Jul 28, 2024  
Catalog 2012-2013 
Catalog 2012-2013 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

General Policies

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, Title IV, Public Law 90-247, as amended, Section 438

  1. Under this act, Casper College will provide the student access to official records directly related to the student, and the student will be given opportunity for a hearing to challenge personal records on the grounds that they are inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise inappropriate. The registrar will accept petitions of challenge as outlined in this act. Grades may be challenged under this policy only on the basis of the accuracy of their transcription.
  2. Casper College will attempt to obtain the written consent of the student before releasing personally identifiable data about the student from the records to other than legally allowed exceptions.
  3. The student is hereby notified of these rights and will be notified annually through the Student Handbook.

Title IX of the Higher Education Act of 1972 as Amended

Throughout this catalog the masculine pronoun is generic and should be construed to apply equally to men and women. It is the intent of Casper College to be in compliance with Title IX.

Americans with Disabilities Act & Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973

Casper College students with an ADA and/or Section 504 qualified disabling condition may not be excluded from any course or course of study because of their disability. Students seeking accommodative services under the provisions of ADA or Section 504 must meet with the disability services counselor, located in the Student Success Center, Room 342 of the Gateway Building, prior to the implementation of expected services. Some services may require more than 72 hours lead time to be put into effect. Written documentation is required in order to be qualified for accommodative services.

Policy on Sexual Harassment

These policies and procedures may be subject to change by action of the district board, the central administration where authorized, and legislative and congressional action. Discrimination based on race, color, religion, gender, age, handicap, national origin or veteran status shall not exist in the college’s treatment of employees and students according to college policy, which includes a commitment to maintain an environment free from harassment based on gender. There are established procedures for review which are available from the Affirmative Action Officer, Room 402 of the Gateway Building.

Casper College reaffirms the principle that its students, faculty and staff have a right to be free from sex discrimination in the form of sexual harassment by any member of the college community.

Sexual harassment is defined as any attempt to coerce an unwillni g person into a sexual relationship; to subject a person to unwanted sexual attention; to punish a refusal to comply; to create a sexually intimidating, hostile or offensive working or education environment. Sexual harassment is understood to include a wide range of behaviors, from actually coercing sexual relations to unwelcome emphasis on sexual identity. This definition will be interpreted and applied consistently with accepted standards of mature behavior, academic freedom and freedom of expression.

Sexual harassment in any situation is reprehensible; it is particularly damaging when it exploits the educational dependence and trust between students and faculty. When the authority and power which are inherent in the relationship between a faculty member and their students are abused, (whether overtly, implicitly or through misinterpretation), there is a potential for great damage to individual students, to the person about whom the complaint is made, and to the educational climate of the college. Thus, it is important for faculty members and other individuals in positions of authority to be sensitive to the questions about mutuality of consent that may be raised, and to the conflicts of interest that are inherent in personal relationships where professional and educational relationships are also involved.

Individuals who believe they have been sexually harassed may obtain redress through the established informal and formal procedures of the college. Complaints about sexual harassment will be responded to promptly and equitably. The right to confidentiality of all members of the college community will be respected in both informal and formal procedures, insofar as possible. College policy explicitly prohibits retaliation against individuals for bringing complaints of sexual harassment. An individual found responsible for sexual harassment is subject to disciplinary action for violations of college policy, consistent with existing procedures.

Individuals seeking redress or information concerning sexual harassment should use the following resources:

  • The Director of Human Resources, Gateway Building, 4th Floor, has institutional responsibility for monitoring compliance with Title VII and Title IX.
  • Any individual who feels that a sexual harassment complaint did not receive prompt and equitable response should contact the office of the President.
  • The Denver Regional Office of the Department of Education or the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission Office in Denver are also available to address issues of sexual harassment.