Feb 19, 2025  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Receivables and Collection

Receivables and Collection Approved Date    8-18-2015
    Effective Date    8-18-2015
    Revision No.    1.0

1.0    Purpose

This policy establishes guidelines for receiving revenues including fees charged in association with attending classes or receiving campus services.

2.0    Revision History

Date Rev. No. Change Ref Section
08-18-15 1.0 Replaces the Student Financial Obligation and the Bad Debt policies.  
08-18-15 1.1 Added information about general accounts receivables.  

3.0    Persons Affected

3.1    Students

3.2    Any entity or person owing funds to the college

4.0    Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure the following.

4.1    The college has receivable and collection procedures that promote sound cash management and accounting principles.

4.2    The college has a means to collect past due accounts.

4.3    The college abides by all federal, state, and local laws when collecting funds.

5.0    Definitions

5.1    Accounts Receivable. This is any amount owed to Casper College.

5.2    Billable Document. These are authorized contracts, agreements, or letters of commitment from a sponsoring company/agency to pay for tuition, fees, or other services rendered by the college.

5.3    Third-Party Receivables. These accounts receivable are typically associated with tuition and fee charges being paid by an entity other than the student. Third-party receivables are initiated by a billable document.

5.4    Miscellaneous Receivables. These accounts receivable are not typically associated with tuition and fees and may include bad check fees, credit card charge backs,  room rentals, catering contracts, and other goods or services rendered by the college.

5.5    Tuition. The cost incurred with enrollment in a credit or non-credit course.

5.6    Per Credit Student Fees. A fee associated with credit generating courses.

5.7    Course Fees. A fee associated with a specific course such as fitness, lab, lessons, and material fees.

5.8    Room Charges. Charges associated with on-campus student housing including resident hall room or apartment rental, damages, and breach of contract penalty charges.

5.9    Board Charges. Charges associated with the purchase of a campus dining board plan, including meal plans and breach of contract penalty charges.

5.10    Fines/Restitution. Charges incurred because of the loss of or damage to college property or disciplinary actions taken in accordance with college disciplinary procedures.

5.11    Financial Aid Repayment. Financial obligations incurred by a student because of failure to fulfill student financial assistance requirements.

5.12    Miscellaneous Student Charges. Any other duly authorized charges levied against students.

6.0    Responsibilities

6.1    Any employee who has responsibility for collecting fee resources is responsible for following collection procedures.

6.2    The vice president of administrative services (VPAS) as the appointed assistant treasurer of the Board of Trustees is responsible for maintaining compliance with this policy.

7.0    Procedures

7.1    The Accounting and Financial Management (AFM) Office will notify anyone who has an outstanding debt of the debt they owe, payment options, and refund information. Notifications will be sent to the address provided by the debtor.

All debt is subject to automatic additional charges for missing payment deadlines and may be sent to a collection agency.

Students who do not understand or disagree with an assigned financial obligation may first contact the AFM Office for explanation of the charges. If this does not resolve the situation, students may contact Enrollment Services to obtain information about the petition process. Students who fail to address an outstanding debt are also subject to the following actions.

7.1.1    Registration and Academic Records Hold. These account holds prevent a person from being able to register for classes or obtain academic records (i.e., transcripts).

7.1.2    Deletion of Enrollment. Students with an outstanding financial obligation who have registered for courses or services for a subsequent term may have their registration deleted. Students who notify the college prior to the start of the current term that they do not plan to attend, or if the college can verify that the student never attended any classes for the term in question, may have their registration deleted and the resulting tuition and fees removed.

7.1.3    Termination of Service. The college may terminate any services without notice including campus housing (eviction), food services, childcare, check cashing, services supported through the pre-credit student fees, and enrollment for courses without pre-payment if a student fails to meet financial obligations.

7.2    The VPAS and the financial services director annually recommend accounts that they determine to be uncollectable to the Board of Trustees. The Board reviews and approves the write-off of these accounts. These debts are never discharged and are still owed to the college.