Oct 06, 2024  
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog and Student Handbook 
2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog and Student Handbook [ARCHIVED CATALOG]


Campus Security

Strausner Hall, Room 205
307-268-2688 or caspercollege.edu/security

Students should contact Campus Security if they feel unsafe while on campus. Campus Security officers are responsible for the security of college buildings and grounds, and enforcement of traffic and parking regulations. They have the authority to quell disturbances, direct persons off college property, and enforce college policies, rules, and regulations including the Casper College Student Code of Conduct and housing, parking and traffic regulations. They may require identification of any person on campus or search any areas owned or controlled by the college including personal effects. Officers may impound prohibited articles or order their owner’s immediate removal from campus. Refusing to allow an officer to search an allowable area or interfering with a search may result in disciplinary action. Officers may ask to search a privately owned vehicle. The owner/operators may refuse the request; however, they may be required to remove the vehicle from campus, and their campus operating and parking privileges may be suspended.

Campus Security has personnel on duty 24 hours a day, seven days a week, including holidays. They are CPR and automated external defibrillator (AED) trained. Officers will unlock vehicles and provide vehicle jump-starts and safety escorts.

Safety on Campus

Students, employees, and visitors are encouraged to take responsibility for their security and the security of others. The following practices help protect everyone.

  • Walk with a companion, especially at night. Campus Security (307-268-2688) may be called for an escort.
  • Know the people you visit both on and off campus.
  • Close and lock ground floor windows when you are not in your campus residence or office.
  • Keep vehicle windows rolled up and doors locked at all times. Lock valuables in the trunk where they cannot be seen or take them with you.
  • Notify Campus Security (307-268-2688) when working on campus at night or on the weekend in an area usually locked at that time, so that officers are aware of your presence in case of an emergency.
  • Be aware and concerned about the use and abuse of alcohol and drugs, which are associated with increased vulnerability.
  • Call Campus Security at 2688 from any campus landline phone or 307-268-2688 from a cell or off-campus phone for emergency assistance on campus.
  • Immediately report weapons on campus to Campus Security. Weapons, including concealed weapons for which the carrier has a legal permit, are prohibited in college-owned or leased buildings. The term “weapon” includes any object or substance designed to inflict a  wound, cause injury, or incapacitate including, but not limited to, all operable or inoperable firearms (or replicas), explosives, dangerous  chemicals outside of laboratory settings, clubs or other impact weapons, swords, arrows, bows, martial arts weapons, and knives designed  or adapted for combat or use against another person. (Go to Casper College Policy Manual for the full policy.)
  • Pay attention to security alerts, safety announcements, and other information about crime prevention and personal safety provided by the college. Knowledge of safety precautions and resources can make a difference in a crisis.

CC Care Team

The care team is a group of college officials that meet routinely to collect, review, and assess reports of concerning behavior or situations involving students on and off campus and take appropriate action to address the behavior. Anyone concerned about a student should make a report to caspercollege.edu/care-team. Call 911 in an emergency. Then, call Campus Security at 307-268-2688.

Reporting a Crime

Students, employees and visitors are encouraged to report crimes and safety issues to Campus Security at 307- 268-2688, local law enforcement by calling 911, or the vice president for student services during business hours at 307-268-2201. Anyone may anonymously report a crime or suspicious activity by completing the Behavioral Intervention Team form at publicdocs.maxient.com/incidentreport.php?CasperCollege. This form is the only confidential way to report a crime. The college will investigate and refer serious matters to law enforcement and issue a warning when necessary.

Campus Security personnel along with the following positions are campus security authorities under the Clery Act and are required to report offenses listed within the act to the campus security director.

  • Vice president for student services
  • Deans and directors
  • Department chairs and program directors
  • Instructors who lead student trips
  • Housing and student life professionals and student employees, including the director of student life, housing area coordinator, activities  coordinator, resident assistants, and desk attendants
  • The athletic director, coaches, and assistant coaches
  • Sponsors or advisors of student clubs or organizations

Missing Student Notifications

Immediately report a missing person who may be in danger. Report any student who lives in residential housing that has been missing for 24 or more hours. Reports can be made to:

  • Student Life and Housing employees
  • Campus Security officers
  • Campus Safety and Security coordinator
  • Student Services (Student Success Center) employees
  • Vice president for student services
  • Associate vice president for student services
  • Athletic team coaches
  • School deans
  • Academic department chairs and program directors

If the student is not located, Campus Security will contact local law enforcement and the parents or guardians of students under 18 years old. Students who live in residential housing may register a contact person to notify if they go missing. This information will be shared with college officials and law enforcement only.

Timely Warnings

The Public Relations Office issues timely warnings to the campus community for incidents that have occurred on campus or adjacent property that pose a potential threat. The college may use any of the following means to communicate information to issue a timely warning.

Mobile devices. The college enrolls employees and people who register for a course into the CC ALERT system. This mass notification system sends email, text and telephone messages based on the contact information provided by the enrollee. Update your CC Alert account whenever you change phone numbers or email addresses. To stop getting messages, login to caspercollege.edu/alert and remove your number or text the word “STOP” to 67283.

The Web. Visit caspercollege.edu.

Phone. Call the campus info line at 307-268-2100.

Email. Check your official college email.

Social media. Check the Casper College Facebook page.

Campus early alert system (audible). Casper College has an outdoor warning siren/public address unit on campus. The college uses the sirens to alert people who are outdoors of an emergency. People outdoors on campus should be able to hear the sirens and public address announcements, which may not be audible inside campus buildings. People indoors should access other communication methods.

Emergency Notifications

The Public Relations Office, Campus Security, or the Vice President of Student Services will issue an Emergency Notification for any significant emergency or dangerous situation occurring on the campus involving an immediate threat to the health or safety of students or employees. Notifications will be made via CC Alert, outdoor loudspeaker, email, social media, or any other appropriate means. 

Emergency Responses

Students should review emergency procedures in the Emergency Response Guide at caspercollege.edu/sites/default/files/documents/security/cc-emergency-response-guide.pdf. In an emergency, call 911. Then, call Campus Security at 307-268-2688.

The college or law enforcement may issue an evacuation notice. Evacuations can be for one or more buildings or campus-wide. If the evacuation is for one or more buildings, everyone must evacuate those buildings and move to a designated location or leave campus. If the evacuation is campus-wide, everyone must leave campus. Evacuation plans are subject to change. If the college or law enforcement issues a “shelter in place” notice, stay where you are or go to a safe area in a building such as an interior room with few or no windows.

The following are recommended responses for different situations. Use your best judgment to secure your safety.
Active Shooter on Campus

  • Shelter-in-place.
  • Close and lock all windows and doors. If the door does not have a lock, move to a room with a lockable door if you can do so safely.
  • Turn off the lights.
  • Get on the floor. Ensure no one is visible from outside of the room.
  • Call 911 and then Campus Security (307-268-2688). Inform the dispatcher of the situation and your location.
  • Remain in place until the police or a Casper College official you know gives the all clear. Unfamiliar voices may be the shooter attempting to lure people from their safe place.

Active Shooter in the Same Building as You

  • Follow the procedure for a shooter on campus.
  • Exit the building if it is safe to do so.

Active Shooter Enters the Room Where You Are Located

  • Remain calm.
  • Call 911 and then Campus Security (307-268-2688). Alert the police to the shooter’s location. If you cannot talk, leave the telephone connection open so the dispatcher can hear what is taking place.
  • Negotiate with the shooter.
  • Overpower the shooter (considered the last resort).

If the shooter leaves, consider fleeing the area. Have an escape plan before fleeing. Do not touch anything that was near the shooter. Leave all items behind. Move quickly. Keep your hands visible, and follow the police officer’s instructions. Notify authorities of the location of wounded people as soon as possible. Stay on campus until a police officer or campus official says you can leave.

Other Criminal Activity

  • Do not approach or attempt to apprehend the person(s) involved.
  • Call Campus Security (307-268-2688) if you observe a crime in progress or suspicious behavior. Then call 911. Report information, including:
    • Location
    • What the person is doing
    • Weapons or tools involved
    • Physical and clothing description
    • Direction of travel when last seen
    • Vehicle description, license plate number

Severe Weather

  • Close windows, exterior doors, and openings to the outside.
  • Gather essential disaster supplies.
  • Find an interior room below or at ground level with adequate space for everyone to sit. Select a location with few or no windows. Restrooms and custodial closets are an option.
  • Close the door after everyone has entered the room.
  • Listen to local radio or television or check CC Alert for further instructions.

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