Rosenthal Outstanding Educator Award
Judy Cavanagh [1987]
Director, Nursing Programs
Richard R. Means [1987]
Director, Testing
F.E. “Skip” Gillum [1988]
Chair, Social and Behavioral Sciences
Michael H. Sarvey [1988]
Chair, Business
Lynn Munns [1989]
Art Instructor and Division Chair
Jean G. Wheatley [1989]
Director, Athletics/Physical Education Instructor
Albert E. “Al” Allen [1990]
Geology Instructor
Paul L. Wolz [1990]
English, German, and Humanities Instructor
James Gaither [1991]
Art History and Painting Instructor
Helon H. Raines [1991]
English and Writing Center Director
Thomas Empey [1992]
Director, Theater
Lynda Durham [1993]
Spanish Instructor
Gale Alexander [1994]
Director/Instructor, Communication Program
Mary Kubichek [1994]
Legal Assistant Instructor
Roger Fenner [1995]
Music Instructor
Cheryl Wrasper [1995]
Nursing Instructor
Willard Robinson [1996]
Biology Instructor
Gary Becker [1996]
Physical Education, Business Instructor, Women’s Basketball Coach
Pete Wildman [1997]
Mathematics Instructor
Kelly Burch [1997]
Agriculture Instructor
Ebba Stedillie [1998]
Communication, English Instructor
Eric Unruh [1998]
Music (Piano) Instructor
Joan Bangen [1999]
Early Childhood Education Instructor
Gerald Nelson [1999]
Physical Science Department Chairperson
David Arndt [2000]
Electronic Technology Instructor
Gretchen Wheeler [2000]
Communication, Theatre, Forensics Instructor
Douglas Crowe [2001]
Biology Instructor
Clare Eastes [2001]
Education Instructor
Megan Graham [2002]
Electronics Technology Instructor
Nancy Wright [2002]
Business Office Technology Instructor
Erich Frankland [2003]
Political Science Instructor
Grant Wilson [2003]
Language and Literature Division Chair
Ruth Doyle [2004]
Education/Psychology Instructor
Mark Steinle [2004]
Construction/Welding Instructor
C. Evert Brown [2005]
Biology Instructor
Kerri Mahlum [2005]
Early Childhood Education Instructor
Mellissa Connely [2006]
Geology Instructor
Barbara Mueller [2006]
Anthropology & Sociology Instructor
William Mixer [2007]
Director, Environmental Training and Resource Center
Ann Rognstad [2007]
English and Reading Instructor
Chad Hanson [2008]
Sociology Instructor
Jianjun He [2008]
Music Theory Instructor
Richard Burk [2009]
Theatre Instructor
Lesley Travers [2009]
Addictionology Instructor
Garth Shanklin [2010]
Psychology Instructor
Jean Tichenor [2010]
Music (vocal) Instructor
Shawn Powell [2011]
Psychology Instructor
Kent Sundell [2011]
Geology Instructor
Liz Ott [2012]
Accounting Instructor
Patrick Patton [2012]
Music Instructor
Jared Bowden [2013]
Physics Instructor
Jessica Hurless [2013]
Communication Instructor
Dale Anderson [2014]
Fire Science Instructor
Heath Hornecker [2014]
Agriculture Instructor
Outstanding Administrator Award
A. LeRoy Strausner [1989]
Dean of Students
Paul E. Hallock [1990]
Director, Planning and Development
Stan McDowell [1991]
Director, Intramurals
Garth Shanklin (1992)
Director, Counseling
R. Lynnette Anderson [1993]
Director, College Library
Russell Poppen [1994]
Director, Student Placement/Career Services
Jenny Black [1995]
Admissions Coordinator
Darry Voigt [1996]
Director, Student Financial Aid
William Landen [1997]
Director, College Relations
Lynn Fletcher [1999]
Registrar/Coordinator Admissions and Student Records
Linda (King) Toohey [2000]
Director, Admission Services
Shirley Jacob [2001]
Grants Coordinator
Ron Mathisen [2002]
Buildings Maintenance Supervisor
Jim Ochiltree [2003]
Vice President Student Services
Mark Robinson [2004]
Campus Security Director
Barb Meryhew [2005]
Director, Housing/Student Activities
Janet de Vries [2006]
Director, Career Services
Kevin Anderson [2007]
Western History/Automation Specialist
Kim Byrd [2009]
Student Success Coordinator
Lois Davis [2010]
Dean, Educational Resources
Alison McNulty [2011]
Registrar/Director of Admissions and Student Records
Robyn Landen [2012]
Director of Financial Services/Controller
Teresa Wallace [2013]
Director of Counseling
Donna Sonesen [2014]
Director of Early Childhood Learning Center
Robert Durst Classified Staff Award
Sarah Sulzen [2007]
Academic Assistant, Life Science
Kathy Coe [2008]
Academic Assistant, Language and Literature
Mary Lewellan [2009]
Student Success Specialist
Robert Taylor [2010]
HVAC Technician
Glenda Pullen [2011]
Executive Asst. Vice President - Academic Affairs
Mike McLemore [2012]
AV Media Instruction Technician
Belle Stapleton [2013]
Custodial Crew Leader
Melody Dugan [2014]
Office Assistant Adult Learning Center
Garth Shanklin Faculty Leadership Excellence Award
Cammy Rowley [2014 Full-time Faculty]
Early Childhood Education Instructor
Gail Schenfisch [2014 Adjunct Faculty]
Sign Language Instructor