Sep 21, 2024  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual


Committees Approved Date    6-20-2017
    Effective Date    6-20-2017
    Revision No.    1.0
    Review Date

1.0    Purpose

This policy establishes guidelines for establishing college committees.

2.0    Revision History

Date Rev. No. Change Ref Section
6-20-17 1.0 Policy rewrite.  
6-20-17 1.1 Added definitions, posting requirements, and review timeline. 5.0, 7.1, and 7.3

3.0    Persons Affected

3.1    All college employees

3.2    Community members who serve on college committees

3.3    Students

3.4    Volunteers

4.0    Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure the following.

4.1    Casper College provides an opportunity for employees to have input on decisions regarding college operations and governance.

4.2    Committees provide for a broad exchange of information, advice, recommendations, and opinions to aid the college in meeting its mission.

4.3    The committee structure provides clear lines of responsibility, authority, and communication.

5.0    Definitions

5.1    Committee Duration

5.1.1    Standing. An on-going committee.

5.1.2    Ad Hoc. A committee dissolved after the completion of the task or achievement of the objective for which the committee was formed.

5.2    Committee Types

5.2.1    College Committee. A committee that provides recommendations and guidance on matters of operation. The president or an Executive Council member establishes standing and ad hoc college committees.

5.2.2    Departmental or School Committee. A committee that consider matters within or across departments or schools. Vice presidents, associate vice-presidents, deans, and directors establish standing and ad hoc departmental or school committees.

5.2.3    Advisory Committee. A committee comprised of knowledgeable, prominent, and credible volunteers who provide advice, opinions, and support to an employee group or program. Members may be community members or college employees. An advisory committee does not have formal legal responsibilities or decision-making authority. Employees may establish an advisory committee with approval of their supervisor.

5.3    Executive Council. This council consists of the president; vice presidents of academic affairs, student services and administrative services; director of information technology; executive dean of continuing education; and director of public relations.

5.4    Alliances. Representative bodies of the three employee groups: faculty, administrative and professional, and classified staff. The composition and responsibilities of the alliances are outlined in their bylaws. Bylaws must be in accordance with Board of Trustees policies and may not limit the power or authority of any academic or administrative officer to follow board policy or the law. Alliances may make recommendations through their representatives or to an executive council member depending on the matter under consideration. Alliances may establish committees that consider matters pertaining to their respective areas.

5.5    Associated Students of Casper College. A representative group of the student body. The composition and responsibilities of Student Government are outlined in their bylaws. Bylaws must be in accordance with Board of Trustees policies and may not limit the power or authority of any academic or administrative officer to follow board policy or the law. ASCC may make recommendations through their representatives or to the vice president of student services. ASCC may establish committees that consider matters pertaining to students.

5.6    Ex Officio Committee Member. A committee member assigned because of the position the person holds.

6.0    Responsibilities

6.1    The president is responsible for establishing and reviewing college standing and ad hoc committees.

6.2    Executive council members, associate vice presidents, deans, and directors are responsible for establishing and reviewing departmental or school committees.

6.3    The alliances per their bylaws are responsible for establishing and reviewing alliance committees.

7.0    Procedures

7.1    The position responsible for establishing a committee determines the following characteristics of the committee.

  • Committee name
  • Purpose and objective
  • Standing or ad hoc
  • Committee type: college, departmental, school, advisory, alliance, student, etc.
  • Membership composition, number of members, membership terms, and whether members are elected or appointed
  • Authority
  • Budget
  • Minutes and reporting requirements

7.2    The committee chair is responsible for submitting initial information about a committee and subsequent updates to the Public Relations Department ticket system. College committees must be listed on the Casper College committee webpage. Departmental, school, advisory, alliances, and student government committees should be listed on related websites and may be linked to the college’s committee webpage.

7.3    The position that established the committee should evaluate the need, usefulness, and functioning of any committee at least every two years.