Sep 21, 2024  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Surveillance Systems

Surveillance Systems Approved Date    2-20-2018
    Effective Date    2-20-2018
    Revision No.    1.0
    Reviewed Date

1.0    Purpose

This policy establishes guidelines for use of surveillance systems and content.

2.0    Revision History

Date  Rev. No. Change Ref Section
2-20-18  1.0 New policy.  

3.0    Persons Affected

3.1    Casper College students and employees

3.2    People who come onto campus or enter a campus facility  

4.0    Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure the following.

4.1    The college uses surveillance systems to enhance the safety and security of persons and property in or on college facilities. This policy does not imply or guarantee the continual monitoring of surveillance systems in real time.

4.2    The college does not install or use dummy surveillance systems.

4.3    The college may use surveillance content to investigate an alleged violation of college policy or an illegal act and to support disciplinary hearings.

4.4    Surveillance content is controlled. Access is granted under limited circumstances.  

4.5    The college manages the surveillance content and prohibits the interception, duplication, transmission, or use of surveillance content for purposes other than the intended uses listed in this policy. This policy does not apply to non-surveillance content.

5.0    Definitions

5.1    Surveillance System. A fixed or mobile system used to monitor or record in or on college facilities to enhance the safety and security of persons and property and to investigate college policy violations or illegal acts. The installation of surveillance systems in work areas is not intended for the routine performance management of college employees.

5.2    Surveillance Content. Audio or video data captured by a surveillance system to include system logs, still images, snapshots, stop action, and video transmitted, displayed, or recorded. The college owns all surveillance content. Any interception, duplication, transmission, or other diversion of surveillance content for purposes other than what is authorized by this policy is prohibited.

5.3    Non-surveillance Content. Audio or video data to include system logs, still images, snapshots, stop action, and video transmitted, displayed, or recorded for non-surveillance purposes such as class lectures or projects, video conferences, research projects, monitoring test taking public events, or performances. Non-surveillance content may be used for investigative purposes with authorization of the president or by warrant or subpoena.

5.4    Surveillance System Plan. A written plan that establishes surveillance standards taking into consideration budget limitations and safety priorities. The plan will include

  • surveillance system selection criteria and design,
  • content storage, retention, retrieval, and disposal protocols,
  • how to respond to requests,
  • security protocols and system access,
  • protection against access to surveillance content and equipment,
  • installation protocol,
  • maintenance and testing schedule, and
  • assessment and review schedule.

5.5    Surveillance System Committee. An ad hoc college committee responsible for the development and implementation of the Surveillance System Plan The committee membership includes representation from Informational Technology, Security, Student Services, Human Resources, and Facilities Operations. The informational technology director chairs the committee. Other groups may have representation at the discretion of the committee chair. Any member may reconvene the committee to review or adjust the Surveillance System Plan.

5.6    Executive Council. This council consists of the president; vice presidents of academic affairs, student services and administrative services; director of information technology; executive dean of continuing education; and director of public relations.

5.7    College Facility. All buildings, structures, grounds, fields, and parking lots owned or leased by the college.

5.8    Personal Areas. Location where a reasonable person would expect privacy such as residence hall living quarters or apartment units, public restrooms, locker rooms, medical treatment or counseling areas, or personal offices.

6.0    Responsibilities

6.1    The campus safety and security coordinator is responsible for ensuring compliance with this policy.

6.2    The Surveillance System Committee is responsible for the development and implementation of a surveillance system plan.

6.3    The vice president for student services (VPSS) is responsible for responding to requests to assess surveillance content for investigative purposes.

6.4    Executive Council is responsible for granting approval for employees to view live feeds.

7.0    Procedures

7.1    Installation and Use for a Surveillance System

7.1.1    IT installs and maintains surveillance systems in compliance with the Surveillance System Plan. The college will attempt to install surveillance equipment so as not to record into personal areas. Surveillance systems will generally be limited to public areas.

7.1.2    Employees who wish to have a surveillance system installed in a particular area or to use a mobile surveillance system submit requests to the IT director, who will decided if the request meets the criteria established in the Surveillance System Plan and approve or deny the request. Individual schools, departments, or offices may not install or purchase surveillance equipment.

7.1.3    The president, after consulting with the Board of Trustees, may approve placement of surveillance systems in specific areas to address safety concerns or possible criminal activity in or on campus facilities.

7.2    Storage and Retention

7.2.1    The college will keep surveillance content for a minimum of 30 calendar days, after which the content will be deleted unless it is part of a college or criminal investigation or court proceeding or as required by law.

7.2.2    The college will keep surveillance content used in a college or legal investigation for five years from the conclusion of any adjudication, and appeal, if any, which results from the investigation, or per court order.

7.3    Access

7.3.1    Employees approved by the Executive Council may view live feeds. The campus safety and security coordinator, IT director, and security employees have regular access to surveillance content. Unapproved employees or third parties may not access live feeds or surveillance content. Executive Council may grant limited access to third parties when they deem the access appropriate.

7.3.2    Employees involved in an investigation of an alleged violation of college policy or an illegal act may access surveillance content as part of their investigation or adjudication of the matter.

7.3.3    IT employees responsible for the installation, maintenance, or adjustment of surveillance systems may access surveillance content during the course of these specific duties.
7.3.4    Law enforcement may view live feeds to respond to crimes in progress with the authorization of the campus safety and security coordinator or as set forth in a subpoena or other legal documents compelling disclosure.

7.3.5    Law enforcement may request access to surveillance content from the VPSS, who will consider the request and may grant access based on advice of legal counsel.

7.3.6    All other requests for the release of surveillance content must follow the procedures outlined in the Public Records policy.