Sep 22, 2024  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Teaching Load (1400:30:01)

Section: Academic Affairs
Subject: Teaching Load
Effective Date: April 17, 1989
Revision Date:
Index: 1400:30:01


In addition to their instructional duties, all full-time faculty members at Casper College are expected to fulfill certain non-teaching responsibilities which include, but may not be limited to, such tasks as student advisement, student recruitment, committee service, faculty development, and other reasonable duties as assigned by the Division Chair or Dean. To more closely insure that there is equity of work load among the faculty the following procedure will be in effect to determine load.

1.0 A full-time teaching load will be comprised as follows:

  • For those persons who teach in lecture classes only, the load will be 30 contact hours per year with an adjustment of plus or minus three (3) credit hours possible.
  • For those persons who teach in both lecture and laboratory classes, the load will be forty (40) contact hours per year with an adjustment of plus or minus four (4) contact hours possible.
  • For those persons who teach in laboratory classes only, the load will be fifty-three (53) contact hours per year with an adjustment of plus or minus five (5) contact hours possible.
  • For load determination purposes a year will consist of the fall and spring semester.

2.0 Overload compensation may be recommended by a Division Chair for those hours beyond the 30, 40, or 53 discussed in 1.0.

  • For purposes of compensation overloads for the year will actually be paid in the spring semester only.
  • If an overload is authorized in the fall semester, it will be credited to the instructor and if a full load is taught in the spring, the prior overload will be paid in full on the January pay check.
  • In lieu of pay for the overload the instructor may choose to teach an adjusted load in the spring semester.

3.0 The Division Chair may make adjustments to the load to a maximum of plus or minus 3, 4, or 5, contact hours based on the following criteria:

  • Department head/level coordinator duties if extensive
  • Museum curator
  • Seminar / festival coordinator
  • Advisee load exceeding the division maximum
  • Committee meeting assignments exceeding 15 hours per semester
  • Number and difficulty of preparations
  • Required travel
  • Student recruitment efforts above the division requirement
  • Class size above the division’s approved maximum limit
  • Grading requirements if excessive

4.0 Adjustments for the position of Division Chair will be established at one-fourth to one-third the full load requirements.

5.0 The Division Chair is responsible for insuring that all members of the full-time faculty within their respective divisions teach a full load based on the above criteria with consideration given to non-teaching duties.

  • If a person is scheduled in an overload situation, said overload will be identified by the Division Chair when the preliminary schedule is submitted to the appropriate Dean for approval.
  • If a person is scheduled in any underload situation, said underload will be identified by the Division Chair when the preliminary schedule is submitted to the appropriate Dean for approval.
  • The appropriate Dean will verify the existence of any overloads / underloads and advise the Vice President for Academic Affairs of the justification for their existence.
  • The Vice President for Academic Affairs will have the final approval on all such overloads / underloads.