Sep 21, 2024  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Information Technology Asset Management and Disposal

Information Technology Asset Management and Disposal Approved Date    10-20-15
    Effective Date    10-20-15
    Revision No.    1.0

1.0    Purpose

This policy establishes guidelines for recording, protecting, and disposing of information technology assets owned by the college. Management and disposal of all other types of assets are covered under the Asset Management and Disposal policy.

2.0    Revision History

Date Rev. No. Change Ref Section
10-20-15 1.0 New policy.  
10-20-15 1.1  Increase the limit to request approval from the Board of Trustees to sell or dispose of assets from $500 to $2,500. 7.5.4

3.0    Persons Affected

3.1    All employees

4.0    Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure the following.

4.1    The college has a means to control and monitor college information technology equipment, materials, and capital assets.

4.2    The college has a process to dispose of damaged, worn, obsolete, or surplus property.

5.0    Definitions

5.1    Information Technology. The application of hardware, software, services, and supporting infrastructure to manage and deliver information using voice, data, and video. Information technology includes computers and computer peripherals, voice, video, and data networks and equipment, software, and technology services provided by vendors. Information technology does not include closed or stand-alone computer systems that monitor or automate mechanical or chemical processes such as fire alarm systems, audio-visual equipment, copy and fax machines, and licenses or subscriptions to electronic information.

5.2    Device. A unit of hardware designed to facilitate the management and delivery of information using voice, video, and data networks.

5.3    Asset. Any item or system with a value greater than or equal to $2,500 purchased, owned, or donated to the college.

5.4    Tagged Asset Inventory. The system used to track and tag all assets with a value of $2,500 or greater.

5.5    IT Inventory. The system used to track and tag all information technology devices with a value of $200 or greater, excluding phones and cameras. IT Inventory tags may be used in addition to tagged asset inventory tags, if the device has a value of $2,500 or greater.

5.6    Capital Asset Inventory. The system used to track capital assets with a value of $5,000 or greater. Donated items are valued at fair market on the date of donation.

5.7    Responsible Person. Any employee assigned responsibility for the safekeeping of college property.

5.8    Ownership. Casper College owns all property purchased with college funds or donated to the college. Casper College exercises the responsibilities of ownership for property purchased with grant funds, even though the college may not be listed on the title. Regardless of how an item was ordered, funded, or expensed, no school, department, unit, or employee may hold principle ownership.

5.9    IT Work Order. Employees use this form to request the permanent transfer of a device to a new user or location, installation of software, repairs, or to surplus a device. The work order is located on the IT webpage.

6.0    Responsibilities

6.1    The Information Technology Department (IT) is responsible for ensuring that devices are properly tagged, recorded, and tracked.

6.2    The director of informational technology is responsible for maintaining compliance with this policy.

7.0    Procedures

7.1    IT Devices Purchased

7.1.1    IT notifies the Accounting and Financial Management Office (AFM) of information technology purchases of $2,500 or more, excluding purchases that are part of a larger unit or a repair part.

7.1.2    Shipping and Receiving notifies IT when they receive information technology purchases. They tag all items valued at $2,500 with a CC Asset ID tag and report the following information on tagged assets to AFM: CC Asset ID number, PO number, description of equipment (including model and serial numbers, if available), building name and room number where equipment will be located, and date received.

7.1.3    IT tags devices valued at $200 or greater and enters the following information into the IT Inventory: IT Device ID, CC Asset ID number (if applicable), PO number, description of equipment (including model and serial numbers, if available), building name and room number where equipment will be located, and date received.

If employees purchase devices valued at $200 or greater (excluding phones and cameras), they must contact IT to have an IT Device ID tag placed on the item.

7.1.4    IT submits a list of all devices valued at $5,000 or greater to AFM who enter the information on the device into the Capital Asset Inventory. Recorded asset cost includes any ancillary expenses (shipping, insurance, installation, etc.). AFM depreciate IT capitalized assets annually using the straight-line method.

7.2    Donation of Devices

7.2.1    Supervisors notify IT when they receive an offer of an information technology donation. IT determines if the donation is compatible with the colleges systems and if IT will be able provide support for the donation.

7.2.2    IT tags the donation and enters the following information into the Device Inventory: CC Asset ID number, PO number, description of equipment (including model and serial numbers, if available), building name and room number where equipment will be located, and date received.

7.2.3    IT submits a list of all devices valued at $5,000 or greater, as determined by the donor, to AFM who enters the information on the tagged item into the Capital Asset Inventory. Recorded asset cost include any ancillary expenses (shipping, insurance, installation, etc.). AFM depreciates capitalized assets as outlined in 7.1.3.

7.3    Device Transfers and Moves

7.3.1    Responsible persons complete and submit an IT work order or calls the help desk to request to have a device moved to a new permanent location. For portable devices, they notify IT that a device has been permanently transferred to a new responsible person.

7.3.2    IT moves devices as needed and records the change in the Device Inventory. They notify AFM of any relocation of devices on the Capital Asset Inventory, so that they can note the change.

7.4    Missing or Stolen Devices

7.4.1    Responsible persons must report missing or stolen devices to Campus Security and IT.

7.4.2    IT records the change in the Device Inventory and notifies AFM to make changes to the Capital Asset Inventory, if applicable.

7.5    Device Disposal

7.5.1    Disposal of devices must be through public sale, auction, bid, or by Board approval. Devices may not be sold, transferred, or given to a private person, firm, or corporation outside of a public sale, auction, bid, or Board approval. The vice president of administrative services (VPAS) may approve a trade-in if the trade-in value is advantageous to the college.

7.5.2    The responsible person submits a work order to have IT pick up any damaged, worn beyond economical repair, obsolete, or surplus devices. IT determines if the device should be sold, stored for future use, used as parts, or disposed of. They notify the Purchasing Office of devices available for sale.

7.5.3    The Purchasing Office may sell devices by public sale, auction, or bid or dispose of devices valued less than $2,500 without Board approval.

7.5.4    For devices valued at $2,500 or greater, the VPAS will request approval from the Board to sell or dispose of the devices. The Purchasing Office may sell approved devices by public sale, auction, or bid or have Physical Plant dispose of the devices.

7.5.5    The Purchasing Office notifies AFM monthly of any tagged items sold or disposed of. AFM records the change in the Capital Asset Inventory, if applicable.

7.6    Device Inventory

7.6.1    IT sends a device list to deans and directors once a year with the responsible person’s name, description, ID number, and tag number for each device. Deans and directors should bring any discrepancies to the attention of IT.

7.6.2    Once a year, IT randomly selects a random list of devices from the IT Inventory. The list will include the description, ID number, tag number, and responsible person for each device IT schedules a time to inventory the devices on the list with the responsible persons.

7.6.3    IT notifies AFM of any changes to the list. AFM records the change in the Capital Asset Inventory, if applicable.