Sep 21, 2024  
CC Policy Manual 
CC Policy Manual

Purchasing Signature Authority

Purchasing Signature Authority Approved Date    5-17-16
    Effective Date    5-17-16
    Revision No.    1.0

1.0    Purpose

This policy establishes guidelines for authorization of purchases from all funding sources.

2.0    Revision History

Date Rev. No. Change Ref Section
5-17-16 1.0 New  

3.0    Persons Affected

3.1    All employees

3.2    Vendors

4.0    Policy

The policy of Casper College is to ensure the following.

4.1    Only authorized employees may sign for purchases. This policy does not provide authorization to sign contracts.

4.2    Purchases are reviewed and approved.

4.3    The college has a process to delegate signature authority.

5.0    Definitions

5.1    Conflict of Interest. When an employee has the opportunity, or appears to have the opportunity, to influence college operations in a way that could result in a personal financial or other benefits to the employee and the employee’s immediate family.

5.2    Executive Council. This council consist of the president; vice presidents of academic affairs, student services and administrative services; information technology director; executive dean of continuing education; and public relations director.

5.3    Funding Sources. External and internal funds to include general operation budget funds, grant funds, and Casper College Foundation funds.

5.4    Purchasing Signature Authority. The authority to sign requisitions and petty cash slips. Employees may not approve their own expenses or petty cash slips. They must obtain approval from their supervisor.

The following table identifies maximum authorization limits by position. Employees may not split purchases into smaller dollar valued purchases to change who has signing authority. Employees with signature authority may only sign for units under their authority, unless they have been delegated such authority. The president and the vice president of administrative services (VPAS) may delegate or revoke purchasing signature authority at their discretion.

Position Authorization Limit
President $500,000
VPAS $250,000
Executive Council Members $50,000
Associate VP, Dean, or Director $10,000
Department Chair, Program Director,  Coordinator or Archivist  $1,000

5.5    Delegation of Signature Authority. Assigning signature authority to another employee. The employee assigning the authority must send a written delegation notice to the VPAS prior to the delegatee signing any documents. The delegation notice must include the name of the employee to whom authority is being delegated, the beginning and ending dates of the delegation, and the maximum amount for which the delegatee is authorized. The delegatee cannot delegate the authority received to another person.

6.0    Responsibilities

6.1    The VPAS is responsible for maintaining compliance with this policy.

7.0    Procedures

7.1    Employees sign requisitions and petty cash slips up to their authorized level. Signature stamps are not allowed. They present these documents to their supervisor when the request is above their authorization limit.

7.2    The supervisor reviews the financial document, seeks additional information when warranted, and signs the document when appropriate. If the request is above the supervisor’s authorization level, each employee within the chain of command will present the request up to the person authorized to sign the request.