required by the state where the vehicle is registered. The insurance may not include commercial, work, or work related use prohibitions or restrictions. The college reimburses travelers who drive their own vehicles $.10 less than the General Services Administration (GSA) mileage rate, unless the traveler requested a college vehicle and none were available. The traveler would then be reimbursed the full GSA mileage rate. The college does not reimburse for fuel, parking tickets, or moving violations. The college does pay for applicable tolls and necessary parking fees. The college does not assume liability for damage to personal automobiles used on college business or the cost of repairs or deductibles.

5.4.5    Renting a Vehicle. Travelers should only rent a vehicle when it is the most economical transportation available and when approved in advance by a supervisor. Travelers should rent the lowest cost vehicle necessary to meet transportation requirements. The college will pay for the vehicle rental, out of pocket fuel cost, emergency repairs, parking, and toll charges. Travelers who rent a vehicle with their P-card should decline rental insurance. Travelers who do not use a P-card to rent a vehicle should accept the insurance coverage and submit the expense for reimbursement. The college will not pay for parking tickets or moving violations.

5.4.6    Ground Transportation. Travelers may use taxis, shuttles, rail, limos, or other ground transportation services that is the lowest cost available that meets the transportation needs of the travelers. Travelers may take into consideration travel time, business obligations, and safety when selecting ground transportation. Travelers are responsible for any non-official travel.

5.4.7    Lodging. The college will pay for a standard business room rate that a regular business traveler routinely incur, internet charges, and parking, if no free parking is available. Travelers may take into consideration travel time, business obligations, and safety when selecting lodging. Staying in private rental facilities such as vacation rentals by owners is not allowed. Travelers are responsible for any non-business related expenses including room service. The college will not pay for lodging in private residences.

5.4.8    Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE) Per Diem. An allowance to compensate for meals (including taxes and tips) and incidentals (e.g. fees and tips given to hotel staff, baggage carriers, and porters) that travelers incur while on official travel. Travelers must deduct meals (excluding continental breakfasts, receptions, and snacks) provided gratis during an event paid for by the college (e.g. a conference/workshop/training, airline travel, etc.) from their per diem. Supervisors may pre-approve exceptions to the gratis rule for dietary or religious reasons. Meals consumed while traveling within 50 miles of the college are not reimbursable unless they occurred during a meeting with a specific business purpose. The college provides per diem for incidentals when there is a hotel stay, even if there were no per diem for meals. Travelers may not use P-cards for M&IE purchases.

The M&IE per diem is based on GSA rates and regulations. M&IE purchases may not exceed the per day maximum GSA rate. The college does not reimburse meals using the receipt method. Travelers do not need to provide receipts for M&IE.

Go to www.gsa.gov for GSA M&IE per diem rates for domestic travel. Go to the U.S. Department of State website at https://www.state.gov/ for per diem rates for international travel.

Meals are eligible for per diem based on the following travel time schedule.

Travel begins before 6:00 a.m.    Breakfast reimbursed
Traveling between noon and 1:00 p.m.    Lunch reimbursed
Travel ends after 7:00 p.m.    Dinner reimbursed

Travel time begins upon departure of the group from the Casper area and ends upon arrival back to the Casper area.  

Travel time that involves flying out of the Casper airport begins two hours before the flight departs and one hour after the flight arrives at the final destination.

5.4.9    Travel Insurance. Insurance designed to minimize the financial risk of traveling. Travel insurance may cover trip cancellation and interruption, medical, evacuation, baggage, and flight. Medical and evacuation insurance is required for international trips but not recommended for domestic travel. Other travel insurance may be purchased. Travel insurance for either international or domestic trips are reimbursable with supervisor approval.

5.4.10    Currency Conversion Fees. The college will pay currency conversion fees for monies used for official travel based on the documented cost to convert the funds. Employees should attempt to find the lowest conversion fees available.

5.4.11    Travel Visas. The college will pay for required travel Visas. The college does not pay for or reimburse for passport applications or renewals.

5.4.12    Cancellation or Change Fees. The college will pay cancellation fees when supervisors direct travelers to change their plans or for extenuating circumstances approved by the traveler’s supervisor. Charges incurred due to failure of the traveler to cancel registrations in a timely manner or negligence are the responsibility of the traveler. Travelers who deliberately incur increased cost to gain mileage or promotional points or compensation for not boarding are responsible for any increased costs.

5.5    Personal Travel

5.5.1    Traveling with People Not on Official Travel (Other Travelers). Other travelers may accompany an employee on official travel when the employee is attending a business function or training and the employee has supervisor approval and there is appropriate supervision of any minor children traveling. All costs associated with other travelers are the responsibility of the employee.

Other travelers may not accompany an employee who is responsible for others on the travel, such as being a travel leader. Adults related to the employee are allowed to participate in travel experiences as long as they register or enroll for the travel and pay the related cost like any other participant.

The college will only pay for allowable expenses travelers on official travel would have incurred had they been traveling alone. The college will not pay for expenses of the other travelers.   

5.5.2    Extending Travel. When travelers extend official travel for personal reasons. The college will only reimburse travelers for expenses during the time they would have been required to travel were the travel not extended. Travelers pay additional costs for lodging, meals, rental cars, airport parking, etc. If the price of the airline ticket is higher because of an extension, travelers pay the difference between ticket costs. Documentation is required to verify the cost difference. The college will not reimburse travelers if the price difference is lower.

5.6    Travel Advances. Employees may obtain a cash advance from the college to pay for official travel costs that they cannot reasonably charge to a P-card or for employees who do not have a P-card. Cash advance requests must correspond to actual anticipated expenses. Cash advances of less than $100 are not allowed. The college is not responsible for loss or theft of a cash advance.

5.7    Travel Expense Report. Travelers use this form to submit travel expenses for reimbursement. The form is available at the Casper College forms website.

6.0    Responsibilities

6.1    The vice president of administrative services is responsible for maintaining compliance with this policy.

6.2    Supervisors are responsible for approving travel and travel reimbursement forms and ensuring there are sufficient funds for the travel.

6.3    Travelers must comply with this policy.

7.0    Procedures

Scheduling Travel

7.1    Travelers will notify their supervisors prior to making travel arrangements when traveling internationally or seeking reimbursement.

7.2    Supervisors approve or deny requests. Approval confirms there are sufficient funds to pay for the travel and the traveler has requested the least expensive means of travel.

7.3    Travelers may request a college vehicle for local travel or they may use a personal vehicle with prior supervisor approval.

Booking Travel       

7.4    Flights. Travelers book flights at least 14 days in advance when possible, but not earlier than 180 days prior to departure. All flights must be booked with a P-card unless approved by a supervisor.

7.5    Lodging. Travelers reserve the least expensive rate at a hotel taking into consideration the proximity of the hotel to the business destination and personal safety. Travelers should inquire as to the availability of discounts for educational or governmental organizations. Travelers are exempt from sales tax at Wyoming hotels when they provide a copy of the tax exemption certificate, which is available from the purchasing department.

7.6    Reserving a College Vehicle. Approved drivers submit a request to reserve a vehicle through the online request system located on the Physical Plant Services webpage. Drivers who have not yet received approval to drive a college vehicle should contact HR.

7.7    Requesting a Travel Advance. Employees requesting a travel advance must submit a conference schedule of events, itinerary or meeting agenda and a completed Travel Expense Report and requisition signed by the employee’s supervisor to AFM no more than 30 days before departure. AFM will review the request and provide the requesting employee with a check for approved expenses 7 days prior to travel.

Submitting an Expense Report

7.8    Travelers submit a completed Travel Expense Report and a requisition or petty cash slip signed by the traveler’s supervisor and the traveler within 10 business days after returning from travel. Travelers note expenses paid with a P-card and any cash advances and return excess cash advance monies. Travelers provide the following applicable documents.

  • Conference schedule of events, itinerary, or meeting agenda
  • Original itinerary and method of payment for airfare
  • Original rental agreement showing proof of payment for vehicle rental
  • Original ground transportation receipt showing proof of payment
  • Original lodging bill or receipt showing proof of payment
  • Receipt from conference sponsor or copy of registration form and proof of payment
  • Mileage calculation using Google Maps
  • Itemized receipts for allowable expenses. M&IE receipts are not required. The college will reimburse travelers for international expenses using a back dated currency conversion calculation that coincides with the date the expense was incurred) www.oanda.com/convert/classic).

Travelers who have submitted a Travel Expense Report prior to travel to secure a travel advance, must finalize their report within 10 business days after returning from travel, if there were additional expenses. They must provide any of the above applicable document not previously provided.